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AWARD and ROUTE TITLE / FdEng Railway Engineering
Foundation Degrees Only:
Title of associated honours degree / BEng (Hons) Railway Engineering
Name of the Teaching Institution / Sheffield Hallam University
Mode(s) of Attendance / FT/PT
Professional/Statutory/Regulatory Body Recognising this Programme / A linked BEng award may be studied to top up this FdEng to BEng (Hons) level.
The BEng award was accredited by the IET at first validation and will be submitted for re-accreditation at the forthcoming event.
In that sense, the content of this FdEng award is also subject to PB scrutiny.
QAA Subject Benchmark Statement or other relevant external reference point / QAA Subject Benchmark: Engineering
Engineering Council, UK-SPEC
Date of Validation / 22/04/2010
This award provides a two year (FT) Foundation Degree for the rail sector, specifically aimed at the infrastructure segment of the industry. The course content is heavily based on industry requirements and some of the content is delivered in the workplace. Students will generally be employed in, or sponsored by the rail industry. The overall aim is that graduates will be immediately useful in the rail sector. If this aim is not met, industry will cease to send students. Progression onto further study leading to a BEng (Hons) qualification is available for successful FdEng students.
In achieving the aim, the students will:
- obtain a university education.
- enjoy a positive and challenging learning experience, soundly based upon technology practice.
- experience a learning environment which encourages an enquiring, investigative and critical approach to the study of technological subject matter.
- experience significant exposure to the working environment of the railway industry.
- develop into applications-orientated, self-motivated graduates equipped with the knowledge and skills to work in the rail industry sector, or to pursue further study.
- receive encouragement and support for their personal development, including a grounding in transferable skills and the foundations and preparation for life-long learning.
2.1Knowledge and understanding covered within the Programme. By the end of the programme you will be able to:
- employ appropriate mathematical methods applied to railway infrastructure engineering.
- use engineering science in railway engineering applications.
- apply principles of computing to railway engineering.
- locate and explain data specifying the characteristics of items of rail industry plant and equipment.
- locate and apply the appropriate regulatory frameworks including statutory regulations, industry standards and other formal specifications for operational practice, codes of practice and requirements for safe operation.
- locate and explain the requirements for the professional and ethical responsibilities of engineers including the social context of engineering.
2.2 Intellectual/Subject/Professional/Key skills covered within the Programme: by the end of the programme you will be able to:
- select and apply appropriate mathematical methods for modelling and analysis of railway infrastructure problems.
- use scientific principles in the development of engineering solutions to practical problems.
- employ scientific principles in the modelling and analysis of railway infrastructure equipment.
- select and apply appropriate computer based methods for modelling and analysis of rail infrastructure problems.
- analyse systems, processes and components requiring engineering solutions.
- produce solutions to problems through the application of engineering or technical knowledge and understanding.
- produce reports which summarise information and draw conclusions from evidence gained during theoretical, computational or practical investigations.
- use appropriate mathematical methods for modelling and analysis of problems related to railway infrastructure.
- employ appropriate diagnostic techniques to railway infrastructure equipment.
- work safely in a railway environment and comply with relevant legislation.
- use information technology tools and programming languages.
- undertake experimental laboratory work.
- use engineering IT tools.
- undertake practical laboratory testing or simulation of systems and carry out technical analysis and evaluation of the results.
- work safely and confidently in a railway environment.
- apply engineering and technical techniques.
- understand the limitations of their knowledge and how these affect their work.
Key skills
- communicate effectively using writing skills, oral communication skills, visual communication skills and information skills.
- use information technology effectively.
- work with number.
- work with others.
- improve their own learning.
- apply problem-solving skills.
3.1The approach to Learning and Teaching within the Programme
Subject material is introduced via lectures, guided reading or IT-delivered means with further discussion in seminars. Principles and theory are applied in tutorials with a clear focus on application. A significant fraction of material is delivered by work-based learning, so that problem solving and practical experience deepen students’ knowledge and understanding. Students take responsibility for self-managed study supported in some subjects by Learning Centre material and IT-delivered resources. The use of visual aids and excellent laboratory provision extends and motivates student learning. Project work focused on practical railway infrastructure scenarios, enables students to gain experience in problem solving within resource limitations.
Opportunities are offered to students to develop their intellectual skills through tutorials, seminars, group work, laboratory work, work-based learning in the rail industry and directed/Independent study. Students are required to evaluate, analyse and identify the relevance and significance of a variety of forms of data and information in different contexts. For example, by applying quantitative methods and specification data in the analysis of a piece of rail infrastructure equipment, or evaluating the failure of an item of electrical or mechanical equipment, or applying appropriate aspects of safe working regulations in track-side situations. Students will develop independent judgement and be able to identify alternative solutions and their limitations. Students are encouraged to become reflective practitioners and to develop critical self-awareness through self-assessment of their team working and to identify their own limitations and opportunities for development through critiques of reports and presentations.
