Draft Minutes of Dunwich Parish Meeting held on Friday 31stJuly 2015

Present: Electors: S. Strickland (Chairman), G. Abell (Hon. Treasurer), A. Abell, D. & S. Blackwell, D. Cook, V. Donovan, J. Hamilton, P. Labat, E. McCormick, J. Sharp, M. & C. Palmer, J. & J. Salusbury, R. Smith, J & M Whitby.

Visitors: Louise Barrick, Cllr R. Catchpole, Cllr M. Gower, Dr C. Lewis

Apologies: C. Barnett, J. Cary, M. Clark, H. Cook, S. Donovan S. Labat, K. Maunder, B. & M. White, J. Zarins.Michael Clark had written to the Chairmanobserving that his apology for absence had not been noted in April’s meeting minutes and expressing his apologies for absence from all future Parish Meetings.

  1. Minutes of the Parish Meeting of 24th April 2015:

Minutes of 24th April were proposed (A. Abell), seconded (V. Donovan) and approved nem.con.

  1. Matters arising not otherwise on the agenda:

The meeting welcomed the new SCDC Councillor, Raymond Catchpole. Cllr. Catchpole outlined future plans,includingavailable project funding,and 7,900 new homes over the next 16 years; the new District Local Plan was now available on SCDC’s web-site.The meeting thanked Cllr. Catchpole for his report.

The Charter Partyhad been a great success much appreciated by all participants. The meetingexpressed its very grateful and heartfelt thanks to all those who had contributed to make it such a memorable event.

Completion of the new church roof would be celebrated on September 27th: details to follow.

October’s DPM would elect two Trustees of the Town Trust: nominations shouldbe madeby 23rd October.

Greyfriars Trust, Turning the Tide and Cambridge University’s Archaeology Department had started a short 9-day exploratory dig, which enthusiastic local volunteers had made possible. Dr Carenza Lewis outlined its scope, progress and initial findings displayed in the Reading Room. Trenches wereexamining whether or not the Mediaeval town extended as far as Greyfriars - the evidence so far suggested that the town did not extend to the monastery; exploringwhether the hollow way (“cannon’s mouth”) at the top of St James Street was recent; and recordingevidence of buildings, foodstuffs, material culture, and harbour structure.Saturday 1st August would be an open day The meeting gratefully thanked Dr Lewis for her presentation.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The accounts had been approved in April; the audit was now complete and the accounts finalised. The current bank balance was £2,526.Cheques were proposed by R. Smith, seconded by P. Labat, and passed nem. con en bloc for insurance, £302.62; cutting of Millennium Green grass by Ray Bater for £90 (2 x £45); subscription for the Sizewell Parishes Liaison Group £30; and dog bags for £101.40.

  1. Amenity Report:

Rod Smith kindly volunteered to act as an Amenity Wardentohelp to keep an eye on hedgerows, trees and other features of the environment; and his offerwas very gratefully accepted by the meeting.

The new notice board for the beach car park lavatory block had arrived: the meeting thanked the Town Trust for generously donating £615 to cover its full cost. The board would be installed during August.

A new broadband box had been installed but lacked a power supply which will be installed in October.

Police Report: one theft, one burglary, one affray, and three thefts from cars had been reported in May; but no crimehad been reported in June. It was important to report any crime to the police, no matter how small.

Dunwich Dynamo: the new traffic arrangements had seemed to work smoothly; overnight car parking had helped the Flora Tearooms.

  1. Coastal Defence and Flood Committee Report:

The Environment Agency had proposed changes to the main river maps on the marsh, and these could be seen on the web-site at least 30 days from 15th July. Comments were invited by the Environment Agency.

  1. Consultation & Planning Issues:

A public consultation on criteria for identifying non-designated heritage assetswas now in hand. Various assets might be so identified, for example the pump, the telephone box, the old mortuary, the pill box. The aim was to protect and enhance these assets. Eventually a list would be published which any solicitor would be able to pick up during conveyancing. This would not carry the same weight and responsibilities as a listing but was intended to encourage care for such assets. The meeting would provide a collective response, which the Chairmanwould draft for comment and submission no later than 17th August.

A small extension had been granted permission at Dairy Cottage. Tree work had been granted permission at Middlegate Barn. Whitefriars, which was listed, awaited permission for internal works.

Sizewell Stakeholders Group Representative: localities near to Sizewell were now allowed individual representation on the Group. The meeting thanked Mark Whitby for kindly taking on this responsibility.

The Community Infrastructure Levy was a new process for raising funds to improve infrastructure from developers building new homes and retail shops. Town and Parish Councils would receive a percentage of this money, while Parish Meetings would receive a sum to be decided in negotiation.

  1. Other Business:

The CAB had sent in an annual report, which was available from the Chairman.

SCDC had introduced rate rebates for holiday lets in the 1970’s. This had led some to leave properties empty for long periods. Cllr Catchpole reportedthat the issue of empty houses was now under review.

Suffolk County Councillor Michael Gowerreported that the central Government’s Revenue Support Grant would be cut over the next few years from £64million to £20million,severely challenging local budgets.

The Government appeared now more committed to the Hinkley Point /Sizewell project; and Public Consultation Stage 2 would probably take place around 2016. It would be a challenge to ensure that economic benefits were gained locally. Support for Eastbridge was needed to ensure that workers were spread over a wider area to include areas in difficulty such as Ipswich and Lowestoft.

Contributions to a collection and card for a surprise birthday on 23rd August were available at Westleton Post Office, from wherefurther details were accessible!

The next Parish Meeting would be on Friday 30th October.

The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.

Signed as a correct recordChairmanDate

CHAIRMAN: S. Strickland, Marshside, St James Street, Dunwich, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3DT.

Tel: 01728 648792. VICE-CHAIRMAN: J. Zarins. ACTING TREASURER: G. Abell.