BID: 021811
ITEM: Request for Proposals for Digital Call Recording System
DEADLINE: Friday, February 18, 2011 @ 10:00 a.m.
The Charter Township of West Bloomfield is seeking proposals for a digital call recording system for the Charter Township of West Bloomfield Police Department. The recording system must be configured to support 24/7 recording. The scope of this proposal includes acquiring and installing the digital recording system plus training appropriate personnel on its use. The system is to be delivered and installed at the West Bloomfield Police Department, 4530 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48323. All freight, delivery, installation and on-site training MUST be included in the unit cost.
An on-site meeting is encouraged, please contact Officer Dave Curry at (248) 975-8907 or to schedule a time.
The company awarded the proposal is expected to have the project completed and the system operational and available within 30-45 daysof the proposal being awarded, unless prior approval is given. If you are unable to meet these criteria, please do not submit a proposal for this order.
- Additional information from biddersmay be requested. Information must be supplied in writing within five (5) business days after receipt of a written request. Any bidder not responding to this request within this time frame may be deemed non-compliant and their proposal may be rejected.
- Proof of Insurance must be supplied. Include a copy of your current insurance certificates with your submittal. The awarded Proposer must have insurance acceptable to the Township Risk Management advisor and will be required to name the Township as additional insured.
- Bid Form: All proposals must be submitted on the provided bid form. All blank spaces must be filled in with ink or typewritten and the Bid Form must be fullycomplete and executed when submitted.
- No proposal will be accepted from, or contract awarded to any person, firm, or corporation that is in arrears or default to the Charter Township of West Bloomfield, upon any debt or contract, or as surety or otherwise, or has failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with the Township.
- No proposal may be withdrawn after it has been deposited with the Township for a period of 120 days, except as allowed by the Township or provided by law.
- All costs incurred in preparation, submission, and presentation of a proposal, in any way whatsoever, is the sole responsibility of the proposer. All supporting documentation will become the property of the Charter Township of West Bloomfield.
- No faxed or emailed proposals will be accepted. All information requested herein must be submitted with the proposal: Failure to do so may result in rejection of the proposal as non-responsive and/or incomplete.
- Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for the Township of West Bloomfield pursuant to the Request for Proposals and subsequent contract shall belong to the Charter Township of West Bloomfield.
- The awarded Vendor shall not transfer, assign, or subcontract any or all portions of the work unless the Township grants prior written approval. Any subcontractor, so approved, shall be bound by the terms and conditions of this contract. The awarded company shall be fully liable for all acts and omissions of its subcontractor(s) and shall indemnify the Charter Township of West Bloomfield for such acts or omissions.
- It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to make inquiry as to changes or addendums issued regarding this RFP. Addendum will be posted on the Township web site. All such changes or addendums shall become a part of the contract and all proposers shall be bound by such changes or addenda.
- On-site inspections will be scheduled by contacting Officer Dave Curry at (248) 975-8907 or . Failure to conduct a site survey shall not excuse errors in the proposal.
- The successful Proposer will be responsible for making all necessary contracts and arrangement with all providers interfacing to the proposed 911 system.
- All Proposers must comply with any State, Federal and Local laws, as well as any rules of the funding agency, at the local, state or federal level.
- The response must contain a list of all proposed equipment, which specifies each item, product manufacturer, individual model numbers, version numbers and the associated cost for each component or item. All equipment and component parts furnished shall be new, meet the minimum requirements stated herein, and must be in operable condition at the time of installation. The Proposer shall provide a detailed description of any special equipment or network interfaces necessary in order for the proposed system solution to function properly.
- The proposal must contain an itemized summary of all proposed maintenance and warranty information for three (3) years.
- The Proposer must provide a complete summary of personnel to be utilized in implementing the proposed system. Details regarding any subcontractors utilized must be clearly outlined.
- Provide a list of four (4) current installations of the equipment proposed with names and contact information.
- The Proposer must designate a single point of contact for any questions regarding the proposal submission.
- The Proposer must label and attach any required documentation and/or certifications as outlined in this RFP.
- All equipment and installation material required to fulfill the RFP specifications shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically enumerated in these specifications. The installation will be handled as a turnkey project, inclusive of delivery, installation, review and testing and written acceptance of all equipment from the planning phase to system implementation.
- Any errors or omissions in the RFP must be brought to the attention of Cindy Victor, Purchasing Agent at or call (248) 451-4801. No Proposer will be allowed to take advantage of any errors or omissions.
- The Township of West Bloomfield reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to let bids again, and to waive any irregularities in the best interest of the Township.
- All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope or package, and must include the following information on the exterior of the package:
- Name of the proposer and address
- Bid number
- Item: Proposal for Call Recording System
- Send proposals to the Attention of the Township Clerk, Catherine Shaughnessy, Charter Township of West Bloomfield Clerk’s Department and address as directed below:
For delivery directly to the Town Hall, 4550 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, Michigan, 48323.