Students work in laboratories,dependant on chosen route, associated with control systems, electronics, electrical power and drives, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, computing and IT to acquire relevant skills through practical and realistic problem based experience using standard and specialised laboratory and software tools. More importantly, subject specific skills are learned directly during periods of work-based learning. Control and automation work is relevant to items such as points and switches, signalling and train control. Electronics is relevant to signalling and telecommunications. Power and drives are relevant to power distribution and generation and trackside equipment. Mechanical and civil engineering are relevant to trackwork and structures and overhead line equipment. Computing and IT are relevant in all areas both in terms of technical analysis and simulation, and the preparation of reports and presentations.
Application of knowledge and understanding is undertaken in an industrially-based context.
3.2The approach to Assessment and Feedback within the Programme
Students demonstrate that they can apply their knowledge and understanding through coursework and work-based activities using a range of assessment methods. A balance of coursework and seen or unseen examinations is experienced in the course enabling students to become more confident in their knowledge and understanding its application.
The work-based learning helps students to combine their knowledge and skills, to apply them to realistic activities and to develop real and practical solutions to system problems. Although it is overseen by industry supervisors, its assessment is under the control of the course team.
Assessment activities throughout the course draw on, and enhance cognitive skills and include briefs such as case studies, laboratory work, project work and work-based learning. This includes technical reports, assignments and presentations.
Some examples of the differing assessment methods used are:
Tutorial type questions, individual oral presentations, written (essay type) assignments, In Class Timed Assessment, technical report, software based assignment, group work, informal laboratory experimental reports, case based report, use of accounting software, drawing assessments, formula/mathematical assignments, surveying field tests, in-company data gathering/analysis
The actual detail of individual assignments (type, length etc) will be provided to each student cohort on an occurrence basis in the module guide (whether written or part of the first lecture) rather than uniquely specified in the module descriptors.
Laboratory reports and assignments, plus assignments based on work-based learning, allow students to demonstrate skills which show how engineering methods and the knowledge basis of railway infrastructure systems are integrated. The work-based learning in particular is completely focused on real applications which encourage students' development in practical skills that are applied in railway systems.
It should be noted that Key Skills, Critical Thinking and IT Skills are embedded in many areas of the course which are not identifiable from the stated learning outcomes in the individual module descriptors. For example, whenever a report is produced there will be development of all these skills. Almost any engineering analysis above the most basic level, and particularly engineering design, requires critical thinking (because there is normally more than one possible approach and alternatives must be evaluated and selected). Most numerical analysis and design above the most fundamental level will make use of IT skills (because various software packages are used for these purposes).
Feedback to students will be given on a regular basis throughout the Programme. It will provide encouragement and will offer suggestions for improvement. Students will be expected to use tutor feedback to improve the quality of their work.The feedback can be formal (e.g. written comments on assignments) or informal (e.g. verbally during tutorials and laboratory sessions).
Feedback from students and the industry partners will be actively sought in order to monitor the operational delivery of the programme against its educational aims and objectives, and thus assist staff to strive for continuous improvement. Student elected representatives will be involved in all the formal processes of feedback and review. Student feedback will be obtained via:
- Staff / Student Programme Committees
- Online Questionnaires
- University student experience surveys
- Industry Steering Group
Work Based Learning
Clearly, work based learning is an integral part of this provision. Detailed management of the work based learning provision is required to ensure equity of provision to all students and that standards are maintained across the programme and partners.
The FdEng Railway Engineering has been in operation since 2004. The majority of modules initially combined two thirds academic study and one third work based learning. The reasoning behind this decision was the desire to link theory directly to practice. Since the commencement of the course, for administration purposes, most of these 30 credit modules were formally split into separate 20 credit modules delivered in the University and 10 credit modules delivered by learning in the workplace.
The responsibilities for achieving the work based learning outcomes are shared as follows:
- Academic staff determine the learning outcomes.
- Academic staff identify with industry colleagues the mechanisms by which the learning outcomes will be achieved in the workplace.
- The student gathers the information required to complete the assessments linked to the learning outcomes.
- If required an industry mentor will verify the student's work.Industry mentors supervise the students employment related work (not the work based learning) and direct the student on a day to day basis in their normal work environment and duties.
- Academic staff will assess the student's submission
Selection of Partner Organisations
Those organisations wishing to participate in the programme will need to meet threshold criteria before they can be considered suitable for providing and supporting work based learning criteria. It is inappropriate to be to prescriptive, but the nature of the criteria is indicated by the expectation that such an organisation is likely to:
- Have an established Training/HR function
- Have a recent history in the provision of development and training
- Employ professional engineers in the appropriate discipline areas
- Undertake graduate recruitment
- Participate in graduate placements
The level of activity in the above areas will provide an indication of the organisation's suitability for providing work based learning and/or the identification of a development plan for future provision.
