


Ph.D. In-progress

CIIT Wah Cantt, Pakistan

MS Electronics Engineering Mar 2008 CGPA 3.45

AIR University Islamabad, Pakistan

Industrial Electronics Engineering Dec 2002 1st Division

Institute of Industrial Electronics Engineering PCSIR/NED, UET, Karachi, Pakistan

Work Experience:

·  Working in CIIT Electrical Engineering Department Wah Cantt, as an Assistant Professor (2008- continue….)

-Responsible for teaching different subjects and supervising final year engineering projects.

-Working as all Electrical Engineering labs in-charge of Electrical Engineering Department. Responsible for all administrative and technical issues of the Labs

·  Work experience in CIIT Electrical Engineering Department Wah Cantt, as a lecturer (2005- 2008)

-Taught different subjects, conduct labs of different subjects and also supervised final year engineering projects.

·  AIR UNIVERSITY Air Force complex Islamabad as a LAB. Engineer.(2004- 2005)

-Responsible for teaching subjects, conducting labs, also participated in construction of different labs.

·  Work experience in AEI (Advance Electronics International) SITE Karachi, Pakistan as an R&D Engineer.( Jan 2003- Dec 2003)

-Responsible for troubleshooting and designing of different systems like UPS, CNG switch, PLC control systems, Computer interfacing, PLC programming, different logic circuits for different applications, different process control units etc.

Courses Taught:

·  Digital signal processing

·  Signals and systems

·  Electronics

·  Electronic Instrumentation

·  Digital logic design

·  Probability theory

·  Electrical machines

·  Power Electronics


Research Thesis:

·  “Base line noise removal from ECG signal using Independent Component Analysis (ICA)” as master degree thesis in which we propose the ICA technique for the removal of baseline noise for detection of low amplitude ECG signals that having information related to the heart attck.

·  “Automatic liquid filling process” as a final year engineering project. In this research we designed a fully automated bottle filling machine for bio-medical industries. This research was supported by Regent Laboratories Karach, Pakistan.

·  “Optical reflex eye mark sensor” as a research project supported by Tapal Tea Private Ltd. In this research we designed the said sensor for their Hesser Machine.

Book Chapters:

1.  Z.ahoor Uddin, A Ahmad, M Iqbal, F Alam, S Ahmad, "Applications of Independent Component Analysis in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks."Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: Applications, Architectures, and Challenges(2014): (pages 259-287)

2.  F. Alam, Z.ahooruddin, A. Ahmad, “Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks” , Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: Applications, Architectures, and Challenges(2014): (pages 48-72)

3.  Zahoor-uddin, et al. "Signal Processing Techniques in Smart Grids."Smart Grid as a Solution for Renewable and Efficient Energy(2016): 273.

Journal Papers:

Zahoor Uddin, A. Ahmad, M. Iqbal, ”ICA Based MIMO Transceiver For Time Varying Wireless Channels Utilizing Smaller Data Blocks Lengths”, Wireless Personal Communication (2016) (Accepted for publication)

Zahoor Uddin,Ayaz Ahmad, Muhammad Iqbal, and Muhammad Naeem,"Modified infomax algorithm for smaller data block lengths,"SpringerWirelessPersonalCommunications, vol. 87, no. 1, pp- 245-267,March2016.

Zahoor Uddin,Ayaz Ahmad, Muhammad Iqbal, andNadir Shah, "Independentcomponent analysis based MIMO transceiver withimproved performance in time varying wireless channels,"KSII Transactions on Internet and InformationSystems, vol. 9, no. 7, pp.2435-2453, Jul. 2015.

Zahoor Uddin, Ayaz Ahmad, Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Naeem, “Applications of Independent Component Analysis in Wireless Communication Systems”, Wireless Personal Communication (2015), DOI 10.1007/s11277-015-2565-1

Zahoor-uddin, Farooq Alam Orakzai “Hardware implementation of blind source separation of speech signals using independent component analysis,” International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS / IJENS Vol. 10 Issue 1, P: 85-86, 2010

Zahoor-uddin, Farooq Alam Orakzai “Baseline Wandering Removal from Human Electrocardiogram Signal using Projection Pursuit Gradient Ascent Algorithm,” International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS / IJENS Vol. 09 Issue 09, P: 351-354, 2009

W. Mehmood, N. Shah, Zahoor Urddin, E. ullah Munir, “Fine Granular Model Diff Solution in Model-based Version Control Systems”, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 2015. (IF 0.405)

Zahoor-uddin, A. Ahmad, M. Iqbal, ”Adaptive Step Size Gradient Ascent ICA Algorithm for Wireless MIMO Systems”, Automatika Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications (Under Review).

Zahoor-uddin, A. Ahmad, M. Iqbal, ”Design of Hardware Mixing Model for ICA Algorithms Using Wireless MIMO System”, Wireless Personal Communication (2015) (Under Review).

Zahoor Uddin, “Applications of signal processing in the modern smart grid”, [Under consideration]

Zahoor Uddin, “Applications of Independent Component Analysis in bio-medical engineering” [Under consideration]

Zahoor Uddin, “Blind source separation techniques in machinery fault diagnosis” [Under consideration]

Conference Papers:

1.  A Rashid, Z.ahooruddin, “White gaussian noise removal in ecg using independent component analysis,” ICSV20, Bangkok, Thailand, 7-11 July 2013.

2.  Akram Rashid, I.M.Qureshi, Zahooruddin “Energy Conservation in Pakistan using Green Building Idea” International conference “ Energy options for Pakistan Regional Energy and Water Grids" Pakistan 2012

3.  Akram Rashid, Zahooruddin, I.M.Qureshi, Aamir Saleem Ch. “Reducing Computational Complexity in DS-CDMA Using Swarm Optimization Techniques” International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) WMSCI 2012 July 17th - 20th, 2012 – Orlando, Florida, USA,

4.  Rashid, A.; Zahooruddin; Qureshi, I.M.; Saleem, A., "Electrocardiogram signal processing for baseline noise removal using blind source separation techniques: A comparative analysis,"Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), 2011 International Conference on, vol.4, no., pp.1756,1761, 10-13 July 2011
doi: 10.1109/ICMLC.2011.6016962

5.  Zahooruddin, F.Alam, F.Rehman, A.Rashid “Efficient multicolor multipurpose optical reflex eye mark sensor ,” 25th ISPE International conference on CARS & FOF 2010, South Korea

6.  Zahooruddin “Efficient baseline wandering removal from electrocardiogram signal using independent components analysis,” 24th ISPE International conference on CARS & FOF 2008, Japan.

7.  Nabeel shaukat, Naheed Wahab, Bakhat rawan, Zahooruddin “Design and development of optical reflex eye mark sensor,” IEEE student conference SCONEST 2002.

8.  Nabeel shaukat, Naheed Wahab, Bakhat rawan, Zahooruddin “PLC based automatic liquid filling process,” IEEE International multi topic conference INMIC 2002

Reference: Will be provided if required