Meeting Summary

Community Planning Team Meeting 2

Darra Oxley Neighbourhood Plan

Meeting Details


/ Wednesday 5 October 2010
Time: / 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: / Darra Cementco Bowls Club
Objectives: / ·  Feedback on issues and aspirations gathered at CPT meeting 1
·  Presentation and refinement of Darra and Oxley District Vision Statement
·  Discussion and feedback on Draft Land Use Scenarios


Community Planning Team (CPT) Members:
Chris, Darryn, Frances, Malene, Ray, Bordan, Jeni, Steve, Ahmad, Robert, Irene, Cathy, Andrea, Allan, Christina, John, Shephen, Kay, Nathan, Steven, Stuart, Francis, Andrew, Therese, Steven, Bill, Mariel, Donna, Vina, Ian
Huu Thinh, Marie, Angus, David
Brisbane City Council Officers:
Donna Bowe, Rosie Barry, Kristelle Darr, Kate Bourne, Nicole Johnson, Simon Clayton, Kristy Neilson, Ben Starkey, John Roelandts, Jeff Buckley, Kate Bourne, Lorraine Lee
Cr Milton Dick – Richlands Ward Office

Discussion Details

After tea and coffee and informal introductions, the meeting commenced at 6:00pm.

1.  Welcome and Agenda

Kristelle Darr (KD), Community Planning & Engagement Officer, Community Services Brisbane City Council welcomed the CPT members and acknowledged the traditional owners of the land where the meeting was being held.

KD introduced the members of Darra Oxley Neighbourhood Plan and Cr Milton Dick. KD requested that any CPT members who had not signed and returned the Terms of Reference document do so at this meeting. Details of the evenings objectives were explained to the CPT and group courtesy rules clarified.

2.  Activity 1

KD invited the CPT to take part in a quick activity to introduce themselves to others at the table. Each CPT member explained their nomination type (business, resident, land owner, community organisation) and where they lived or worked within the Plan area.

3.  Update on the Neighbourhood Planning process and Community Engagement

KD updated the CPT on all the Community Engagement to date. She explained that more collation time is needed on the Issues and Aspirations survey before Council makes the information available online. The key issues have been prioritised and JR went through them as follows:

·  “Getting Around”

–  Traffic congestion - Harcourt Road, Oxley Road, around train stations and schools.

–  Improvements to parking, vehicle and pedestrian safety around public transport stations.

–  Lack of footpaths in areas (reducing pedestrian safety) and need for extended bikeways to improve connectivity through the district.

–  Improvements to public transport routes, timetables and facilities.

·  Land Use/Built Form

–  Preserve and encourage a greater mix of uses in the Darra and Oxley centres, including more locally owned and run businesses, such as retail boutiques, delis, restaurants and coffee shops.

–  Built form that is sustainable in design and compatible with the surrounding environment.

–  Potential areas for a diversity of new residential opportunities situated around train stations.

·  Community Facilities/Events

–  Common and community space lost due to new infrastructure projects – need for relocation.

–  No Council library in the neighbourhood planning area.

–  Involve youth in planning for community facilities in Darra and Oxley.

–  Community events in Darra and Oxley (e.g. street party, farmers markets).

·  Parks, Open Space and Environment

–  Better park facilities and improved safety – BBQs, dog off-leash areas, play equipment, sport and recreation ovals, lighting, and surveillance.

–  Maintenance of open space areas – mosquito infestation in Jindalee Creek off Queensland Road, maintenance of grassed areas and vegetation, illegal dumping of rubbish.

–  Protection of flora and fauna e.g. kangaroos in Centenary Village, echidnas sighted in Jindalee Creek corridor.

·  “Getting Around”

–  Cycle and Pedestrian Connectivity (Active Transportation)

•  Well-linked cycle ways to public transport interchanges.

•  Population intensification (800m/1000m) from public transport interchanges.

–  Direct routes from industrial estates onto highway – limiting heavy vehicles in residential areas.