US Mail Service: P.O Box 250130, West Bloomfield, Michigan 48325.
After 7:00 a.m. the day of the bid opening, DO NOT PUT YOUR BIDS IN
2.Submit one (1) original and three (3)paper copies of your proposal plus (1) CD with both PDF and Microsoft Word 2003 or later format copies of all printed material. Proposers not responding to any of the specifications may be classified as unresponsive. The response must follow the format outline in this proposal. Supplemental information may be attached.
- Any significant explanation desired by a Proposer, regarding the meaning or interpretation of the Request for Proposals must be requested with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach all prospective proposers before the submission of their proposals.Inquiries regarding the proposal will not be accepted after February 11, 2011. For questions regarding the specifications contact Cindy Victor, Purchasing Agent at (248) 451-4801 or . For questions regarding the specifications contact Officer Dave Curry at (248) 975-8907 or .
4.Any information given to a prospective Proposer concerning the RFP will be furnished to all prospective Proposers as an amendment or an addendum to the RFP,ifsuch information would be of significance to uninformed Proposers. The Charter Township of West Bloomfield will make the sole determination as to the significance to uninformed Proposers.
Firm Name:
City/State/Zip Code:
Telephone Number:Email Address:
Firm Established:______Years in Business:______
Type of Organization: ______State of Organization:______
Representative's Name:
It is agreed by the signed proposer that the signature and submission of this proposal represents the proposer’s acceptance of all terms, conditions, and requirements of the proposal specifications and, if awarded the proposal will represent the agreement between the parties.
The proposer agrees that the cost of any work performed, materials furnished, services provided, or expenses incurred, which are not specifically delineated in the proposal documents, but which are incidental to the scope, intent and completion of this contract, shall be deemed to have been included in the prices for the various items scheduled.
It is understood that all proposed prices shall remain in effect for a least 120 days from the date of the proposal opening to allow for the award and that, if chosen the successful Proposer, the prices will remain firm through invoice.
The proposer affirms that he/she is duly authorized to execute this proposal, that this proposal has not been prepared in collusion with any other proposer and that the contents of this proposal as to prices, terms or conditions have not been communicated by the undersigned, nor by any employee or agent, to any competitor and the proposer has full authority to execute any resulting contract awarded as result of, or on the basis of the proposal.
By submission of this proposal the Proposer agrees that at the time of submittal: (1) Proposer has nointerest (including financial benefit, commission, finder's fee, or any other remuneration) and shall not acquire any interest, either direct or indirect, that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of Proposer's services, and that (2) Proposer had no notice or knowledge of any “Conflict of Interest” that would be created by an award of a contract to Proposer A. "Conflict of Interest" shall include holding or retaining membership, or employment, on a board, elected office, department, division of bureau, or committee sanctioned by and/or governed by the Charter Township of West Bloomfield. Proposers shall identify any interest, and the individuals involved, on separate paper with the response and shall understand that the Township, at its discretion may reject their proposal.
BID: 021811
DEADLINE: Friday, February 18, 2011 @ 10:00 a.m.
The undersigned propose to furnish the item listed below and guarantee that if we are awarded the bid, we will furnish this in accordance with the attached specifications. This form may be copied if you wish to make an alternate bid.
Voice Logging Recorder with installation, configuration, and training / $______Support/Maintenance – quoted price valid for three (3) years – Yearly cost of support/maintenance / $______/ Yearly
Bid price is guaranteed for 120 days after being opened by the Charter Township of West Bloomfield
Name of Firm:Authorized Signature
Printed Name of Signee
Scope of Work
This specification defines the minimum requirements of a mission critical, public safety multi-media communications logging recording system for the Township of West Bloomfield Police Communications Center. Features designated in this specification are intended to define a comprehensive fault-tolerant recording solution to support the current Harris OpenSky radio system (SR9 Certification Required), telephone and video recording requirements, as well as define a migration path to support future NG911, and VoIP communications recording.
The recording system must be offered in a fault tolerant recording system configuration featuring geo-diverse redundant storage to support 24/7/365 recording, with automatic on-line instant recall recording storage to support recording of current and future audio, video and data communications.
1General Recorder Specifications:
1.1The Recorder located at the Police Dispatch Center shall be provided in a single 5U rack mounted recorder/server platform (Dell preferred) and initially configured with a minimum of 80 channels capable of recording public safety radio, telephone, video, and data communications in one system, with future expandability to 360 channels per recorder.
1.2The Recorder shall be licensed for 80 channels, recording the following:
6-Analog channels for E911 5-Positions with contact closure interface
6-Analog channels for E911 Trunks
8-Analog channels for Conventional Radios
32-IP channels for Harris OpenSky Trunked Radio System with SR9 certified integration interface.
1.3The Recorder shall be provided with a minimum of 140,000 channel-hours of on-line redundant storage for supporting instant recall, archival storage, and other on-line storage requirements. The recording solution must also be provided with geo-diverse storage redundancy via minimum of 1TB NAS (Network Attached Storage), location TBD.
