Regular MeetingMay 12, 2016

The Regular Meeting of the Johnsonburg Area School District Board of Educationwas held Thursday,May 12, 2016beginning at 7:00 PM. Directors in attendance were D. Allegretto, J. Carnovale, S. Launer, A. Leslie,B. Thorwart, R. Wolfe and N. Zimmerman. Administrators in attendance were D. Crotzer,B. Benson,and K. Wolfe. L. Mahoney, Board Secretary, L. Pura, Payroll/Personnel andP. Calkins, Board Treasurerwere in attendance as well as Solicitor Rick Brown. Media was represented by theJohnsonburg Press, Bradford Era, and theRidgway Record.

Agenda review was held at 6:30 PM. At 6:55 PM, the meeting was open to public comment. There were no comments at this time. At approximately 7:00 PM, theregular meeting was called to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Allegretto moves seconded byZimmermanto approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on April 14, 2016as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Allegrettomoves seconded by Carnovaleto approve theTreasurer’s Report for General Fund including Disbursements and Revenue for03/16as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Allegrettomoves seconded by Zimmermanto approve the High School Activity Account for 03/16, the High School Athletic Account for 03/16,the Elementary Activity Account for 03/16 and the Cafeteria Account for 03/16 as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copies inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Allegretto moves seconded byLaunerto approve the Safety Committee minutes from the meeting held on 04/20/16. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Allegretto moves seconded byCarnovaletoapprove the bills list as presented. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie,Thorwart,Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the minutes of the Wellness Committee held on 04/20/16 and the minutes of the Occupational Advisory Committee held on 04/08/16 as presented and insert them in the minutebook with the minutes from the regular meeting. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Regular MeetingMay 12, 2016

At approximately 7:04PM, the board entered into executive session for matters of personnel, employment and collective bargaining. At 8:20 PM, the regular meeting was called back to order.

A. Personnel

Agenda Item 1: Board Treasurer: Launer moves seconded by Wolfe to approve Mrs. Patricia Calkins as Board Treasurer for the 2016 – 2017 Fiscal Year, with a stipend of $1,500.00. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale,Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2:Board Secretary: Launer moves seconded by Carnovale to approve Mrs. Lisa Mahoney as Board Secretary for the 2016 – 2017 Fiscal Year, with a stipend of $1,500.00.Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: School Solicitor: Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfe to approve Mr. Richard Brown as School District Solicitor for the 2016 – 2017 Fiscal Year, with a stipend of $1,800.00, $90.00 per hour, plus payment of his PSBA dues. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 4:Imbrogno – Summer Hours: Carnovale moves seconded by Zimmerman to approve Mr. David Imbrogno to work up to 130 hours during the summer months for computer maintenance at $23.00 per hour. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 5: Allegretto – Summer Hours: Carnovale moves seconded by Leslie to approve Mrs. Judy Allegretto to work up to 75 hours during the summer months for scheduling at $23.00 per hour. Roll Call Vote: Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Allegretto abstains. Vote Tally: 6 – YES and 1 – ABSTAIN. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Agenda Item 6: Charney – Summer Work: Carnovale moves seconded by Allegretto to approve Mr. Charles Charney to work up to 50 hours during the summer months for shop up-keep at $23.00 per hour. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Regular MeetingMay 12, 2016

Agenda Item 7: Homeless Liaison: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to approve Mrs. Lisa Mahoney as Johnsonburg Area School District Homeless Liaison. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 8: PHEAA/Stackpole Hall Summer Workers: Allegretto moves seconded by Zimmerman to approve the following as PHEAA/Stackpole Hall summer workers with the district being responsible for 10% of the cost: Central Office: Rachael Ehrensberger; Elementary School Office: Rachel Maletto and Megan Fannin; High School Office: Alexa Marciniak; Maintenance: Brian Feronti and Jacob Mercer. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 9: Coaches: Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the following as coaches for the 2016 – 2017 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork:

Girls Tennis – Head Coach: Mr. Dan Carnovale Stipend $2,650.00

Girls Tennis – Asst. Coach: Mr. Mike Votano Stipend $1,600.00

Girls Tennis – Volunteer Coach: Mr. John Paul Allegretto

Volleyball – Head Coach: Mr. Bill Shuey Stipend $5,000.00

Volleyball – Assistant Coach: Mrs. Kelly Bliss Stipend $1,900.00

Volleyball – Volunteer Coaches: Mr. Matt Shuey, Mr. Dave Imbrogno, Ms. Rami Akers

