Stepping up Placemat Themes and Priority Outcomes – Brainstorming Meeting April 16, 2014
Health & Wellness
- Ontario youth are physically healthy.
- YMCA, Making Play Possible, Youth Friendly Designation, Walking School Bus, roots to Empathy,
- Ontario youth feelmentally well.
- Mental health initiative, LGMH and Children’s Mental Health, warm handout, justice collaborative, community of interest, suicide protocol, STAR (supporting teens at risk) safe communities Coalition,
- Ontario youth make choice that support healthy and safe development
- Working together (model of RNJ Youth Services and Tricas Collaboration) Health Unit & Girls Inc. delivery of” friendly persuasion”, UCDSB, Country Roads Health Unit deliveryof “project bold”, community partnerships
Strong, Supportive Friends & Families
- Ontario youth have families and guardian equipped to help them thrive
- Triple P, family engagement project EKIOC, supporting families and engage youth, Connect Youth, Affordable Housing Coalitions, Poverty Round Table, health Unite link with Vibrant communities, breakfast programs, foodbank cooking class, community garden development.
- Ontario youth have at least one consistent, caring adult in their lives
- Roots to wings, STARR program, Youth in Transition @ EEC, Wrap around, developmental assets workgroup, Health Unit Asset Building, Separate Board resiliency work
- Ontario youth form and maintain healthy , close relationships
- Friends group (Children’s Mental Health) youth drop in centres ( Gan) Country Roads, Big Brother/Sisters Kemptville, YMCA’s Y on the fly, finding our way /on our way project, CMHA drop in program, same day appointment program, cooking clubs
Education, Training & Apprenticeships
- Ontario youth achieve academic success
- Mentoring, turning points ABLE, Turning Point (Separate School Board, St. Luc’s 99% graduation initiative, Michelangelo, Link crew, International Baccalaureate program, high School specialist major ( e.g hospitality at GSS) , dual Credit program at colleges
- Ontario youth have education experiences that respond to their need and prepare them to lead
- Country roads, Queens Enrichment Program, Link Crew Peer to Peer, Girls Inc.
9. Ontario youth access diverse training and apprenticeship opportunities
- OYAP, EEC, TR Leger, Delta Theatre Film Program
Employment & Entrepreneurship ( Sue Watts please help complete this section)
- Ontario youth have opportunities for meaningful employment experiences.
- EEC ………… HRDC Summer Jobs program
- Ontario youth have the skills and resources needed to develop a successful career or business
- Summer Company, roots to Winds, Business Success Coaching program, financial literacy (Money Smarts) for kids in care.
- Ontario youth are safe and supported at work
- Safe communities, young workers safety awareness programs, skills link programs, Foundations, TR Leger, one day training and certification programs.
Diversity, Social Inclusion & Safety
- Ontario youth experience social inclusion and value diversity.
- PFLAG, Gay Straight Alliance in Schools, RNJ Rebound, Making Play Possible, Aboriginal Self Identification in UCDSB. Immigrant newcomer programs, Character Education,
14 .Ontario youth feel safe at home, at school, on line and in their communities
- YVC, Character Always , youth engagements, anti-bullying, social skills training Rebound, Making Play possible, YIPPI (Brockville Police) cyberbullying VICC, protocols to threat assessment, rebound , VICC
15. Ontario youth respect, and are respected by, the law and justice system
- Youth justice community partners, justice graffiti project, partner with crown attorney on youth justice steering committee, restorative justice programs in schools and communities, service officers in schools. Safe schools. VEP, DARE, justice collaborative, respect for youth, Criminal Court Fund,
Civic Engagement & Youth Leadership
16. Ontario youth play a role in informing the decision that affects them.
- Youth engagement squad, United Way youth to youth board, Finding Our Way, volunteer Centre, youth friendly designation, UCDSB youth trustees, Youth Advisory committees, Centre of excellence for youth engagement,
17. Ontario youth are engaged in their communities.
- Volunteer Centre Change the World Award, City of Brockville Youth committee, Rotaract (at Vanier School) Young Chamber group. Rideau Lakes model youth advisory group
18. Ontario youth leverage their assets to address social issues.
- Centre of excellence, YVC, School Board youth focus groups, youth volunteer members.
Coordinated & Youth-Friendly Communities
19. Ontario youth have access to safe spaces that provide quality opportunities for play and recreation
- Youth friendly designation, healthy communities, Skateboard Park in Brockville and Gananoque, municipal indicators, Libraries. Y on the Fly, POP,
20. Ontario youth know about and easily navigate resources in their communities
- YMCA, Big Brothers Big Sisters , Gananoque POP, Champions for Kids, Good Samaritan Fund, Jumpstart, Youth functions survey gap identification, Youth for Youth website, checkered flags, SG initiative (Jen McMaster) Making Play Possible, 211