Gateway to Baltic - Adriatic
Core Network Corridor
HOTEL MILENIJ, Opatija, Croatia
NOVEMBER 20-22 2017
Participate in the Conference on Sea, Traffic and Logistics 2017 from 20 to 22 November
TheConference on Sea,Transport and Logistics 2017, which is underthehighpatronage of thePresident of theRepublic of Croatia Mrs. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, is envisioned as anambitiousjoint (interms of lobbying, science and business) endeavourtaken on by all theparticipants from theecosystem of the Rijeka trafficroute.Thiswillbethe first time that all therelevantdomestic and foreignactors and “policymakers“, who are responsible for the Baltic – Adriatic Corridorwillgatherin one place. The most importantparticipantsin transport and logistics from thecountriesalongthecorridor, technologicalleaders and providers of innovativesolutions for theoptimization and digitaltransformation of port operations, transport and logisticswilldemonstratetheopportunities for strengtheningthecompetitiveness of thecorridor.
Theconferencewill provide insightintothelatestscientificdevelopments, innovativetechnologicalsolutions for theimprovement and digitaltransformation of operations, as well as possiblefunding of projectsrelating to thefurtherdevelopment of trafficinfrastracture.
Late 2016 sawthelaunch of political initiatives for theinclusion of Croatia inthe Baltic – Adriatic Corridor, whichextends from the Baltic Sea throughPoland, acrossVienna and Bratislava to northern Italy. ThiswassupportedbytheEuropeanParliament at itsplenarysession. ThecountriesparticipatingintheThreeSeasInitative, a project jointlylaunchedby Croatia and Poland, held a successfulsummitinWarsawin 2017. The Rijeka trafficroute, withitsexisting and future resources pertaining to the Adriatic - Baltic Corridor, haspresented and positioneditself as theoptimal alternative for entering/exitingthecorridor, whichwillfurtherstrengthenthecompetitiveness of theroutebyincreasingtheproductivity and quality of service as well as theoperationalsynergies of northern Adriatic ports and maximizethebusinessresults of all members of theecosystemthroughtheoptimization of businessprocesses and theimplementation of innovativeservices.
Thecontent of theConference on Sea, Traffic and Logistics 2017 is intended for theconcessionaires and partners of the Port of Rijeka Authority as well as transport and logisticscompanies from all countriesalongthe Baltic – Adriatic Corridor, institutionalrepresentatives, port authorities and professional associations, chambers of commerce of countriesinthe northern Adriatic and alongthe Baltic - Adriatic Corridor, researchers, members of theacademiccommunity, engineers and students, managers, owners and institutions for thedevelopment of transport and trafficinstructure, as well as representatives of Europeaninstitutions and international professional associations.
Theconferenceseeksout and providesanswers to thechallenges of competingin a dynamicbusinessenvironmentintheEuropean/global marketthroughsolutionsprovidedbyscientific and researchinstitutions and industrialleadersbygivinginsightintogoodbusiness and technologicalpractices./
Lecturers and participants
Theconferencewillbeattendedbylecturers and participants from all countriesalongthecorridor: Poland, theCzechRepublic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, whichwillfacilitatenetworking and creating new businessopportunitiesinthe EU market./
150,00 EuroEarly bird, registration untilOctober 1, 2017
200,00 Euro
for registrationsafterOctober 1, 2017
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