QSME Reporting Procedures
It is important to note that this programme is NOT collaborative in the university’s definition. All assessment for work based learning is set and marked by SHU academic staff. Whilst the sponsoring companies are employers of the student and provide suitable expertise they are not involved in assessment.
Despite not being strictly collaborative, the programme is part of the collaborative portfolio and as such has a portfolio director who submits yearly QA reports.
It should be noted that the FdEng Railway Engineering involves a significant amount of industrial exposure for the students. This has been agreed with the major stakeholders in the relevant parts of the rail sector and is to be achieved by work-based learning.
Full time students undertake two sessions of industrial placement, the first in the summer of level 4 and the second in the summer of level 5. Part time students will already be employed in the rail sector.
The FdEng Railway Engineering has been in operation since 2004. The majority of modules initially combined two thirds academic study and one third work based learning. The reasoning behind this decision was the desire to link theory directly to practice. Since the commencement of the course, for administration purposes, most of these 30 credit modules were formally split into separate 20 credit modules delivered in the University and 10 credit modules delivered by learning in the workplace.
The course comprises a common level 4 which all students undertake.
At Level 5 a number of routes are available. Whilst there is a choice of route, all modules within a particular route are then Mandatory.
The Level 5 routes are:
Signal Engineering
Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
Civil & Track Engineering
Civil Engineering
Track Engineering
There is some commonality of modules between the different level 5 routes.
Level 4 modules common to all routes
Credits / DeliveryMathematics and Engineering Science / 30 / SHU based
Rail-Specific Engineering Theory / 20 / SHU based
Rail-Specific Engineering Practice / 10 / Work based
Industrial Project / 30 / Effectively
10 credits SHU based
20 credits work based
Legislative and Business Studies Theory / 20 / SHU based
Legislative and Business Studies Practice / 10 / Work based
Level 5 modules common to all routes
Credits / DeliveryProject and Quality Management Theory / 20 / SHU based
Project and Quality Management Practice / 10 / Work based
Level 5 Signal Engineering route modules
Credits / DeliveryElectronic, Electrical and Processor Engineering Theory / 20 / SHU based
Signal and Telecommunications Engineering Principles Theory / 20 / SHU based
Signal Engineering Applications Theory / 20 / SHU based
Electronic, Electrical and Processor Engineering Practice / 10 / Work based
Signal and Telecommunications Engineering Principles Practice / 10 / Work based
Signal Engineering Applications Practice / 10 / Work based
Level 5 Electrical & Mechanical Engineering route modules
Credits / DeliveryElectronic, Electrical and Processor Engineering Theory / 20 / SHU based
Railway Electrical Engineering Theory / 20 / SHU based
Railway Mechanical Engineering Theory / 20 / SHU based
Electronic, Electrical and Processor Engineering Practice / 10 / Work based
Railway Electrical Engineering Practice / 10 / Work based
Railway Mechanical Engineering Practice / 10 / Work based
Level 5 Civil & Track Engineering route modules
Credits / DeliveryGeotechnics and Drainage Theory / 20 / SHU based
Railway Structures Theory / 20 / SHU based
Track Engineering Theory / 20 / SHU based
Geotechnics and Drainage Practice / 10 / Work based
Railway Structures Practice / 10 / Work based
Track Engineering Practice / 10 / Work based
Level 5 Civil Engineering route modules
Credits / DeliveryGeotechnics and Drainage Theory / 20 / SHU based
Railway Structures Theory / 20 / SHU based
Performance of Materials and Structures Theory / 20 / SHU based
Geotechnics and Drainage Practice / 10 / Work based
Railway Structures Practice / 10 / Work based
Performance of Materials and Structures Practice / 10 / Work based
Level 5 Track Engineering route modules
Credits / DeliveryGeotechnics and Drainage Theory / 20 / SHU based
Track Engineering Theory / 20 / SHU based
Track Engineering Standards Theory / 20 / SHU based
Geotechnics and Drainage Practice / 10 / Work based
Track Engineering Practice / 10 / Work based
Track Engineering Standards Practice / 10 / Work based
Under the previous validation most SHU based (theory) modules were delivered in blocks of 3 consecutive weeks (taught) followed by 3 weeks of directed learning. The exceptions were Maths & Engineering Science (4 consecutive weeks (taught) followed by 3 weeks of directed study) and Industrial Project (SHU based part was 2 consecutive weeks).
A new structure of delivery pattern is proposed in this revalidation. The total number of taught weeks for all SHU based (theory) modules will NOT change, but instead of consecutive weeks the delivery will typically be 2 weeks taught, followed by 4 weeks directed learning, followed by a further taught week. (The Maths & Engineering Science module will typically become 2 weeks taught, 4 weeks directed learning, 2 weeks taught).
Consequently for 2010/2011 the course will have a “transition structure”. Level 4 will be to the new structure and level 5 will be to the former structure.