St Thomas CEP
Proposed spend of Sports Premium 2016 – 2017
In April 2013, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for Physical Education (PE) and Sport. The funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. It is being provided jointly by the Departments of Education, Healthy and Culture, Media and Sport. Funding will be allocated to all maintained and state-funded schools with primary phase pupils. Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
At St. Thomas’ we have received £9780. The next page sets out how we have spent some of the premium money and our plans for future spending in 2016 – 2017.
Aspect of developmentCPD for staff
- Physical Education Curriculum Support and Staff CPD - A Full Days Curriculum Support for one academic year including an after school club for one term. All members of staff will receive half a term CPD support in an area of PE that they feel they need to develop within the PE curriculum.
- All teachers have had CPD and Gymnastics has been the main focus for staff CPD and therefore curriculum support was given in this area in particular. Across KS2 Outdoor and adventurous activities was also an area within PE that members of staff felt they needed support in. As a result of the CPD given across these areas staff feel extremely confident in delivering high quality lessons which is sustainable for further years. From the O&AA sessions delivered teachers were able to select children to enter the local competitive O&AA race.
KS1 took advantage of the after school club and therefore received 10 weeks of well-planned and resourced after school multi-skills sessions. This also included agility, speed and reaction challenges which then helped prepare for the sports week.
- CPD for dance. A programme that engages children through a variety of topics and cross curricular links that installs confidence in non PE specialists to deliver high quality practice.
- Teaching materials purchased and discussed in staff meeting on how to use the website and high quality videos to teach dance across the school,however Blackburn with Darwen have blocked the teaching resources and videos under current regulations and therefore has not been able to be used to its best ability. The local authority have been informed along with imoves who use vimeo for their videos and this is hopefully going to be resolved in the Autumn term 2017.
Extra-Curricular Sports clubs, competitions and whole school events
- Opportunity Sports Foundation. All children within the school take part in competitive school sports week. This provides the every child in the school to take part in intra school competitions. Medals are allocated to pupils of the winning team. At the end of the week a pupil is selected to receive the Victor Lodrum trophy, this is for outstanding sportsmanship and effort. The children are placed into teams in relation tocurrent sporting events. E.g. Wimbledon (Tennis)
- The children were able to experience different sporting activities every day, working as an individual and as team. Using different equipment enabled the children to apply the skills taught throughout the year from high quality PE lessons in a competitive situation. This created an enjoyable and magical atmosphere for the children, staff and parents as the St Thomas’ family all came together to celebrate the final day.
Sports Partnership
- St Bedes RC High school – BSSP - Andrew Mercer’s premium school sports package, offering many intra school sporting competitions within Blackburn with Darwen.
- As a school extra sporting events have been entered over the academic year including: dodgeball, bikeability, cross country, hockey festivals, KS1 athletics tournaments, rounders, football, rugby, cricket, orienteering, athletics, golf and swimming galas. This is a wide range of sporting activities that the children have been able to represent their school and compete against other local schools in many cases winning medals and being recognised by outside sporting agencies eg Blackburn Harriers and BRFC. This is then acknowledged in the whole school assembly allowing the children to stand up with pride that they represented our school. 75% of the school took part in extracurricular sporting activities.
- Training for TAs will be given so Level 1 activity can be delivered during break and lunchtimes.
- Lisa Kit, BWD SLE, delivered training to all TAs and welfare staff. This has resulted in structured lunch time physical activities taking place and from this lunch time behaviour and accidents have been reduced significantly.
- One member of staff will be sent to one CPD course per term. Courses will be delivered in Gymnastics and Dance as well as Sport specific course led by National Governing Bodies.
- LK attended the athletics training delivered by National Practitioner for athletics. This resulted in LK delivering training to staff via a staff meeting.
- We will receive a half terms support during curriculum time to work alongside a teacher for one morning or afternoon a week.
- Allocated for 2017-2018 due to specialist unavailability during 2016-2017.
- Support with schemes of work, curriculum and lesson planning.
- LK and DD attended Health and Safety workshops focussing on Safe Practice within PE. Guidance and support offered on the school games award. As a result of these amendments have been made to a variety of PE equipment and St. Thomas’ is now a Silver School Games School.
- Half term block of after-school sessions delivered by a member of the School Sports team. The activity chosen will be something that the children request.
- Dance year 5 and 6 delivered and from this a Bollywood after school club was established and has continued in the 17-18 academic year.
- SEN/OAA specialist to deliver regular SEN Festivals and Competitions in a variety of sports, School staff training (CPD) and after-school sessions, as well as support curriculum delivery where needed.
- OAA delivered via KB (Specialist teacher)
- Specific children will be offered the opportunity from Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 to attend Gifted & Talented camps held in February and May Half terms.
- Attended at St Bedes – sports/ healthy week including looking at the mental impact of PE. Gifted and Able children identified for the half term holiday sports camp and chauffeured to the school. Over all 12 children participated in this.
Total expenditure / £11,000