BMA Divisions Appendix 5

Annual report and financial statement – 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013

Please sign & return this form via hard or scanned copy to Pauline Button ()

by 21 March 2014

Incomplete or late submission of forms will delay grant allocations

1. Name of division ………………………………………………………………..


Deputy Chairman
Press secretary

2. Please list the number of meetings held during 2013 and average attendance at the meetings

Annual General Meeting / Date held / Attendance
Number of meetings / Average attendance
Full divisional meetings
Executive meetings held
Scientific meetings
Social or charitable functions[1]

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Please indicate in box if full information on meetings is on the division website

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3. Please set out proposed meetings to be held during 2014 and proposed dates

Annual General Meeting / Date
Number of meetings / Dates
Full divisional meetings
Executive meetings
Scientific meetings
Political meetings
Social or Charitable functions[1]

4. Please give a brief report on the following:

a) Activities in the past year

b) Particular successes or innovations

c) Aims for next year

d) Non-financial assistance required for next year e.g speakers on particular subjects

5. Please list the expenditure in 2013 and the estimated expenditure for 2014 below

Expenditure in 2013 / Estimated expenditure in 2014
Hire of room
Light refreshments
Speakers fees
Clerical assistance
Other items (please specify each item):

Are there any unpaid accounts? If so how much? ………………………………………………………………

Has there been any interest earned from 1 January to 31 December 2013? If so how much? ………………

Amount of grant received in 2013: £………………

Balance at 31 December 2012:£……………… Balance at 31 December 2013:£…………………

Suggest amount requested in order to meet expenditure for 2014 / £

6. Bank details

Names of signatories on the division bank account (Minimum of two are required) / Office Held / BMA membership number
Name of bank
Title of account
Account number
Sort code

Please note that payment to division accounts will be made by BACS (not by cheque) so please ensure that you provide the required bank details in accordance with the guidance notes.

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Is the division’s regalia registered at the BMA (see section 6of the guidance notes)? Yes  No OR

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Does the division have a local policy? 

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Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Secretary

[1] Please note that expenditure under this heading should come from the division’s number two account.
