2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31

Visit for help identifying these birds.

2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12


  1. Watch birds for two daysduring the survey period. Count birds at least four times on each day.

2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12

  1. Record the greatest number of species feeding together at one time. Example: If you see six goldfinches at 10 a.m. but later see a group of 12, record 12 goldfinches.
  2. Only count birds seen at or

2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12

  1. around your feeders – flybys don’t count!
  2. SAVE A STAMP: enter results as an email attachment

2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12

  • Always give numbered responses. If you can’t make an exact count, record your best estimate.
  • Birds are listed by category, not alphabetically, to group together similar species.
  • Results published in the Wildlife Diversity Program’s newsletter, “The WildSide,” and the November/December issue of “Outdoor Oklahoma.”

2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12

Complete all parts of this survey:

1. Name


City Zip

County Phone #


2. Have you participated in this survey before?

No Yes, How many years?

3. Describe your ability to identify winter birds:

Excellent (identify 40 + birds)

Good (identify 21 - 40 birds)

Fair (identify 1 - 20 birds)

4. Mark the statement that best describes the area within a 200-yard radius of your yard. Only choose one.

A. Suburban area with small to moderate-sized trees.

B. Suburban area with many large and mature trees.

C. Neighborhood bordering or near rural area.

D. Rural in an agricultural area.

E. Rural in a forested area.

5. Check the following descriptions that best fit the areawhere your feeder is located.

A. Evergreen Cover:

Little or none Moderate Abundant

B. Winter Food Plants:

Little or none



C. Is water readily available (bird bath, pond, etc)?

Yes No

D. What other features are offered for birds?

Brushpile Dense shrubbery

Roost boxes Snags

6. Check the type of feeder(s) in your yard.

Corn Thistle Suet/Miracle Meal

Millet Fruit Sunflower

Milo Mixed Seeds


2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12

7. Record the greatest number of birds seen at your feeders at any one time over the course of two days.

Use numbers, not checkmarks.

2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12

Northern Bobwhite

White winged Dove

Rock Dove (pigeon)

Mourning Dove

Inca Dove

Eurasian Collared-Dove

Pileated Woodpecker

Red-headed Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Downy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

Blue Jay

Flicker (all races)

American Crow

Carolina Chickadee

Tufted Titmouse

Red-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

Brown Creeper

Carolina Wren

Bewick’s Wren

Eastern Bluebird

American Robin

Northern Mockingbird

Brown Thrasher

Cedar Waxwing

European Starling

Northern Cardinal

Eastern Towhee

Spotted Towhee

Fox Sparrow

American Tree Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Field Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Harris’s Sparrow

House Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Brewer’s Blackbird

Rusty Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbird

Common Grackle

Great-tailed Grackle


(eastern & western)

Brown-headed Cowbird

House Finch

Purple Finch (easily confused with House Finch)

Pine Siskin

American Goldfinch

Evening Grosbeak

2014 Winter Bird Feeder Survey
Survey Period: Choose two days between Thursday, January 9 and Sunday, January 12

List other birds seen at feeders:

List other birds seen in the yard but not at feeders:

Return Survey by email attachment to by February 8, 2014

Mail To: Winter Bird Feeder Survey, Wildlife Diversity Program, PO Box 53465, Oklahoma City, OK 7315