Michael Bates Peterhead & Fraserburgh Fish Processors Association
Darren Broadley Peter & J Johnstone Ltd
George Cameron Aberdeenshire Council
Bruce Fleming Angus Council
Linda Hope Scottish Maritime College (Chairperson)
Ian Land Seafood Scotland
Gill Lawrie (sub) Angus Council
Derek McDonald Aberdeenshire Council
Robin Maddock Banffshire Partnership Ltd
Stephen Murray Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishing
Andrew Newton Kincardineshire Development Partnership
Harry Simpson Mackay Boat Builders (Arbroath) Ltd
Diane Tait (sub) Buchan Development Partnership
Ian Watson Fraserburgh Development Trust
Officers in Attendance
Martin Brebner Team Manager European Policies & Programmes
David John McRobbie European Programmes Co-ordinator
June Jaffrey European Programmes Claims Officer
Anne-Margaret Anderson Scottish Whitefish Producers Association
David Anderson Aberdeen Fish Producers Association
Jamie Bell Scottish Enterprise
Anne Birnie North East Scotland Fishermen’s Organisation
James Bream Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce
Jimmy Buchan Scottish Fishermen’s Organisation
John Cox Moray Firth & Northern Inshore Fisheries Group
Allan Crockart Scottish Seafood Association
Georgios Gkintziris Angus Council
Roger Goodyear Banffshire Coast Tourism Partnership
Shelly Hague Angus Council
Philip Smith Visit Scotland
Brian Stewart-Coxon Federation of Small Businesses
1. / WELCOME & APOLOGIES1.1 / Linda welcomed those present and round the table introductions were made for the benefit of Angus LAG members.
2.1 / The draft minute of the AFLAG meeting held on 11 June 2015 was approved by Robin Maddock and seconded by Linda Hope.
3.1 / Martin advised that the queries on the new programme were discussed with Mark Nicol; i.e. Seafish capacity, total number of FLAGS etc.
· It was confirmed that the start date of the new programme has slipped and that funding allocations have yet to be confirmed but should be notified to us by January 2016. The NESFLAG would like clarification on these.
· It was confirmed that staff will be trained on the UK-wide on-line application system as all project applications will have to be submitted through this system (with guidance and assistance from David John and Martin Brebner). Comments were received regarding concerns on Government wide IT system which currently have issues; this is not expected to impact on ourselves but it was noted that once the programme is operational teething issues will become apparent.
· The NESFLAG were advised that Panos Pliatsikas, Fisheries Project Officer, is leaving his post this month and at this point it is uncertain if he is to be replaced. (Marine Scotland suggest staff replacement comes out of the Admin budget).
· Martin asked the NESFLAG for their view on the transferral of staff from the old programme to the new programme; David John (Co-ordinator), June (Claims Officer) transferred fulltime and Martin (Team Manager) transferred on 1/6th of his time. The Chair approved these arrangements with no other comments being received.
· Staff are to be located within the wider LEADER team in Inverurie. There is consideration for David John to be located in Peterhead or Fraserburgh given desk capacity in these locations. The NESFLAG were asked for their view on this arrangement with Angus Council preference being a central Aberdeenshire location; David John clarified that there is no restriction on his base and that he can work flexibly across the Shire. Angus Council extended an invitation to him to work in Angus/Arbroath during the animation stages of the programme.
4.1 / David John raised several queries and concerns.
· Aid intensity rates – rates can differ for different types of project applications with the PAC/Lag discussing this point during application approval stage. It has been confirmed that support of up to 50% is potentially available for private businesses and up to 100% intervention for community projects.
· Match funding – will come through directly from Scottish Government
· EMFF draft guidance – was received some time ago with Martin and David John feeding back queries and suggested additions. Parts of the guidance were further queried i.e. Marine Scotland to send out the applicant approval documents, future project claims will be submitted to Marine Scotland for payment, release of payments to be made by Marine Scotland. It was clarified that the NESFLAG will be responsible for capacity building, consideration of applications in the first instance, co-operation projects, complaints etc.
· Project approvals – it was clarified that although the PAC and NESFLAG may approve a project application Marine Scotland could potentially reject and application. The Co-ordinator would ensure that applications are eligible for grant prior to their submission.
· Declaration of Interest – any NESFLAG member who is involved in a project submission cannot participate in meeting discussions regarding that project. Subsequently no notification of project applications outcomes can be made until official notification is sent by the NESFLAG administration directly to the applicant.
· Project scoring – NESFLAG members will be required to score each project application, this information will be kept on file.
· Appeals – a formal process will be established. Appeals will be considered by NESFLAG and forwarded to Marine Scotland for consideration.
· Application process - as this forms the main part of the new programme this process differs significantly as applications will be submitted by project applicants via an on-line system created by Marine Scotland. Marine Scotland guidance will clarify how the process will operate. It is proposed that training for co-ordinators and applicants will take place in December with the information cascading to NESFLAG members after then.
· Non-eligible items – it has been advised that more non-eligible items are included in the new programme. Further clarification has been sought from Marine Scotland as the guidance is contradictory on this topic.
· Contingency – no contingency or insurance costs will be allowed in the new programme.
· In-kind costs – clarification is required on whether these costs can be counted a match funding or if they are disallowed. Previously volunteer time was treated as in-eligible for grant but counted towards match funding.
· Procurement – Martin and David John asked Marine Scotland to provide further information regarding tendering. It was noted that in the previous programme all FLAGs had been criticised by the auditors for the lack of quotes and tenders. All tenders will be reviewed by the Co-ordinator and it will be reinforced with applicants that this is an important element of the application process and they are required to adhere to the guidelines.
