Travel Authorizations in the Expense Module
TravelAuthorizationsare used toobtaindepartmental pre-tripapproval and will be replacing the paper request to be absent from campus. TravelAuthorization requestsincludeestimated expensessuch asairfare,lodging, meals,etc. whichcan becopied toan expensereportafterthetrip is completed. Travel Authorization mustbe fully approved before the trip or any expenses are incurred.
1)Log into E-Reimbursement System by going to TravelWIse website and then clicking on “E-Reimbursement Log In”
2)ClickonCreate aTravelAuthorizationintheExpense Module - Expensesbox.A blankTravel Authorization requestwill appear.
Note: If designated asan alternateforanotherindividual,entertheiremployeeornon-employee IDafterselecting CreateaTravelAuthorizationin theExpense Module–Expensesbox.If you do notknowtheID,clickonthemagnifying glass nextto theEmployeeIDfield. Alistof travelers will appear.SelecttheappropriateIDfromthelistand clickAddto open a blankTravel Authorization. If thedesired travelerdoesnotappear,see Howto AssignanAlternatein the Expense Module.
3) CompletetheGeneral Information Panelwiththefollowing information:
a. Description: Enter a brief description ofthefuturetripin 30charactersor less.
b. BusinessPurpose: Clickonthedrop-down arrowand selectthecategorythatbest describestheofficial businesspurposeof thetravelorexpense. See BusinessPurpose Descriptions for the Expense Module.
c.Comment: Enter a detaileddescription ofthefuturetrip including expense/travel justification and supportingdetails.This field allowsan unlimited numberof characters. Note: All acronymsmustbespelled out.
d. DefaultLocation: Enterthelocationwheretheexpenseswill beincurred(e.g. San Siego,CA).Tolook up specificlocations, enter thefirstthreecharactersofthecity nameandclickon themagnifying glassicon.
Note: Using theDefault Location field minimizesdataentry foreach expenselinein the Detailssection oftheTravel Authorization. Ifmostof theexpenseswillnotbeincurred in thesamelocation,leavethefield blank.
e. Date From: Entera future datetoreflectthedeparturedateofthetrip.
f.Date To: Entera future datetoreflectthereturn dateof thetrip.
g.Attachments: Youmayattach documentation tothe travel authorizationbyclicking theAttachmentslinkand then theAdd Attachmentbutton. ClicktheBrowse button, locatethe desiredfileandclicktheUpload button.
(i.e. conference brochure/announcement, hotel information, per diem calculator).
4) ReviewtheTravel Authorizationfunding sourcebyclickingon AccountingDefaultsbelowthe General InformationPanel.Thefunding string displayed isapplied toeach expenseline.The Deptidentified willdeterminewhotheExpenseReportisroutedtoforapproval.Toensure proper routing,theTraveler/Alternateshould changethefunding sourceprior tosubmission. Tousemultiplefunding sources,clicktheAddChartfield Line button,adjustthepercentage fields, enter theadditionalfunding information and clickOK. Todeletea fundingsource,click theminussign attheend of therow.
Note: Funding sourcesmaybechanged on individual expenselines by clicking the Accounting
Details linklocated within the Detailspageof eachexpenseline. See step 6.g. for information on the line details.
5) CompletetheDetailssection oftheTravel Authorization request. To complete the details section you have three options under the Quick Start drop down.
a. Start using a blank authorization (default). If you choose this option, you will need to manually enter all the expense lines for your trip manually.
b. Chose “A Template” to start your details section. Whitewater has created three templates, select the most appropriate template for your authorization:
1. Day Trip
2.In State Trip
3. Out of State Trip
One you select the correct trip you will need to update your dates, and select the expenses you anticipate for your upcoming trip. If you will not be incurring certain expenses, just don’t place a checkmark in front of those expense types.
If you select all days, you will receive a line for that expense line for each day. So since I selected all days for Meals and Incidentals, once I create this authorization I will have four lines for Meals and Incidentals. For all other expense types, I selected on day, so I will only see one line.
Click OK and the screen below will show up.
c. Choose “An Existing Authorization” if you have done an authorization similar in the past. This will copy the information from that previous authorization into the new form. You will just need to update the dates and any other changes. This can be useful if you attend the same conference each year.
6) Regardless of which method you use to create the expense lines, Travelers/Alternates will need to enter the following information:
a. Expense Type: SelecttheappropriateExpenseTypefromthedrop-downmenu.If
multiplechargesareincluded ononeinvoice/receipt,splitthemintoseparateexpense lines/types(e.g. internetfee on lodging folio)byselecting each expensetypemanually or using theReceiptSplitfunction (See HowtoUsetheReceiptSplitFunction in the Expense Module.).
b. Expense Date: Enterthedatethattheexpensewasincurred asindicated onthe invoice/receipt.
c.AmountSpent: EntertheamountspentinUS dollars.Currencyconversionmust be doneoutsideofExpense Module (Seethe currencyconverter).
d. Currency: Itisrecommended toenterexpensesin USdollars.
e. PaymentType: SelecttheappropriatePaymentTypefromthe drop downmenu:
•PersonalFunds: Reimbursableexpensesarepaid directlytotheclaimant.
•US Bank:Corporate card charges can bydirectlytoUS Bank,bythe
University,on behalfofthe cardholder.
•UniversityPrepaid: Expenseshavealreadybeen paidbytheUniversitywith another payment method(e.g. Purchasing Card)andwill not beincluded inthe amountreimbursabletotheclaimant.
f.Billing Type: SelecttheappropriateBilling Typefromthedrop downmenu:
•In-state: expensesincurredwithin theclaimant’sheadquarter stateor aspartof a trip withinthetraveler’sheadquarter state
•Out-of-state: expensesincurred outsidetheclaimant’sheadquarterstateor as part ofa tripoutsideofthetraveler’sheadquarterstate
•Foreign: expensesincurredoutsideoftheclaimant’sheadquartercountryoras part ofa tripoutsidethetraveler’sheadquarter country
g.Detail: ExpenseTypes mayrequireadditionalinformation. Click onthe Detail linkatthe end ofthe expenseline, once you are in the detail screen review the screen for any lines with an asterisk, as these items are required. If you would like to update the funding by dollar amount, click on the “Accounting Detail” link above the Check Expenses for Errors button and update the funding.
Note: To copy an expenseline,checktheSelectboxnexttothedesiredexpenselineand click Copy Selected. Indicatewhetherthenewexpenselineshould becopied to a singledateora rangeof dates and clickOK. Thenewexpenseline(s)will appear.To deletean existing expense line,checktheSelectboxnexttothedesiredlineand clickDeleteSelectedand OK.
7) When entryiscomplete,proceed asfollows:
a.Click Check For Errors button. If there are any lines that require additional information a red flag will be populated to the left of the expense type column. Click on the Detail link for that line and update the information as necessary.
b. If entering for yourself or on behalf ofa non-employee,clickSubmit, verifythe totals on thescreen that followsandclickOK.
c. If entering on behalf of another employee,click Notify Traveler.Thetraveler mustlogin to the Expense Module,click Modify a Travel Authorization in the Expense Module – Expenses box,clicksearch,locatethe pending Travel Authorization,click Submit, verify the totals onthescreenthatfollowsand click OK.
Note: If furtherentry isrequired,clickSave for Later.To retrievetheexisting Travel
Authorization,clickModifyaTravelAuthorizationin theExpense Module–Expensesbox.