Student “I Can Statements”for
Cognitive Development Birth to Three
Early Childhood
I can statement / Standard # metI can pay attention to people and objects.
I can use senses to explore people, objects and the environment.
I can attend to colors, shapes, patterns or pictures.
I can show interest and curiosity in new people and objects.
I can make things happen and watch for the results or repeat action. / To develop new skills, knowledge and the ability to acquire and process new information through play and interaction with others and the environment.
Student “I Can Statements” for
Social and Emotional Development
Birth to Three
Early Childhood
I can statement / Standard # metI can engage in behaviors that build relationships with familiar adults.
I can show emotional connection and attachment to others.
I can express feelings and emotions through facial expressions, sounds or gestures.
I can show confidence in increasing abilities.
I can develop awareness of self as separate from others.
I can begin to manage my own behavior and show self-regulation.
I can understand simple routines, rules or limitations.
I can show interest in and awareness of other children.
I can respond to and interact with other children.
I can begin to recognize and respond to other children’s feelings and emotions.
I can begin to show concern for others.
I can learn social skills and eventually use words for expressing feelings, needs and wants.
I can use imitation or pretend play to learn new roles and relationships. / To approach the world with a sense of trust and emotional security.
Student “I Can Statements” for
Physical and Motor Development
Birth to Three
Early Childhood
I can statement / Standard # metI can use hands or feet to make contact with objects or people.
I can develop small muscle control and coordination.
I can coordinate eye and hand movements.
I can use different actions on objects.
I can control small muscles in hands when doing simple tasks. / Fine Motor Development
I can move body, arms and legs with coordination.
I can demonstrate large muscle balance, stability, control and coordination.
I can develop increasing ability to change positions and move body from place to place.
I can move body with purpose to achieve a goal / Gross Motor Development
Student “I Can Statements” for
Language Development and Communication
Birth to Three
Early Childhood
I can statement / Standard # metI can show interest in listening to sounds.
I can listen with interest to language of others.
I can respond to verbal communication of others.
I can respond to nonverbal communication of others.
I can begin to understand gestures. I can begin to understand words.
I can begin to understand questions.
I can begin to understand routines. / To acquire language and the ability to communicate successfully with others.
Student “I Can Statements” for
Adaptive Physical Health and Well-Being
Birth to Three
Early Childhood
I can statement / Standard # metI can show characteristics of healthy development.
I can respond when physical needs are met.
I can express physical needs nonverbally or verbally.
I can participate in physical care routines.
I can begin to develop self help skills.
I can begin to understand safe and unsafe behaviors. / Promote health and well-being.