Professor/Chair of Department of Computer Science

(908) 737-3797; ;

Professional Experiences:

09/09- present
07/08 - present
07/07 - 06/08
09/05- 08/09
09/99 -06/05 / Professor - KeanUniversity, Department of Computer Science, Union, N.J.
Chairperson - KeanUniversity, Department of Computer Science, Union, N.J.
Coordinator - Telecommunication and Information Technology Program, Dept. of CS, Union, N.J.
Associate Professor - KeanUniversity, Department of Computer Science, Union, N.J.
Assistant Professor - KeanUniversity, Department of Math. & Computer Science, Union, N.J.
  • Transformed M.S. in Management Information Systems program into M.S. in Computer Information Systems in May, 2011 with updated curriculum.
  • Transformed B.S. in Telecommunication and Information Technology into B.S. in Information Technology in May, 2009 with updated curriculum.
  • Member of Middle States Accreditation Working Group 7. Responsible for Standard 14: Assessment of Student Learning report.
  • Conducting and supervising student research and software development in Virtual and Augmented Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, and Software Systems.
  • Awarded NSF MRI-R2:Acquisition of hardware for data visualization and exploratory analysis with D. Joiner and P. Morreale, Proposal No. 095904, $593,000.00.
  • Awarded NSF DUE: Project ASK: Applying Student Knowledge for Success in Computer Science, with P. Morreale, Proposal No. 0804664, $584,875.00, 2008-2013.
  • Awarded NSF MRI: Acquisition of Computing Equipment to Enhance Computational Science Research at KeanUniversity, with D. Joiner, Proposal No. 0722790, $420,000.00, 2007-2009.
  • Chair of the Computational Science Group and Director of High-Performance Computational Laboratory (
  • Visiting Researcher at the Center for Applied Genomics at the InternationalCenter for Public Health (ICPH). Designed and implemented an Online Microarry Analysis System. 2002-2003.
  • Inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi ( in January 2003.
  • Coached Kean’s programming teams for the ACM Regional Programming Contest 2000-2004.
  • Taught both graduate and undergraduate courses in Databases, Data Structures and Programming Techniques in Java and C++, and Special Topics.
  • New courses developed:
  • Graduate: Web Database Programming (PHP/Perl/Servlet/JSP/JDBC/MySQL)
  • Graduate: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  • Graduate: Principles of Informatics: Algorithms and Tools
  • Graduate: Enterprise Software Development (J2EE/EJB/XML)
  • Graduate: Component Software Design and Design Patterns
  • Graduate: High-Performance Computing
  • Graduate: Advanced Analysis of Algorithms
  • Undergrad: New Media Programming I (Flash/Actionscript/Video/Audio)
  • Undergrad: New Media Programming II (Flash/Actionscript/XML/DB/Components)
  • Undergrad: Database System Concepts and Applications
  • Undergrad: Foundations of Information Technology
  • Undergrad: Game Design and Development
  • Undergrad: Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Undergrad: Advanced Programming Techniques
  • Undergrad: Data Structures and Advanced Programming for Information Technology

09/06 - 06/07 / Software Engineering Consultant - MobileAware Inc. Cranbury, N.J.
  • Designed, implemented and maintained Automated Build Procedure for all products.

05/00 - 11/01 / Mobile/Wireless Computing Consultant - Mobilocity, Inc. New York. N.Y.
  • Designed and Implemented Voice Application Framework using Java Design Patterns.
  • Implemented Voice Alert System for Bookspan.
  • Integrated Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Apache, Tomcat, Jboss, WebLogic, OpenSSL, OpenLDAP, mod_ssl, mod_php, mod_perl, CVS, and Kerberos into Enterprise Mobile/Wireless Computing Backend Infrastructure at Mobilocity.

01/95 - 08/99 / Research Assistant - Knowledge and Data Engineering Lab., NJIT CIS Dept., Newark, N.J.
  • Designed & implemented a Web-based Approximate Querying System using Java, C, and Perl.
  • Designed Web-based Approximate Query Language.
  • Ported Structural Document Comparison Tool to PREDATOR (an ORDBMS).
  • Designed & implemented Structural Document Comparison Tool using Tcl/Tk and C.
  • Designed & implemented Document Query Language using Lex/Yacc and C.
  • Designed & implemented Pattern Matching and Discovery Visual Toolkit for genome data using Tcl/Tk and C.
  • Supervised fourteen Master’s Projects.
  • Research Assistantship, from NSF grants IRI-9224602 and IRI-9531548, every summer 1995-1998.

09/95 - 08/99 / Special Lecturer (1/99- 8/99) - NJIT CIS Dept., Newark, N.J.
Teaching Assistant (9/95- 12/98) - NJIT CIS Dept., Newark, N.J.
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in:
  • CIS631 - Graduate Course in Database Management Systems Design (Summer 98/99).
  • CIS431 - Introduction to Database Systems (S97/F97).
  • CIS333 - UNIX Operating System Internals and Programming (F98/S99).
  • CIS114 Honors - Introduction to Data Structures (S98).
  • CIS104/106 - Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving (F95/S96).

01/94 - 05/94 / Teaching Assistant - NYIT Computer Science Dept., Westbury, N.Y.
  • Directed programming lab sessions for an undergraduate programming class.
  • Provided consultation in C++ programming language and data structures.

06/89 - 08/89 / Research Assistant - University of Georgia, Entomology Dept., Athens, G.A.
  • Analyzed the surface lipids of social wasps (Polistes metricus) and their nests using HP GC/MS.
  • Analyzed the relationship between wasp nestmates and their nest using SPSS.
  • Performed bioassay on social wasps.


Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, N.J.
Dissertation Title: WAQS: A Web-based Approximate Querying System.
Master of Science in Computer and Information Science
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, N.J.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
StateUniversity of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, N.Y.

