(TITLE) Full Paper Template –SFGE 2016

Name of Author 1

Affiliation, City, Country, e-mail address

Name of Author 2

Affiliation, City, Country, e-mail address

SUMMARY: The summary must include the aim of the article, the methodology of the study, the main aspects analyzed and the conclusions. It may be written or English. The text should be typed using font Times New Roman, size 12 and single space between lines.It is recommended a total of up to 400 words in a single paragraph. The summary must contain no tables, figures and citations. The word SUMMARY must be typed in capital letters followed by the text of the summary. A single line should separate out the last line of the summary and the list of keywords.

KEYWORDS: Most important words, maximum of six words, separated by comma.

SFGE 2016


This document presents the template of articles submitted to SFGE 2016. Page dimension corresponds to size A4, oriented as portrait in two columns. Pages should be configured as: top margin = 20 mm, bottom margin = 25 mm, left and right margins = 20 mm and space between columns = 6 mm.

The whole text should be typed using font Times New Roman, size 12. Title of the article, tables and figures will use different sizes of font.Title of the article should use font 18 aligned with the left margin (zero indentation). Use capital letters for the first letter of each word in the title.

A blank line (12 pt) should be left between the article title and the name of the first author as well as between authors. Again, between the last line of the last author and the keywords, a blank line should be left as space. Between the keyword line and the first section two blank lines are to be used as space.

All paragraphs must be justified to both margins of each column.

The first paragraph of each section and subsection must be justified to the left. All subsequent paragraphs must be indented to the equivalent to 3 letters.

The article must have a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 8 pages.

The article should be submitted as PDF file without page number and should not be larger than 5 Mb.

If this limit is surpassed please contact the Organizing Committee before attempting to upload the file.


2.1Titles of Sections and Sub sections

The numbering of all sections and sub sections should be justified to the left of each column. The title of each section or sub section should have an indentation of 6 letters from the left margin. Font size is 12.

Titles of first level section should be in capital letters. For the titles of all other levels only the first letter should be capital letter. Please refrain from using fourth level or higher.

2.1.1Sub Section of third level

The space between the title and the text is equal to 12 pt.

At the end of each section, two blank lines should separate out the next section. For sub sections (first or second level) use only one blank line or two blank lines before a new section (first level).


Figures and tables must be clear and should be inserted at the text near the first time it is referred to and never exceeding the margins. Titles of figures should be inserted immediately below the figure and table title should be placed immediately above it.

Figure 1. Titlein Times New Roman, font 10.

All figure and table titles should be justified to the left and numbered with Arabic notation in Times New Roman, size 10.

Table 1. Title in Times New Roman, font 10.

Soil / e / 
(kN/m3) / c'
(kPa) / '
Soil A / 0,75 / 17,2 / 12,0 / 31
Soil B / 0,59 / 20,0 / 0 / 43
Soil C / 0,83 / 18,9 / 15,3 / 37


Equations and mathematical expressions must be justified to the left and numbered in sequence, with the number between parentheses and justified to the right. Use Arabic numbers.

The numbering of equations of more than one line should be made at the last line. Equations must keep a distance of one blank line from the text above and below. Equations should be typed in the same font size as the main text and superscript and subscript should be type with size 9 pt, as indicated below:


SI units and conventional symbols must be used throughout the article.


This section is not numbered. The body of the text has the same format as the other sections.


This section is not numbered and must be presented in Time New Roman font size 10. Excepting the first line of each reference, all others will have a 5 mm indentation with respect to the left size of the column.

Titles of books, dissertations, theses, journals and conference proceedings should be typed in italic. When the cited reference is available only as CD-ROM, add the expression “CD-ROM” at the end of the description. For citation of internet material, the reference should contain the institution, Company or author responsible for the information, electronic address and date of access.

The references cited in the text must be listed in alphabetic order following the examples given below:

Ingold, T.S. and Miller, K.S. (1983). Drained Axisymmetric Loading of Reinforced Clay, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 109, p. 883-898.

Leshchinsky, D. and Perry, E.B. (1987) A Design Procedure for Geotextile Reinforced Walls, Geosynthetics'87, IFAI, New Orleans, LA, USA, Vol. 1, p. 95-107.

Silva, A.R.L. (1995) Análise de Estabilidadede Aterros Reforçados Sobre Solos Moles, Dissertação de Mestrado, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geotecnia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Universidade de Brasília, 183 p.

Terzaghi, K. and Peck, R.B. (1987) Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY, USA, 685 p.

SFGE 2016