How is the Prescribing Guide structured?
The structure as seen in the British National Formulary (BNF) has been adopted owing to its widely accepted and familiar style. You will see the same 15 chapters with all the same subcategories
Each chapter will house all its drugs on a single web page. Simply click on a subcategory in the Chapter content box or scroll down to view drugs in a chapter.
Each drug monograph is hyperlinked to its corresponding page on the online BNF (opens in new window). See example below:
What is the Traffic Light System?
Each drug has been allocated a traffic light to reflect the level of availability or restriction.
/ Second-line – i.e. alternative agents for cases in which first-line drugs have failed or are contra-indicated
/ First-line – these drugs can be prescribed without any specific restrictions
/ Non-formulary – these drugs have been reviewed by the NDF Committee and were not approved for use at this Trust
NOTE: Any drug that does not appear on the
Prescribing Guide has not been reviewed by the
NDF Committee and therefore is also non-formulary
What are Guidance buttons?
See example below:
Consultant / Click on these buttons to reveal evidence-based prescribing guidance developed by a consultant or pharmacist. The guidance will be presented in the following format: Summary Statement, Background and Reference (see below).
Health Topics / These buttons will link you to the Health Topic in which your drug appears (see below).
How do I use the Health Topics section?
This section has been designed to group together formulary approved drugs for specific conditions or disease, also known as Health Topics.
See example on reverse.
- Click on the Health Topics link from the homepage (or from the top of any chapter)
- Click on a Health Topic e.g. Heart failure
- You then arrive to the ‘Heart Failure Health Topic’web page. Here you will find local / national guidance (guidelines, algorithms etc.) as well as all formulary approved drugs commonly used for this condition.
Click on any drug to link to the chapter in which it appears where you will find its designated traffic light, a link to the BNF and possibly a Consultant or Pharmacist button for more guidance.
How do I search for drugs?
To search for a drug, there are three methods:
- Use Quick Index bar
(present on every page) - Use the new Search bar
(only on the Index page) - Use Health Topics
- Use Chapters (if you are familiar with BNF structuring)
/ When you see this icon, read the text beside it. It is designed to help you navigate more efficiently.
How can I give feedback?
- We welcome any feedback or recommendations to help improve this service
- Contact Sandeep Bagga
(Senior Pharmacist – Formulary) - Email:
- Extension: 4796 (Lister)
- Bleep: 1477
How to use the
Prescribing Guide
NOW available on the Trust Intranet
This leaflet provides an overview of the main functions of the Prescribing Guide with simple instructions for use
Key benefits of the
Prescribing Guide
- Instant access to eBNF
- Links to Trust Guidelines
- Evidence-based guidance
- NDF decisions for new drugs
- Links to NICE guidance, NPSA alerts, MHRA / CSM warnings
- Drug Traffic Light System
- Health Topics section