5.2 / Update on North and South Local Development Strategies
These have been approved by the Scottish Government with allocations having been agreed. These will now be formally launched with launch dates having been identified and communicated across Aberdeenshire. NESFLAG members are invited to attend these launches by registering on the Eventbrite website. David John advised that as the Fisheries allocation has not been agreed, he is cautious about launching a programme prior to allocation although he had hoped to align a Fisheries launch in line with the Rural programme this has not been possible. Members will be kept updated when an allocation has been received. Which is anticipated to be an increase from the previous programme, it was to be noted that any underspend would go back to Marine Scotland.
Membership Review
As per the recommendations at the previous NEFLAG meeting, Harry Simpson, Mackay Boat Builders (Arbroath) Ltd, was formally welcomed on the NEFLAG. Harry has a vast experience in the fishing sector with 47 years boatyard experience and 27 years of running a company as well as fishing knowledge in the Arbroath area. David John advised that 23 organisations sit on the NESFLAG consisting of a variety of members in Fisheries, Community, Private and Public sectors with a majority being Fisheries organisations.
5.5 / PAC & Vice Chairs
As per discussions at the last NESFLAG meeting a Project Assessment Committee was to be established with a call being made for members. Another call for members will be made. Four applications were received; five is the minimum with eight being the preferred membership number. The NESFLAG approved the four applications which had been received; Moray Firth and Northern Inshore Fisheries Group, Scottish Enterprise, Banffshire Partnership Ltd, Aberdeenshire Council. It was clarified that the role of the PAC is to examine applications in the first instance prior to them being considered by the NESFLAG, checking eligibility, scoring and making improvements to the applications. Linda sought clarification on the commitment of PAC members and David John advised that yearly, three application rounds would be in place with three PAC and three NESFLAG meetings being held. The venues for these meetings would be Peterhead or Aberdeen for the PAC meetings with the potential to meeting in Angus if required. Video conference facility can be used by group members if and when required. Gill Lawrie advised that Angus LAG is a little behind Aberdeenshire LAGs as they were initially part of Tayside group in the previous programme. Staff changes have taken place with new staff coming into post. They are to hold a shadow LAG meeting shortly where it is hoped a new chair will be secured. Angus wish to have a representative on the NESFLAG PAC and as an outcome of their meeting nominations are expected.
Vice-Chairs have been approved as Andrew Newton and John Cox. Andrew is a scientist concentrating on North Sea fish stocks, working extensively in Brussels on a number of Working Groups and John has experience as a local councillor, chairing local and national groups relating to the fisheries industry.
Logo’s, Website and Marketing Materials
The group were advised that tenders were submitted with local company Fresh Ideas being selected to produce the website and Citrus Mix being the successful tender for marketing materials. David John talked through the website with the group and advised that he and Martin will undertake website training this week. Updates will be added to the website in the Latest News section and Project section. An interactive map showing project locations will be accessible and photographs and text for each project will be available. A link for making project applications will be created when the Scottish Government system is live. Applicants can save and return to draft applications to edit and submit as and when they require. A Members Area will be used by NESFLAG members to view applications and business plans in advance of meetings. Meeting papers will not be printed and posted in future they will be located in the Members Area where members can print or view on-line as the require. Robin asked if NESFLAG members will receive website training; Martin will follow this up. David John advised that Citrus Mix will produce pull-up banners, logos and re-branding; with printing products anticipated in the next few weeks. The group were shown a draft leaflet. The NESFLAG and LAG logos are distinctly different from the Aberdeenshire Council one, with an emphasis being made on the NESFLAG logo to fisheries and the addition of the Angus area in the programme area. Gill asked that David John forward the draft leaflet to Shelley at Angus for information.
Expressions of Interest
David John had been asked previously to re-circulate EOIs as no formal EOIs have been received, no to-date twelve EOIs have been received and entered into the newly created database. It is hoped that once the budget allocation has been advised and once the launch event has taken place further EOIs will be received. It is expected to have applications ready for the first round of approvals. David John advised that the nature of the EOIs were in the way of Pontoons, feasibility studies and training ideas.
George Cameron gave the NESFLAG an overview on the Banff and Macduff Masterplan. After a tender process Fishers Associates were the successful tender bid for a feasibility study. A series of workshops were held and well attended, where ideas were returned and reports created as an outcome. Twenty four objectives were identified and split into quick fix, possible and aspirational projects. George outlined the range of ideas proposed.
Quick fix; Depth gauge, Beach shower
Possible; Quayside work zone, Passenger access, Banff Harbour Wi-Fi (could be merged to include Macduff), Banff website, Power and water supplies extension to North pier, Banff compound extension, business support by way of hot desks
Aspirational; extension to Macduff bulkhead, increase in harbour capacity and slipway deepening, slipway improvements.
George advised that the report will go to the Infrastructure Services Committee and once approved (at the start of December) it will be circulated to the NESFLAG. George advised that the study outcomes can be used for the benefit of the wider area such as Stonehaven etc. It is expected that the Harbour Service will actively interact with other council services and community groups. George further advised that an EOI will be submitted for a Development Officer to sit alongside staff of the Harbour Service.
7. / AOCB
No items arising.
8.1 / A meeting date will be set for January 2016, a doodle poll will be circulated to establish a suitable date.
Linda closed the meeting giving thanks to NESFLAG members for their attendance.