·  Federal regulations mandate that schools assess English language learners each year in grades K-12.

·  Rhode Island is a member of WIDA, a multi-state partnership that has created an English language proficiency test called: ACCESS for ELs (Assessing Comprehension and Communication State to State for English Learners).

·  ACCESS for ELs is administered each year to any student who is receiving EL support and/or any ELL student who has been waived from EL programming. The ACCESS scores are used to determine the ELL students’ proficiency levels and progress in English language acquisition.

·  Scores are used to drive instruction and services for the next school year and provide important data that enhances instruction and learning in supports for ELs.

·  When an EL student reaches English proficiency determined by the ACCESS score and other exit criteria, he/she will exit the ELL program and be monitored for two years by an ELL specialist.

Further Information

For further information, please call the ELL Specialists at:

▶McGuire Elementary School 401.233.1135

▶Marieville Elementary School 401.830.5682

▶Dr. E. A. Ricci Middle School 401.233.1170 ext.15455

▶North Providence High School 401.233.1150 ext.14240

North Providence School Department

2240 Mineral Spring Avenue

North Providence, RI 02911


The North Providence School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, color, gender, sexual orientation or handicap in accordance with applicable regulations.

North Providence School Department

English Language Learner Program

A Program Guide for Parents

Who are English Learners (ELs)?

·  English learners (ELs) are those students whose primary or native language is one other than English or who live in a home where a second language is spoken.

·  Federal and state regulations mandate that local school districts provide appropriate services and equitable and effective learning opportunities for English Learners which ensure they have the language support that they need to succeed in school.

The EL Program in North Providence

·  The North Providence School Department has developed a comprehensive plan to support children who have limited proficiency in English that maybe precluding them from succeeding in the mainstream classroom.

·  This plan is designed to meet the specific needs of ELs in an academic setting and includes professional development for classroom teachers to help make the necessary modifications and accommodations to ensure that every student has the opportunity to learn and succeed.

·  The District has an ELL specialist available at each level to collaborate with the general education classroom teacher and meet with students individually and in small groups.

·  The ELL specialist uses strategies and techniques designed to promote language proficiency in English and academic learning in content areas. This plan promotes classroom environments that provide equal opportunities for all students to meet grade level expectations.

How is an EL identified?

·  The first step in identifying a child who may benefit from EL support and resources is at the time of initial registration.

·  The District determines the primary language of all children through the Home Language Survey (HLS) developed by the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

·  If any response on the Home Language Survey indicates that a language other than English is spoken in a child’s home, the child will be referred for screening of his/her English language proficiency.

EL Screening and Testing

·  When another language other than English is indicated on the child’s Home Language Survey, the ELL specialist is notified and parents/ guardians are contacted to gather more background information regarding the child’s language proficiency in English and any other language(s).

·  The ELL specialist explains the resources that are available for ELs and the assessment process used to determine the child’s English language proficiency level and possible need for EL support.

·  The MODEL Screening Assessment is used to determine a student’s language proficiency in English. If the screener indicates limited language proficiency in English, a plan to provide EL support is developed and implemented by the ELL specialist and the classroom teacher.

·  Parents are informed of the ELL specialist’s recommendations and are asked to sign a consent form indicating that they are aware of the EL support services that their child will receive. (Rev.’d 11/2016)