–  More buses from surrounding suburbs to train stations (reduction of private vehicle usage).

–  Safe routes for kids to school (pedestrian and cycle).

·  Land Use/Built Form

–  Incorporating the principles of transit-oriented development:

•  Increased development situated around train stations.

•  Mixed use around public transport stations – creation of more active spaces.

–  Compatibility between built form densities and the natural environment.

–  Darra Central – “a culture and food destination”.

·  Community Facilities

–  Accessible community centre.

–  Indoor/outdoor multi-purpose facility for young people.

–  Ownership of the community hall/space in Centenary Village.

–  Library with internet access (mobile library?)

·  Parks, Open Space and Environment

–  Improved connectivity of pedestrian and cycle ways to local parks and the river.

–  Maintain the balance between green space and development.

–  Ducie Street Park Master Plan – enhanced park facilities.

–  Parks - community safety, shade, lighting, amenities, visual amenity.

–  Community garden e.g. Rocks Riverside Park Community Garden.

KD explained engagement with local community groups is currently taking place and the consultation with Internal Program Partners is ongoing over September/October/November. All of the information gathered via these meetings, surveys and targeted engagement will be used throughout the planning process and will help the Neighbourhood Planning team prepare and deliver the Plan.

KD thanked the CPT for continued feedback in between meetings and acknowledged that many people consider Darra and Oxley two contrasting suburbs. She reiterated that the CPT meetings are not just about looking at your own backyard but thinking about the bigger, broader community perspective. The activities run during the CPT meetings are created to give everyone time to comment, people were asked to respect others point of view.

KD advised the CPT of a Business Breakfast on 27 October 2010 which will specifically look at potential land use options and present the findings of a recent business and economic survey of the Plan area.

4.  Activity 2 – Aspirations to Vision Statement

JR spoke on the emerging Vision Statement for Neighbourhood Plan. The neighbourhood vision will be instrumental in ensuring that Darra and Oxley is a sustainable, vibrant and prosperous district. The five vision themes are intended to reflect the aspirations for the Darra and Oxley District, guiding the future development of the area. The five themes are:

•  Activity Centres and Liveability

•  Culture and Community Life

•  Sustainable Transport

•  Quality Built Environment

•  Natural Environment

The second activity was an opportunity for the CPT to provide input on the vision and the broader statements for each theme. CPT members were invited to discuss the Vision Statement at their tables, question if they have captured the key aspirations for the area.

5.  Activity 3 – Draft land use scenarios

The purpose of the final activity was to provide the CPT members an opportunity to give feedback on a draft land use scenario for Darra and draft land use scenario for Oxley. The CPT were asked to comment on what they liked and disliked about the draft scenario and encouraged to indicate areas of support and concern.

Kate Bourne (KB), Senior Urban Planner, Neighbourhood Planning Brisbane City Council explained that a Draft Land Use Scenario is a way for the town planners to begin sharing thoughts on possible land use changes. The Scenarios also show possible changes to density in the Darra Oxley District Plan area.

KB explained and showed photographic examples of some land classifications which would help CPT members interrupt the maps. Referring to the Darra and then Oxley Draft Land Use Scenarios, KB discussed some of the classifications including:

Low - Medium Density Residential (1-3 storeys)
Medium Density Residential (4-6 storeys)
Multi Purpose 3 Centre (8-12 storeys)
Light Industrial
Mixed Industry and Business / Community Use
Sport and Recreation
Open Space/Parkland
Investigation areas (emerging community)

The information gathered from this activity will assist the planners in forming the draft Strategy Plan which will be released to the wider community in a newsletter in early 2011.

6.  Next steps

KD advised the CPT of upcoming sessions including the Business Breakfast, CPT 3 and the public “Get to know your Darra and Oxley District Neighbourhood Plan” session.

KD stated that the information gathered at the meeting would be used to assist the planners in amending the draft land use scenarios.

7.  Conclusion

KD opened the floor for questions and then thanked the CPT for their time and feedback.

The meeting closed at 8:30pm.

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