Dance Educators Training Institute

Co-presented by:

ClancyWorks Dance Company and

Baltimore County Public Schools’ Office of Dance

Hosted by: University of Maryland Baltimore County

Department of Dance

August 4-8, 2014

Join us this summer for a week of workshops that will help us to get ready for the 2014-2015 year by re-energizing our dance interests!

The Institute will take place August 4-8, 2014 from 10 am to 4:30 pm each day, and will be held at:

UMBC Department of Dance

Fine Arts 317

1000 Hilltop Circle

Baltimore, MD 21250

Sessions are open to the public, with a particular interest to serve choreographers and performers to highly experienced dance educators as well as teaching artists who are just beginning to work in the field of dance education. Administrators and participants from various arts and educational disciplines are invited and encouraged to attend the workshops.

Workshop Fees:

Fee for the week-long DETI is $300. Early-bird discounted rate is $275 (register before June 15th, 2014).

Single day rate is $100.

Work-study positions are available. Tuition will be waived for Baltimore County Public School teachers, ClancyWorks' Teaching Artists, and UMBC Dance Department Scholars.

For information on how to become a ClancyWorks Teaching Artist email:

r call: 301-717-9271


Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State:_____ Zip:______

Telephone: ______E-mail: ______

T-shirt Size (adult sizes S-XXL): ______

Please submit this registration form, and a non-refundable deposit of $100 (unless you are a BCPS teacher or affiliated with ClancyWorks) to guarantee a space in the workshop. Upon receipt of your registration materials, ClancyWorks will send you a confirmation and orientation materials.

Amount Enclosed: $______or list ClancyWorks, UMBC, or BCPS affiliation______

Please also fill in the questionnaire below indicating previous dance and teaching experience.

Please make checks payable to ClancyWorks, Inc. Please mail to:

ClancyWorks Dance Company

PO Box 3111, Silver Spring, MD 20918

Dance Educators Training Institute 2014


Please complete and return with your registration materials. Your answers will help the workshop facilitators guide their presentations. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form with detailed responses.

1. What dance genres do you currently teach? Please check all that apply.

  • Ballet
  • Modern
  • Jazz
  • Hip-Hop
  • African
  • Tap
  • Others (please list) ______
  • I do not teach dance classes currently

2. What do you hope to gain from the Institute? What do you anticipate learning?

3. What do you hope to learn or experience through the daily technique classes that are offered at the Institute this year?

4. Do you choreograph dances or perform? If so, where do you get inspiration to choreograph dances? What choreographic tools to you utilize most often?

5. Have you taken any health, somatics, exercise science, or nutrition classes before? What do you want to learn at DETI about creating a healthy dancer?

6. What dance resources or textbooks, if any, do you use in the classroom? What type of resources would you like to become more familiar with?

7. Do you use arts integration methodologies in your classroom? What specifically, might be helpful for you to focus on with arts integration at DETI?