Topic specific library – alcohol misuse
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner (2008) Social justice report 2007. Sydney: Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Ah Chee D (2008) Cutting alcohol abuse and violence. Of Substance;6(1):13
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008) The health and welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2008. (ABS Catalogue no. 4704.0 and AIHW Catalogue no. IHW 21) Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare(2008) Health risk factors. The health and welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2008. Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare:137-150
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008) Indicators for chronic diseases and their determinants: 2008. (AIHW Catalogue no. PHE 75) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008) Rural, regional and remote health: indicators of health status and determinants of health. (AIHW Catalogue no. PHE 97) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Brady M (2008) The historical burden of prohibition [opinion]. Of Substance;6(2):7
Major C (2008) From chronic to acute: the emergency response in the Northern Territory. Of Substance;6(1):10-12
Mundy J (2008) The bottle and the baby: alcohol and the unborn child. Of Substance;6(2):17
Pyett P, Waples-Crowe P, Loughron KH, Gallagher J (2008) Healthy pregnancies, healthy babies for Koori communities: some of the issues around alcohol and pregnancy. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal;32(1):30-32
Sellman D, Steenhuisen R (2008) 2 Nations, 10 Cultures? Of Substance;6(1):17
Senior K, Chenhall R (2008) Lukumbat Marawana: a changing pattern of drug use by youth in a remote Aboriginal community. Australian Journal of Rural Health;16(2):75-79
Snow P (2008) Preventing harm from alcohol consumption in rural and remote communities [guest editorial]. Druginfo;6(1):2
Teasdale KE, Conigrave KM, Kiel KA, Freeburn B, Long G, et al. (2008) Improving services for prevention and treatment of substance misuse for Aboriginal communities in a Sydney Area Health Service. Drug and Alcohol Review;27(2):152-159
Thompson SC, Bonar M, Greville H, Bessarab D, Gilles MT, et al. (2008) "Slowed right down": insights into the use of alcohol from research with Aboriginal Australians living with HIV. International Journal on Drug Policy;
Vumbaca G, Pritchard E, Mugavin J, Swan A (2008) Compulsory treatment: it's not the answer. Of Substance;6(1):14-15
Weatherburn DJ (2008) The role of drug and alcohol policy in reducing Indigenous over-representation in prison. Drug and Alcohol Review;27(1):91-94
Xiao J, Rowe T, Somerford P, Draper G, J. M (2008) Impact of alcohol on the population of Western Australia. Perth: Department of Health WA
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal (2007) Alcohol killed 1145 Indigenous Australians in five years: 'one-size-fits all' doesn't work: researchers. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal;32(2):14-15
Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc. (2007) Annual report 2006/2007: educating the community about substance misuse. Adelaide: Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc
Atkinson D, Murray R, Couzos S(2007) Diabetes. In: Couzos S, Murray R, eds. Aboriginal primary health care: an evidence-based approach. 3rd ed. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press:521-574
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2007) Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS specifications 2007–08: data dictionary, collection guidelines and validation processes. (AIHW Catalogue no. HSE 46) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2007) Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2005-06: report on the National Minimum Data Set. (AIHW Category no. HSE 53) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Black A (2007) Evidence of effective interventions to improve the social and environmental factors impacting on health: informing the development of Indigenous Community Agreements. Barton, ACT: Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Brady M (2007) Equality and difference: persisting historical themes in health and alcohol policies affecting Indigenous Australians. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health;61(9):759-763
Burke V, Lee A, H., Hunter E, Spargo R, Smith R, et al. (2007) Alcohol intake and incidence of coronary disease in Australian Aborigines. Alcohol and Alcoholism;42(1):49-54
Butler M (2007) Pregnancy: opportunity or invasion? Of Substance;5(1):10-14
Cairney S, Clough A, Jaragba M, Maruff P (2007) Cognitive impairment in Aboriginal people with heavy episodic patterns of alcohol use. Addiction;102(6):909-915
Chenhall RD (2007) Benelong's Haven: recovery from alcohol and drug abuse within an Aboriginal Australian residential treatment centre. Carlton, VIC: Melbourne University Press
Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the Northern Territory (2007) A proposed Emergency Response and Development Plan to protect Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory: a preliminary response to the Australian Government's proposals. Darwin: Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the Northern Territory
Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (2007) Improving the capacity of workers in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to recognise and respond to mental illness and related alcohol and other drug issues: background report. Sydney: Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council
Cox L (2007) Fear, trust and Aborigines: the historical experience of state institutions and current encounters in the health system. Health and History;9(2):70-92
Department of Health and Ageing (2007) Alcohol treatment guidelines for Indigenous Australians. Canberra: Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Human Services (2007) Towards a new blueprint for alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment services: a discussion paper. Melbourne: Department of Human Services
Gray D, Saggers S, Atkinson D, Wilkes E(2007) Substance misuse. In: Couzos S, Murray R, eds. Aboriginal primary health care: an evidence-based approach. 3rd ed. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press:755-787
