Town of West Rutland

35 Marble St. West Rutland, VT 05777 (802) 438-2263, fax 438-5133

Paving Invitation to Bid

The Town of West Rutland Select Board will receive bids for fiscal year 2015-16 paving. Bid may be awarded at the April 6, 2015 Select Board meeting. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Paving Bid Specifications:

  • All streets to be paved shall be swept within 24 hours prior to paving.
  • A bonding emulsion shall be sprayed evenly across the street to be paved.
  • Contractors to work VOSHA compliant; provide signs and traffic control in accordance with the MUTCD.
  • Pavement thickness listed per street, installation of driveway aprons at time of road paving (small roller may be needed) , gravel base grading, and other relevant services and material.
  • Asphalt, emulsions and paving procedures shall conform to all the latest applicable VTRANS specifications.
  • Reclaim work to consist of grinding, compaction, fine grading to shape, and final compaction. All effort shall be made by the contractor to prevent grindings from migrating on to resident’s lawns.
  • Lap joints: A strip 1” deep and 36” wide minimum shall be cold planed the width of the road way where needed to avoid lap joints.
  • Paving to be completed no later than October 1, 2014. A penalty of $500 per day for every day after the deadline will be assessed until the job is completed.
  • Road Foreman may add or delete streets to be paved as paving progresses.
  • Contractor to report to road foreman daily slips of tonnage and roads paved to track quantities and costs.
  • Contractors are responsible for contracting Dig Safe prior to reclaim work.
  • Paving bid to be lump sum and submitted on the form provided.
  • Changes to the specification maybe submitted for consideration by the Select Board and Road Foreman.
  • Contractor carries workers compensation insurance and at least $1,000,000 of liability insurance on the proposed work. Proof of insurance will be submitted upon notice of bid award.
  • Contractor shall notify the Town in at least three business days in advance of project start dates for coordination purposes
  • Bids to be marked on the envelope “Paving Bid” and sent to the Town Manager at 35 Marble Street West Rutland, VT 05777 on or before 11:00 am. April 9th, 2015. Bids to be opened at this time and prepared for the Select Board’s review. The Select Board will review the bids attheir meeting that evening at 6:00pm at which time they may award the bid.



To the Town of West Rutland:

The following is our quotation for your paving. Our company is familiar with these roads and the work required. Our price includes paving as noted in the bid specifications. Paving will be performed for unit price per ton, type III based on the following quantities.

LocationLength WidthDepthTons

1. Highland Ave1,104’21’2” ½ shim 1 ½ top264

2. Pleasant Heights 2,900’22’2”800

3. Clark Hill 174’22’1.5” top325

4. Pine Hill 175’23’2”506

5. Proctor Street 395’19’1” 50

6. Dewey Avenue patching

Total estimated tons = 2,000

BID DUE DATE: Monday, April 6, 2015 @ 11AM


Bid Price per ton: ______X 2,000 tons=______

Amount of days required to do the work: ______

Date: ______Contractor: ______

Authorized Signature:______