Asbestos Awareness

This video provides an introduction to the health risks of asbestos and covers:

·  The three forms of asbestos

·  Adverse health effects

·  Where asbestos can be found

·  Hazard communication

·  Personal protection

·  Housekeeping

Duration 19 mins

Hydrogen Sulphide:

A Matter Of Life Or Death

Hydrogen Sulphide is a poison and in high concentrations, it can kill. This video covers:

·  What is Hydrogen Sulphide?

·  The effects of Hydrogen Sulphide

·  Air monitoring requirements

·  Personal protective equipment

·  Emergency response/first aid procedures

Duration: 18 mins

Lead! Treat It With Respect

An informative video that covers:

·  How & why lead is dangerous

·  Explains the causes of lead contamination and the effects of it

·  How to measure and monitor lead levels

·  Explains P.E.L., how to determine it and what actions to take at different levels approaching the P.E.L.

·  Respirators and their air filters

·  Covers PPE needed for working with lead

·  Medical tests you can take to make sure you are not over exposed

Duration: 17 mins

Anhydrous Ammonia

Anhydrous ammonia plays a crucial role in making many necessities of life, but it can be toxic - even deadly. This video program covers basic facts about the chemical, while discussing personal protection and emergency response.

·  How ammonia affects your body

·  Avoiding personal exposure

·  Preventing release

·  First aid

Duration: 18 mins

Learn From Their Mistakes: Hazcom Case Histories

Program Contents:

The importance of knowing & understanding:

·  Warning labels


·  PPE

·  Emergency response

·  Hazcom right to know

·  Following directions

·  Knowing your company policies & procedures

Duration: 20 mins

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SYDNEY NSW 2000 Fax:02 9279 4488


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Asbestos Awareness / Hydrogen Sulphide / Lead / Anhydrous Ammonia / Hazcom Case Histories

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A.B.N. 91 002 025 050

Lvl 3, 75 King St 15.11.01 Ph: 02 9279 4499

SYDNEY NSW 2000 Fax:02 9279 4488