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Li SQ, Guthridge S, d'Espaignet ET, Paterson B (2007) From infancy to young adulthood: health status in the Northern Territory 2006. Darwin: Department of Health and Community Services (NT)
NACCHO, Chronic Disease Alliance of NGOs(2007) The well person's health check. In: Couzos S, Murray R, eds. Aboriginal primary health care: an evidence-based approach. 3rd ed. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press:131-194
National Drug Research Institute (2007) Trends in alcohol-attributable deaths among Indigenous Australians, 1998–2004. (Bulletin no.11) Perth: National Drug Research Institute
National Drug Research Institute (2007) Restrictions on the sale and supply of alcohol: evidence and outcomes. Perth: National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology
Nicholas R (2007) Alcohol and other drug problems among Indigenous Australians from rural and remote regions: a policing perspective. Canberra: Australasian Centre for Policing Research
Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (2007) Drug and alcohol service reporting: 2005-06 key results: a national profile of Australian Government funded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander substance use specific services. Canberra: Department of Health and Ageing
Priest C (2007) Re: Drugs, alcohol and Indigenous imprisonment [letter]. Of Substance;5(3):5
Pritchard E, Mugavin J, Swan A (2007) Compulsory treatment in Australia: a discussion paper on the compulsory treatment of individuals dependent on alcohol and/or other drugs. Canberra: Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc., Australian National Council on Drugs
Rothstein J, Heazlewood R, Fraser M (2007) Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in remote Far North Queensland: findings of the Paediatric Outreach Service. Medical Journal of Australia;186(10):519-521
Schlesinger CM, Ober C, McCarthy MM, Watson JD, Seinen A (2007) The development and validation of the Indigenous Risk Impact Screen (IRIS): a 13-item screening instrument for alcohol and drug and mental health risk. Drug and Alcohol Review;26(2):109-117
Select Committee on Substance Abuse in the Community (2007) Substance abuse in remote communities: confronting the confusion and disconnection. Darwin: Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory
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Ward K (2007) A day in the life of ... Of Substance;5(3):27
Weatherburn D (2007) Drugs, alcohol and Indigenous imprisonment. Of Substance;5(2):12-13
Wilcox K (2007) Issues in good practice: Marlene Speechley, coordinator of Nawamba House Women's Shelter, Mt Isa. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse Newsletter;(30):6-7
Wilkes T (2007) Let's get serious about tackling Indigenous substance misuse in the Northern Territory. Of Substance;5(4):7
Wilson S (2007) Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: an update. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal;32(2):6-7
Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc. (2006) Annual report 2005/2006. Adelaide: Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2006) Alcohol consumption in Australia: a snapshot, 2004-05. Retrieved 25 August 2006 from
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2006) The health and welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2005: summary booklet. (ABS Catalogue no. 4704.0) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2006) Australia's health 2006: the tenth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (AIHW Catalogue no. AUS 73) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2006) Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2004-05: report on the National Minimum Data Set. (AIHW Category no. HSE 43) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Medical Association (2006) The good news. Retrieved 19 May 2006 from
Brady M, Nicholls R, Henderson G, Byrne J (2006) The role of a rural sobering-up centre in managing alcohol-related harm to Aboriginal people in South Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review;25(3):201-206
Burns CB, Mattick RP, Cooke M (2006) Use of record linkage to examine alcohol use in pregnancy. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research;30(4):642-648
Chenhall R (2006) Psychotherapy with Indigenous Australians: group work in a residential alcohol and drug treatment centre. Psychotherapy in Australia;12(4):62-68
Chikritzhs T, Brady M (2006) Fact or fiction?: a critique of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey 2002. Drug and Alcohol Review;25(3):277-287
Chikritzhs T, Brady M (2006) Substance use in the 2002 NATSISS. Canberra: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
Foster D, Williams R, Campbell D, Davis V, Pepperill L (2006) 'Researching ourselves back to life': new ways of conducting Aboriginal alcohol research. Drug and Alcohol Review;25(3):213-217
Franks C (2006) Gallinyalla: a town of substance?: a descriptive study of alcohol, tobacco, medicines and other drug use in a rural setting. Rural and Remote Health;6(2):Article 491. Retrieved 3 May 2006 from
Gray D, Pulver LJ, Saggers S, Waldon J (2006) Addressing Indigenous substance misuse and related harms [editorial]. Drug and Alcohol Review;25(3):183-188
Heil D (2006) Shifting expectations of treatment: from 'patient as individual' to 'patient as social person'. Australian Aboriginal Studies;2:98-110
Hogan E, Boffa J, Rosewarne C, Bell S, Ah Chee D (2006) What price do we pay to prevent alcohol-related harms in Aboriginal communities?: the Alice Springs trial of liquor licensing restrictions. Drug and Alcohol Review;25(3):207-212
Kelly AB (2006) Alcohol problems and psychological health in a remote Indigenous Australian community: a preliminary quantitative study. Australian Journal of Rural Health;14(2):86-87
Khavarpour FA (2006) The grog book (revised edition) [book review]. Health Promotion Journal of Australia;17(1)
King MJ, Leal N, Lewis I (2006) Profiling drink driving offenders in Queensland. Paper presented at the Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference. 25-27 October 2006, Surfers Paradise, Queensland