1.4The Recorder shall be licensed for a minimum of one Administrator/Manager License for network accessible instant-recall/playback/monitoring and administration of the recorder, and operate on any supported Windows 7 or later Microsoft supported operating system.
1.5The Recorder shall be licensed with either 10 seat licenses or 3 concurrent use “User Client License(s)” for instant-recall/playback/monitoring, and operate on Windows 7 or later Microsoft supported operating system.
1.6The Recorder shall provide “TRU-IR” true instant recall capability for network access users, such that a user can access and playback any part of a call from the beginning of the call to real-time while the call is still in progress.
1.7The Recorder shall support a minimum of two 100/1,000 BaseT Ethernet Interfaces.
2.1Provide a minimum of three (3) references where the recorder:
2.1.1Has been in successful operation for at least one (1) year with certified IP integration to Harris IP Trunked Radio System (P25 or OpenSky).
2.1.2Has been deployed in a public safety communications recording environment with a similar geo-diverse backup storage configuration.
3Specific Requirements of Logging Recorder
3.1The Recorder System Design:
3.1.1The Recorder shall be provided in a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) platform.
3.1.2The Recorder shall be provided using Dell server in a 5U x 19” rack mounted configuration.
3.1.3The Recorder shall utilize Microsoft Server 2008 or later operating system.
3.1.4The Recorder shall utilize internally integrated Microsoft SQL without use of an external server.
3.1.5The Recorder shall have a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for ease of use.
3.1.6The Recorder shall be supplied with 1U rack mount 19” LCD Monitor/KB/T-Pad.
3.1.7The Recorder shall be supplied with 2U rack mount Dual Speaker assembly.
3.1.8The Recorderuser GUI shall allow for the definition of groups, users and channels folders in a similar and simple to use manner as the Windows Explorer application.
3.1.9The Recorder user GUI will allow the system administrator to configure all the recording channel parameters from a single system administrator screen.
3.1.10The Recorder shall be provided with a minimum of two NICs, 100/1000Base-T Ethernet Network Interface, and be TCP/IP network compatible.
3.1.11The Recorder shall support remote maintenance via customer provided VPN or web based.
3.1.12The Recorder shall be provided with a minimum of 140,000 channel-hours of online redundant storage via Raid-5 arrays consisting of 5-250GB hot-swappable hard drives providing 1TB of available storage.
3.1.13The Recorder shall be provided with 1TB Network Attached Storage (NAS) for geo-diverse storage redundancy. Note: DVD or DVD-Ram archive devices are not desirable for this application.
3.1.14The Recorder shall have an archival storage manager/library.
3.1.15The Recorder shall come with redundant hot-swappable 110/220Vac 50/60Hz power supplies.
3.1.16The Recorder shall be provided with commercial off-the-shelf interface cards which use PCI or PCIe bus interfaces.
3.1.17The Recorder shall not require any external workstations in order to perform basic operating functions, such as system management, maintenance, call search/monitoring/playback and call archiving.
3.1.18The Recorder provided shall come with a minimum of one year warranty on software and hardware.
3.2Recorder Control and Operations
3.2.1The Recorder shall be capable of functioning as a stand-alone unit for recording, archiving, searching and playback. No additional workstation will be required.
3.2.2The Recorder shall allow any number of concurrent remote LAN workstations be setup for playback and monitoring, limited only by concurrent use licensing.
3.2.3The Recorder shall provide the following functions and indications by point-and-click and drop down menu actions logon, logoff, shutdown, system configuration, help, record, playback, live monitor, channel activity monitor, channel name, play/monitor volume control, media retention period, catalog of all recordings, search-find, playback, stop, play, pause, begin, rewind, fast forward, end, variable speed playback with pitch correction and alarms.
3.2.4The Recorder shall be able to show on a single screen: a multi-channel time line view of calls, a list of calls, player controls, and available call sorting folders tree
3.2.5The Recorder shall be able to display, and search by, call records information for each call including: media type, library location, channel number, name of channel, time, date, telephone number, duration of recorded message, start and end time, DTMF, Caller ID, Radio Channel and VoIP attributes as provided.
3.2.6The Recorder shall provide the capability to save any recorded call in industry standard MP3 or WAV file format for playback on any multimedia Windows PC without the need of proprietary software. These files may also be transmitted as email attachments.
3.2.7If the recorder uses proprietary storage formats it must be clearly delineated in your proposal.
3.3The Recorder System Networking Capabilities
3.3.1The Recorder shall be capable of real time live monitoring over the LAN from any Windows XP/Vista/7 workstation(s).
3.3.2The Recorder shall offer an optional client software module that can be installed on a supervisor’s desktop PC, permitting the supervisor to listen to any or all “live” channels currently being recorded.
3.3.3The Recorder shall be capable of viewing, and retrieving from multiple recordings in a unified manner from a single client workstation PC.
3.3.4The Recorder shall permit all channels to be simultaneously live monitored. The Live Monitoring function shall be a standard feature.