The Knight Informer
Waconia Knights of Columbus Council # 2506
Volume No. 16 – Issue 7
Grand Knights MessageBrother Knights,
I would like to start my first message as Grand Knight by thanking you for electing me to be the Grand Knight for the 2016-2017 council year. During this coming year I would like our focus to be on
how the Holy Spirit is driving the decisions that we make as men and as a council. As men we are called to be patriarchs of our families and as Brother Knights we can be patriarchs for our Catholic Community. As a council we accomplish many great acts of charity, and I believe that with renewing our hearts and minds to the power of the Holy Spirit we can continue to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God.
During this coming council year we should ask the Holy Spirit for guidance as we make decisions for ourselves, families and council. Our actions and charitable giving should be driven by asking ourselves how does this decision help people to know, love and serve the Lord. Let us, Brother Knights, submit to the Holy Spirt for guidance in all we think, say, and do. By this submission we can rest peacefully in knowing that our actions are rooted solely in how we can help build disciples for our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. "When they lead you away and hand you over, do not worry beforehand about what you are to say.
But say whatever will be given to you at that hour. For it will not be you who are speaking but the holy Spirit." (Mark 13:11)
Vivat Jesus, Austin J. Hagen G.K.
Did you know you can buy life insurance for your children and grandchildren?*
Mike Weed*
Knights of Columbus
July Regular Meeting
Our next regular meeting and Potluck Supper will be on July 19th at our Klein Drive Park at 7pm. This will be an open social event with everyone welcome. Please plan to attend.
Thank you, Lecturers Dan Niesen
Harlan Lemke
Pro-Life Activities
The Psalmist says: “You knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalms 139:13). Every child growing within the mother’s womb is part of the eternal loving plan of God the Father: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you”(Jer.1:5). Each child has a place in God’s heart from all eternity; once he or she is conceived, the Creator’s eternal dream comes true. Let us pause to think of the great value of that embryo from the moment of conception. We need to see it with the eyes of God, who always looks beyond mere appearances.
Our parish's Pro-Life group prays the Rosary every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9 am at St. Joseph Church All are welcome to participate. They also place flags for the Pro-Life display at the church and attend prayer vigils at Planned Parenthood in St. Paul.
Pro-Life meetings are the last Sunday of the month after 8:30 Mass in the St. Joseph Church Basement. All are welcome.
Life is a gift from God-Thank God for this great gift.
Bernie Rauen, Pro-Life
Good of the Order …
Remember in your prayers, members in sickness and distress... Chuck Whittaker, Bill Paal, Father Bill Paron, Jerry Laumann, Ed Hammers Sr., Stan Riegert, Jim Steinhagen, Patty Kirsch, Leon Kelzer, Vince Giesen and Frank Klepperich, and and the safe return of our St. Joseph church members in the United States military, abroad & on our shores.
2016-17 Council Year
Following is the council’s slate of officers who have agreed to serve, if elected, during our upcoming year. Please note that the Deputy Grand Knight position is not filled. We need someone to volunteer or be nominated to serve in that position. Election will take place during our May regular meeting. Nominations will be open and accepted from the floor.
Grand Knight Austin Hagen 956-2801
Deputy Grand Knight
Chancellor Ken Gerding 442-4357
Recording Secretary Joe Eiden 612-751-2924
Financial Secretary Ted Schugg 442-6374
Treasurer Jim Ebert 442-2621
Lecturer Dan Niesen 442-2601
Advocate Tom Johnston 442-8674
Warden Chuck Monson 612-710-8937
Inside Guard Patrick Witherow 612-961-2008
Outside Guard Roger Leuthner 443-2207
Three Year Trustee Eugene Miller 442-5404
Two Year Trustee Daniel Steinhagen 442-2769
One Year Trustee Larry Revering 466-3367
/ Upcoming Calendar Dates!
· July 19th Regular Meeting
· August 2nd Business Meeting
· August 16th Regular Meeting
· September 6th Business Meeting
· September 20th Regular Meeting
Grand Knight – Austin Hagen
Deputy Grand Knight-
Chancellor – Ken Gerding
Recording Secretary –Joe Eiden
Financial Secretary – Ted Schugg
Treasurer – Jim Ebert
Lecturer – Dan Niesen
Advocate – Tom Johnston
Warden – Chuck Monson
Inside Guard–Patrick Witherow
Outside Guard – Roger Leuthner
3 Year Trustee – Eugene Miller
2 Year Trustee – Daniel Steinhagen
1 Year Trustee – Larry Revering
KC Clothing For Sale!
Aprons - Shirts - Hats
Call Larry Revering at 466-3367
Insurance Information
If you have questions regarding KofC Insurance
Please contact:
Mike Weed General Agent
Are You a “24-Hour Knight”?
Volunteer today for a project!
2016 Monthly Meeting Schedule
Board Meetings – 1st Tuesday of every month, 7 pm in St. Paul Room in Parish Center.
Regular Meetings – 3rd Tuesday of every month in Parish Center except for summer months (June through Sept) held at KC Park.