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2006) National Alcohol Strategy 2006-2009: towards safer drinking cultures. Canberra: Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2006) National Drug Strategy: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Complementary Action Plan 2003-2009: background paper. Canberra: Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2006) National Drug Strategy: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' Complementary Action Plan 2003-2009: Torres Strait Islander supplement. Canberra: Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2006) National Drug Strategy: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' Complementary Action Plan 2003-2009: glossary. Canberra: Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy
National Rural Health Alliance (2006) The health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians [position paper]. Deakin West, ACT: National Rural Health Alliance
New South Wales Chief Health Officer (2006) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples alcohol attributable hospitalisations. Retrieved 7 February 2007 from
New South Wales Chief Health Officer (2006) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples alcohol and other drug treatment. Retrieved 7 February 2007 from
New South Wales Chief Health Officer (2006) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples risk alcohol drinking and smoking. Retrieved 7 February 2007 from
NSW Department of Health (2006) National clinical guidelines for the management of drug use during pregnancy, birth and the early development years of the newborn. Sydney: NSW Department of Health
Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (2006) Drug and alcohol service reporting: 2004-05 key results: a national profile of Australian Government funded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander substance use specific services. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
Panton S (2006) Evaluation report of the Australian alcohol guidelines for Indigenous communities and 'Don't gamble with your health' health promotion playing cards. Parkside, SA: Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia
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Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc. (2005) Annual report 2004/2005. Adelaide: Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc
Alcohol Education & Rehabilitation Foundation Ltd. (2005) Annual report 2004-2005. Deakin, ACT: Alcohol Education & Rehabilitation Foundation Ltd.
AMR Interactive Pty Ltd (2005) Evaluation of the Port Hedland and Newman community alcohol related road trauma project: final report. Perth: Office of Road Safety, Government of Western Australia
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2005) The health and welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2005. (ABS Catalogue no. 4704.0) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare(2005) Mothers and children. Health and welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2005. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Australian Bureau of Statistics:73-90
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Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (2005) National Alcohol Strategy 2005-2009: consultation paper. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2005) Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2003-04: report on the national minimum data set. (AIHW catalogue no. HSE 100) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2005) 2004 National Drug Strategy Household Survey: detailed findings. (AIHW catalogue no. PHE 66) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Blignault I(2005) Learning from non-drinkers: a study of alcohol use and abstinence among Aboriginal people in Perth. Djiadi 1: monograph of the Inaugural Indigenous Health Unit Research Day 2004. Sydney: University of New South Wales:1-10
Brady M, ed.(2005) The grog book: strengthening Indigenous community action on alcohol. Revised ed. Canberra: Department of Health and Ageing
Brady M (2005) The prospects for cultural change in Indigenous alcohol use. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Australian winter school on alcohol and other drugs. 4 - 7 July 2005, Brisbane, Queensland
Brady M, Rendall-Mkosi K (2005) The Grog Book goes offshore: adapting an Australian Indigenous resource for use in South Africa. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal;29(4):18-20
Burns P, Gooden K (2005) Information sharing. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal;29(1):22-23
Cercarelli LR, Lester L (2005) An epidemiology of interpersonal injury in the Pilbara health region, 1999-2003. Perth: Injury Research Centre
Cercarelli LR, Lester L (2005) An epidemiology of interpersonal injury in the Kimberley health region, 1999-2003. Perth: Injury Research Centre
Chikritzhs T, Stockwell T, Pascal R (2005) The impact of the Northern Territory's Living With Alcohol program, 1992-2002: revisiting the evaluation. Addiction;100(11):1625-1636
Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services Inc. (2005) Annual report 2004-2005. Berrimah, Northern Territory: Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services Inc.
Dahlstrom J (2005) Marrin Weejali: alcohol and other drugs centre, Mt Druitt. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal;29(5):33-34
de Crespigny C, Glover P, Kelton M, Thorogood C (2005) Culturally diverse women's alcohol and drug diagnoses in pregnancy in South Australia: literature review and recorded hospital births 1995-2001. Adelaide: Flinders University, School of Nursing and Midwifery
Drug and Alcohol Office (2005) Strong spirit, strong mind: Western Australian Aboriginal Alcohol and Other Drugs Plan 2005-2009. Perth: Drug and Alcohol Office, Government of Western Australia
Drug and Alcohol Office (2005) Western Australian drug and alcohol strategy 2005-2009. Perth: Government of Western Australia
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Gray D (2005) Indigenous Australia and alcohol policy: meeting difference with indifference [book review]. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health;29(3):294
Loxley W, Gray D, Wilkinson C, Chikritzhs T, Midford R, et al. (2005) Alcohol policy and harm reduction in Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review;24(6):559-568
Midford R, Young D, Playford D, Kite E, Chikritzhs T, et al. (2005) An evaluation of liquor licensing restrictions in the Western Australian community of Port Hedland. Perth: National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Combined Universities Centre for Rural Health