October 10, 2013
Dear Parents or Guardians,
I am pleased to inform you that your child is enrolled in my English 9A Honors class. Please take the time to discuss with your child the classroom policies and expectations below. Your child will be required to display personal accountability and critical thinking skills as he/she works toward personal mastery (achievement grade), responsibility (work habit grade), and respect (cooperation grade).
The major purpose of this course, as per California state standards, is to provide a balanced language arts experience. This course meets one semester of the basic grade-level English requirement for graduation.
Your child will have homework assigned most nights. Please help your son or daughter complete all assignments by providing a quiet place to study, by encouraging him or her to finish all homework before watching television, and by asking your child to share what he or she learns in class.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at any time. You may leave a message with the school secretary (323/900-2700) or email me at .
Michael A. Weintraub
Parents and/or guardians, please read these rules over with your child, and then sign and return the second page. Please keep the first page for your own reference.
1. Students will demonstrate respect for one another at all times. Name-calling, bullying, and other types of harassment will not be tolerated. Derogatory references to race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation will result in a referral to the dean's office.
2. Students are expected to complete all tasks on time. Late work will be accepted for up to one week beyond the due date, and will receive half credit. Work that is more than one week late will not be accepted and will receive no credit.
3. Students are required to come to class on time and prepared with paper, pens, notes, and the assigned textbooks. If you are tardy, any homework due will be considered late, and will receive half credit. Excessive tardies (three per semester) will also result in a detention.
4. After an excused absence, students will have 2 days to submit make up assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to contact me, or a classmate, about missed assignments before class begins. Some work, such as quickwrites and other warmups, group assignments, and other assignments that can only be done in class, cannot be made up, and will count against your grade whether your absence is excused or not. This will only have a severe impact on your grade if you have frequent absences, so don't miss class unless it is an absolute emergency. No makeup work will be accepted for unexcused absences.
5. All students are expected to participate in classroom activities. They must also be prepared for the classroom activities by keeping up with all reading assignments.
6. Students are expected to follow all school rules at all times.
7. The following items are not allowed in class under any circumstances and will be confiscated:
I. Food and drink (except for water).
II. All electronic devices, including cellular phones, mp3 players, and video
III. Hats and other items prohibited by the school’s dress code.
Please sign below and return to indicate that you have reviewed the policies
described in the attached letter, and agree to abide by them.
Student Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Daytime phone number: (____)______
Evening phone number: (____)______