Examples of activities offered to groups from grade three to six

Activity / Description / General objective / Specific objective / Targeted skills / Academic subjects touched / Feedback
A lesson from nature / Students read a text on wild gooses comportments. In small groups, students discuss about cooperation strategies used by gooses. / To understand cooperation / Discover the components of
cooperation. / Justify one’s ideas, summarize
ideas out loud, respect the comments of othersin a discussion, come to an agreement. / Oral expression, reading, writing, biology / 1. To go further, it is advantageous to work in team (communication, cheers, confidence, task sharing, etc.)
2. Cooperation is natural, even for animals!
The blind men and the elephant / In small groups, each students receive a different piece of puzzle. Without showing it, each one as to describe it to his/her teammates. Together, they have to find out what the complete image represents. / To understand cooperation / Recognize the importance of sharing
ideas to fully understand a situation. / Justify one’s ideas, respect the
comments of others in a discussion, request
the right to speak, participate equally. / Oral expression / 1. To get understood, it is important to express our ideas properly
2. By gathering everyone’s ideas, we can create a complete idea
Everyone has a role / In small groups, students write (by using a collective Graff) and share how they perceive the roles of the student, the teacher and the school and their specific roles in the launching of a project managed by students. / Living better together / Clarify the roles of the student, the
teacher and school. / Summarize ideas out loud,
participate equally, help others to remember
ideas, reformulate. / Oral expression, writing / 1. It is important to exchange on the different actions each actor could take to respect their own role.
2. A collective Graff helps exchange ideas to build a more complete idea that represent each team members.
Improvising around conflict / In small groups, students need to present an improvisation to the whole class. They need to act a conflict-resolution strategy to solve the conflict written on the improvisation card they received. / Living better together / Use effective strategies
to resolve conflicts. / Participate equally, encourage
others, invite others to express themselves,
come to an agreement. / Oral expression, creativity / 1. Different conflict-resolution strategies may be used to solve conflicts at school or at home
2. Everyone can choose the strategy that suits the best the circumstances and the type of people involved in the conflict
Discovering the values of cooperation / In small groups, students need to define one of the values of cooperation (democracy, equity, responsability, egality, solidarity, mutual aid, sharing) by using the different tools they have (internet, dictionaries, newspapers, etc.) / Living better together / Create awareness about the values
of cooperation. / Criticize ideas not people,
justify one’s ideas, respect the comments of
others in a discussion,reach a consensus. / Oral expression, reading, writing / 1. Different values of cooperation may be applied in words and actions all day long.
2. I team, we can build an idea (definition) more complete than by oneself
Find someone who... / Each student is given a chart on which there is a list of skills, abilities and characteristics. By asking others, each student needs to find one person who possess one of the skills, abilities or characteristics. The gold is to associate a different name to every skills, abilities or characteristics. / Working together / Get to know each other. / Ask questions, wait one’s turn,
request the right to speak, help one another. / Oral expression, reading / 1. It is not always easy to catch ones attention, but different strategies may be used (word, eye contact, physical contact, body language)
2. Sometimes, people we know petty well may possess skills, abilities or characteristics we don’t know
3. Oneself cannot possess all skills, abilities and characteristics, but an entire group can
Let’s discuss / In small groups, students discuss about a text they just read. To do so, they need to use a specific sequence of actions that forces them to listen properly their collegues and resume ideas of others before speaking. / Working together / Learn effective communication
skills and how to have small group discussions / Wait one’s turn, enrich ideas,
complete other people’s answers, reformulate,
reach a consensus. / Reading, oral expression, listening, ethic / 1. Too often, we hear what people say but don’t listen to it properly
2. Ideas brought after a real listening effort are usually richer and of highest quality
I have a clue! / Each member of the team is given a sheet containing a certain number of
clues. Each person must share the clues written on his or her sheet in order to
find the solution. / Working together / Experience one component of
cooperation: inter-dependence. / Communicate, complete other
people’s answers, reformulate, reach a
consensus. / Reading, oral expression, divers academic subjects (history, maths, biology, etc.) / 1. Because oneself cannot know everything, it is worth to work in interdependence
2. To work in interdependence, we need to care about the needs of others, express our needs properly and share our ideas efficiently
The dealer game / Each team receive fragments of geometrical forms. One person ensures that fragments are distributed qually among members. The task is to re-assemble the circle through interacting with the other members in a specific way (fragments are never to be taken, only to be given, the game is played in complete silence, no signs can be made to other players, neither give nor accept suggestions from others, never take fragments from another student’s set, do not place a fragment into another’s circle, etc.). The team succeeds when all members have completed their circles. / Taking a step further / Solve a problem using only
non-verbal communication. / Be sensitive to the needs of
others, help one another, participate equally. / Maths (angles, geometrical forms) / 1. It is important to understand the needs of others
2. Often, it is advantageous for oneself to help his neighbourg
The egg challenge / Each team needs to build, with the given material, an egg shield to protect it from a 2m fall. At the end, the shield will be tested. / Living a project / Work in team and integrate the different component of cooperation. / Communicate, respect ones role, work together to reach a commun gold, participate equally, help one another / Oral expression, physics / 1. work in team may be a challenge, but gives impressive results
2. Respect ones role in a project is essential for the progress of the project

* Other activities are also available to meet the needs of specific groups. Many of these activities may also be preceded by a

TOOBEEZ cooperative game that brings students to move and experiment some components of cooperation.

Examples of activities realised with toobeex material

Activity / All Aboard!
Objective / The entire group must fit inside the TOOBEEZ square
Targeted skills / Help one another, solidarity, communication, group cohesion

Activity / Hoops Pass!
Objective / Pass the TOOBEEZ square around a group as quickly as possible.
Targeted skills / Problem solving, creativity, communication, solidarity, group cohesion

Activity / Side Switch!
Objective / People need to place themselves in alphabetical order without touching the ground outside the structure.
Targeted skills / Problem solving, creativity, communication, solidarity, group cohesion
Activity / Helium Stick!
Objective / Lower the TOOBEEZ stick to the ground everyone together by touching it only from one finger
Targeted skills / Problem solving, communication, synchronism, solidarity, group cohesion