
Association for Achievement and Improvement through Assessment

South West AAIA Day Conference 2016

Engineers’ House, BristolBS8 3NB

Wednesday 16th March 2016

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our 4thregional day conferencewhich will really take you forward in your understanding of deeper learning. The word UKFUNDISAcomes from Mandela’s language (Xhosa) and means to cause to learn. Jan Dubiel (Effective Assessment in EYFS) uses it when explaining the state of flow that comes when learners are immersed in their learning, and making maximum use of their existing knowledge to create new understanding.

The programme will feature:

  • Keynote by Jan Dubiel who will explore the type of teaching that causes pupils to learn deeply, enables them to make sense of the world by reinterpreting existing knowledge, and promotes their well-being.
  • Time for reflection and discussion that will impact on your provision and improve your assessment evidence
  • Time to explore your own responses as learners.
  • The opportunity to learn the UKFUNDISA way, experience “flow” as you do so and consider the evidence produced of deep learning.


The brief outline below will give you the flavour of the day. Take a look then complete and return the application that followsnow, as places are limited to a maximum of 75!

AAIA members and Early Bird Applications before 5pm Jan 29th £110

Non-members and later applications £120

Please arrive in time to park, register and relax over a coffee or a tea which will be available from 9.00am. The Conference will begin promptly at 9.30am and finish equally promptly at 3.30pm

Programme for the day

09.00amRegistration, tea and coffee

09.30Introduction and welcome: Jenny Short (AAIA SW Chair)

09.40-10.40`Keynote: Jan Dubiel:

10.45-11.05Reflections and Key Questions

11.05-11.30Coffee Break

11.35-12.55Working Groups; a) Your preferred learning

b) The Ukfundisa experience


1.45-3.15 Guided Professional Exchanges and Dialogue to make the new learning explicit and to gather a range of ideas.

3.15-3.30Closing activity and comments

All delegates will benefit from all the working groups’ experiences.

Each workshop will feature the use of techniques that will cause delegates to learn effectivelyin a particular context specific to that workshop. You will take away ideas and practical resources to add to your own professional toolbox!

Delegates will work collaboratively to evaluate the methods used in their workshop and consider the nature and the quality of evidence these generated for assessment purposes. Relevant follow up activities to complete the day will model good practice and ensure that the new learning is shared fully through professional dialogue.

South West AAIA Conference 2016


teaching that causes you to learn, and provides rich evidence that you have done so!

Engineers House, Bristol

16th March 2016, 9.00am – 3.30pm


First delegate:
/ AAIA member
Additional delegates:
Name: / Role/position:
Additional delegates:
Name: / Role/position:
Email address (conference information will be sent to you via this address)
Special dietary requirements:
Payment details
Members and Early Bird Applications (by Jan 30th) £110
Conference fee non-members and later applicants £120 / Address for invoicing (if different from Email address above):
Please write the number of the cheque:
(Cheques to be made payable to AAIA)
Please note that many Schools and Local Authorities will no longer pay an invoice without an order number. / ORDER Number:
The conference is open to AAIA members at a rate of £100 Information about joining AAIA can be found on the AAIA website:

Please return this form, by Friday 26th February 2016,together with a cheque to:

Deb Whittle, SW AAIA Conference 2016

3, Century Mews, 100, High St., Waddesdon, Bucks HP180JD or email it to: and you will be invoiced shortly afterwards.