MARCH 23, 2016



Co-chair Chris Sariti called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Roll call was taken and members in attendance were:Andrea Dalessio, Deb Burns,George Ervin, Heather Federico, Tony Lore, Gloria Lore, Danielle Migliacci and Andy O’Connell.

The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by George Ervinsecondedby Tony Lore, the meeting minutes of February 24, 2016 were approved. All in favor, motion approved.

Old Business

Meet the Bunny: Good turnout, about 200 attended, with steady attendance until almost 3:00. The volunteers were very helpful and stayed until the end. Pictures are posted on Mahwah Cable News. The Bunny suit is getting cleaned. Egg magnets were a hit. Need new markers each year.

Men’s Basketball: Tony said mostly younger players are going.

Volleyball: No report.

Spring Bocce: Will be Sundays in May. Registration form is on the website and posted in the Senior Center.

Men’s & Women’s Softball – emails went out. May 5 is the first in person registration. Joanne will send a reminder on the Monday prior.

Tennis: Will be on Mondays & Wednesdays, June 20-August 1. In-person registration on May 5, May 19 and May 25. The emails and registration forms have been sent out.

Town-wide Adult Co-Ed Softball Tournament – Saturday, June 18. Greg confirmed that he will sell food at Continental, not Comm. Perry that day.

Soccer: In-person registration is May 26. Emails have gone out, the registration form is available on the website.

New Business

Town-Wide Garage Sale: Saturday, May 14 from 9:00-3:00. Danielle will contact the senior class if they want to sell food. Ads & emails have been sent out, the registration form is on the website. More signs have been ordered for around town and for homes.

Fishing Contest: Saturday, May 28 at 10:00 am. Joanne will do a PO to Danielle, same as last year. If the FD cleans the lake they should do it a few weeks earlier. This year we will change up the prizes and only give out the following per age group: 1st caught fish, biggest fish and most fish caught. There should be 12 prizes total. Also we can give out 10 small door prizes. Will get goldfish crackers, Swedish fish, gummy worms.

Proposed Golf League: Tabled until next meeting.

Other Upcoming 2016 Calendar dates:

Paddle Day: Thursday, July 7, 5:30-7:30. Rain date is July 14.

Senior Picnic: Tuesday, July 12 at 12:00. Rain date is July 19.

Movie Night: Is booked for Tuesday, July 26 (r/d July 27)

Recreation Director’s Report


General Comments

George stated that the mechanical bull at Mahwah Day was in pretty bad shape, and asked if the company has a bull in better condition.

On a motion by Andy O’Connell, seconded by Deb Burns, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 7:30 pm.

The minutes were prepared by Joanne Becker.