Computer Skills:

Certification: / Redhat Certified Engineer. Certification No:806099024200311
Language/Tool: / C/C++, Java/JSP/EJB, Perl, PHP, Actionscript, Tcl/Tk, SQL, bash, Lex/Yacc, LISP, Pascal, sed/awk, BASIC, XML/HTML/WML/VoiceXML, ASM 80x86, MC680x0, CVS/RCS.
Operating System: / Linux, Solaris, MS Windows, MacOS, and OS X.
Database System: / Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

Authored Book:

"Mining the World Wide Web: An Information Search Approach," G. Chang, M.J. Healey, J. McHugh and J.T.L. Wang. Kluwer Academic Publishers, June 2001, ISBN: 0-7923-7349-9.
Japanese Translation: Kyoritsu Publisher, January 2004, ISBN: 4-320-12087-6.

Paper Publications:

  • "Science and Human Rights: A Bridge Towards Benefiting Humanity," J.H. Toney, H. Kaplowitz, R. Pu, F. Qi, and G. Chang. Human Rights Quarterly - Volume 32, Number 4, November 2010, pp. 1008-1017. The JohnsHopkinsUniversity Press.
  • "Applications of AugmentedReality Systems in Education," G. Chang, P. Morreale, and P. S. Medicherla. Proceedings of the 21st Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. March 29-April 2, 2010, San Diego, CA.

  • "Visualization for Increased Understanding and Learning Using Augmented Reality," S. Medicherla, G. Chang, and P. Morreale. Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, demo paper, March 29-31, 2010, Philadelphia, PA, accepted.

  • "Connecting Undergraduate Programs to High School Students: Teacher Workshops on Computational Thinking and Computer Science," P Morreale, D. Joiner, and G. Chang,Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 2010, accepted.

  • "Methodology for Successful Undergraduate Recruiting in Computer Science at Comprehensive Public Universities," P. Morreale, S. Kurkovsky, and G. Chang. Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, March 4-7, 2009, Chattanooga, TN, pp. 91-95.

  • "Real-time Contextual Representation of Sensor Network Data for Environmental Trend Identification, " P. Morreale, F.Qi, P. Croft, G. Chang, J. Czarnik, N. Doell, J. Espin, and R. Suleski, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE InternationalConference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA ’09), Bradford, UK, May 2009, pp. 407-412.

  • "A Framework of Generating Arc-annotated Sequences for Evaluating RNA Analysis Algorithms" S. Zhang and G. Chang. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering & Computer Science (WCECS’08), San Francisco, October 22-24, 2008.

  • "Encouraging Successful Transition in Computer Science from Community College to University", P. Morreale, G. Chang & L. Wittenberg. Proceedings of the 39th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE’08), Portland, Oregon, pp. 565, poster session, , March 12-15, 2008.

  • "Transitioning from a Community College to a Four-Year University", P. Morreale, G. Chang & L. Wittenberg, IEEE Computer, Vol. 41(3), pp. 89-91, March 2008.

  • "Enhanced SEA Algorithm and Fingerprint Classification", L. M. Liu, C. Y. Huang, T. S. Dai & G. Chang. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 30(4), pp. 295-302, 2007.

  • "Effects of Time and Information on Perception of Art, " L.F.Smith, S.G. Bousquet, G. Chang & J. K. Smith. Journal of Empirical Studies of the Arts, Vol. 24(2), pp. 229-242, 2006.

  • "Components for Building Desktop-Application-like Interface in Web Applications," G. Chang, J-W Hsieh, and P. Calixto. The Seventh Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb05), pp. 960-971, March 29-April 1, 2005.

  • "Finding Approximate Patterns in Undirected Acyclic Graphs: Algorithms and Applications," J.T.L. Wang, K. Zhang, G. Chang, and D. Shasha. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 35(2), pp 473-483, 2002.

  • "Precise Environmental Searches: Integrating Hierarchical Information Search with EnviroDaemon," G. Chang, G. Samtani, M. Healey, F. J. Kurfess and J.T.L. Wang. Journal of System Integration, Vol. 10, pp. 253-267, 2001.

  • "Precise Environmental Searches: EnviroDaemon with Hierarchical Information Search," M. Healey, J. Wang, G. Chang, A. Revankar, and G. Samtani. Environmental Quality Management Journal, Vol. 9(1), pp. 51-62, 1999.

  • "Change Detection of Websites: A Case Study in the Environmental Domain," G.J.S. Chang, J.T.L. Wang and M.J. Healey. Proceedings of the First Joint Conference on Information Science, pp. 415-418, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 23-28, 1998.

  • "A Graphical Environment for Change Detection in Structured Documents," G.J.S. Chang, G. Patel, L. Relihan, and J.T.L. Wang. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, pp. 536-541, Washington D.C., August 11-15, 1997.

  • "Structural Matching and Discovery in Document Databases," J.T.L. Wang, D. Shasha, G.J.S. Chang, L. Relihan, K. Zhang and G. Patel, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pp 536-541, Tucson, Arizona, May 13-15, 1997.

  • "A Visualization Tool for Pattern Matching and Discovery in Scientific Databases," J.T.L. Wang, G.J.S. Chang, G.W. Chirn, C.Y. Chang, W. Wu, and F. Aljallad. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pp 563-570, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 10-12, 1996.

  • "Surface Lipids of Social Wasp Polistes metricus Say and its Nest and Nest Pedicel and their Relation to Nestmate Recognition," with K. Espelie and J. Wenzel. Journal of Chemical Ecology, Vol. 16, No. 7, 1990.

Research Interests:

Virtual and Augmented Reality, Data/Web Mining, BioInformatics Systems, and High-Performance Computing.


Available upon request.