Girls JH Basketball – Coach: Ms. Emily MitchellStipend $1,000.00

Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Carnovale abstains. Vote Tally: 6 – YES and 1 – ABSTAINS. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Agenda Item 10: Voluntary Transfer: Allegretto moves seconded by Carnovale to approve the request from Mrs. Gina Schreiber to voluntarily transfer from PE teacher at the High School to PE teacher at the Elementary School, effective the 2016 – 2017 School Year. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 11: Leave of Absence: Allegretto moves seconded by Zimmerman to grant approval for a leave of absence for Mrs. Melanie Raubenstrauch from August 22, 2016 through October 2, 2016. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Regular MeetingMay 12, 2016

Agenda Item 12: State Computer Fair: Allegretto moves seconded by Carnovale to grant permission for a student to attend the State Computer Fair at Dickinson College on May 23 through May 24, 2016. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 13: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Zimmerman to add Ms. Carley Pezinski-McMackin and Ms. Rebecca Wakefield to the substitute list, through Source 4 Teachers. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 14: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Zimmerman to remove Mrs. Laura Jo Elmquist, Ms. Carrie Lamontagne, and Ms. Bethany Mealy from the substitute list, through Source 4 Teachers. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 15: Voluntary Transfer: Allegretto moves seconded by Carnovale to accept the voluntary transfer of Mrs. Barb Hemdal from Grade 5 to Grade 6, for the 2016 – 2017 School Year. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 16: Volunteer for Band: Leslie moves seconded by Launer to approve Mrs. Renee Blankenship as a volunteer for the band program. All vote yes. Motion carried.

B. Education and School Activities

Agenda Item 1: Laser Signature Discs: Carnovale moves seconded by Zimmerman to approve the use of laser signature discs for General Fund, Payroll, Athletic, Cafeteria, and Student Activity accounts for the 2016 – 2017 Fiscal Year. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: Depositories: Carnovale moves seconded by Zimmerman to approve County National Bank and Northwest Savings Bank as school district depositories for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: 2016 Graduates: Zimmerman moves seconded by Carnovale to approve the list of graduates for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, pending completion of all graduation requirements.Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Regular MeetingMay 12, 2016

Agenda Item 4: Technology Pool-Counsel: Allegretto moves seconded by Carnovale to approve the contract for Technology Pool-Counsel between the Seneca Highlands Intermediate Unit 9 and the Johnsonburg Area School District at a cost not to exceed $400.00 for the 2016 – 2017 School Year. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 5: RRCNPA: Leslie moves seconded by Launer to approve the resolution of support for the Rural, Regional College of Northern Pennsylvania (RRCNPA). All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Agenda Item 6: HS Student Assistance Program and SOS: Launer moves seconded by Leslie to approve the Letter of Agreement between Dickinson Center, Inc. and the Johnsonburg Area School District for the Student Assistance Program and the Signs of Suicide Prevention Program for the Johnsonburg Area High School, for the 2016 – 2017 School Year. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Agenda Item 7: Elem Student Assistance Program: Carnovale moves seconded by Zimmerman to approve the Letter of Agreement between Dickinson Center, Inc. and the Johnsonburg Area School District for the Student Assistance Program for the Johnsonburg Area Elementary School, for the 2016 – 2017 School Year. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Agenda Item 8: LIFE/Incredible Years Program: Carnovale moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the Letter of Agreement between Dickinson Center, Inc. and the Johnsonburg Area School District for the LIFE/Incredible Years Program for the Johnsonburg Area Elementary School, for the 2016 – 2017 School Year, in the amount of $19,781.00. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Agenda Item 9: Summer LIFE Program: Allegretto moves seconded by Zimmerman to grant approval for the Summer LIFE Program and the Dickinson Kindergarten Readiness Program to use the elementary school during the months of June and July, 2016. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Regular MeetingMay 12, 2016


Agenda Item 1: Preliminary GF Budget: Carnovale moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the Johnsonburg Area School District Preliminary General Fund Budget for the 2016 – 2017 School Year, in the amount of $10,820,111.00.Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

Agenda Item 2: Contract for Services: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to approve the contract between the Seneca Highlands Intermediate Unit #9 and the Johnsonburg Area School District in the amount of $142,975.00, for hearing, interpreter, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and psychological services for the 2016 – 2017 School Year.Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Carnovale, Launer, Leslie, Thorwart, Wolfe, and Zimmerman vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)

At 8:45 PM, Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfeto adjourn the meeting. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Read and approved this______day of ______, 2016.

Lisa J. Mahoney

Board Secretary