November 2010 LCS-9844-1148

Professional Development Log of Inservice Activities

·  This form is to be used for professional development activities within one component.
·  It is to be turned in upon completion of 3 or more hours of professional development.
·  It is not to be used for conferences.

Name: ______School/Group: ______

PID Number:______Master Plan Component: ______

Primary Purpose: (A) Add-on Endorsement (B) Alternative Certification (C) Florida Certificate Renewal (D) Other Professional Certificate/License Renewal (E) Professional Skill Building

All individuals who intend to use this form must answer questions #1 and #2 and follow the directions for #6.

1.  Explain how student, school, or national data led you to select training in this area. ______

2.  What local, state, or federal legislation, policy or reform initiative is being addressed by participation in these activities? ______


School –based personnel are also to answer the following questions:

3.  Summarize the goal of your Individual Professional Development Plan. ______

4.  School Improvement Plan Goal: ______

5.  If number 4 is not applicable, how will the training relate to your IPDP goals? ______

6.  Principals/supervisors must measure the extent to which each training activity on your IPDP impacted student performance gains. If these activities relate to your IPDP, how are you assessing student growth or improvement? ______

Implementation Method:
(M) Structured Coaching /Mentoring (may include direct observation, conferencing, oral reflection, and/or lesson demonstration
(N) Independent Learning/Action Research related to training (should include evidence of implementation)
(O) Collaborative Planning related to training, includes learning community
(P) Participant Product related to training (may include lesson plans, written reflection, audio/videotape, case study,
student work samples)
(Q) Lesson Study Group participation
(R) Electronic interactive
(S) Electronic non-interactive / Evaluation Method (Student): Circle the primary way teachers will monitor the impact of the new strategies on student learning.
(A) District developed/standardized student test results
(B) School-constructed student test results
(C) Portfolios of student work
(D) Checklists of student performance
(E) Charts and graphs of student progress
(F) Other performance assessment
Evaluation Method (Staff): Circle the primary way teachers will be evaluated on impact of new strategies on teaching practices.
(A) Changes in classroom practices
(B) Changes in instructional leadership practices
(C) Changes in student services practices
(Z) Staff outcomes will not be evaluated

Describe how the follow-up activity will occur.


Approved by: ______Date: ______Number of Points: ____

Inservice Credit Log


Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours:___
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information used/implemented?

___ Attach Agenda

Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours: ___
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information used/implemented?

___ Attach Agenda

Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours: ___
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information implemented?

Attach Agenda

Inservice Credit Log

Name:______PID: ______School/Group: ______

Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours: ___
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information implemented?

Attach Agenda

Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours: ___
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information implemented?

Agenda Attached

Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours: ___
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information implemented?

Attach Agenda

Inservice Credit Log


Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours: ______
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information implemented?

Attach Agenda

Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours: _____
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information implemented?

Attach Agenda

Name of Inservice: ______
Date of Inservice: ______Times: ______Hours: _____
Teaching strategy or new information gained from attendance:
How was this information implemented?

Attach Agenda