Early Intervention Program
Student Exit Procedures
2016 - 2017
Monitoring the student’s progress is critical in making good instructional decisions. Students that are not making sufficient gains are referred to the school’s MTSS team. Intervention may be continued, intensified or discontinued, based on student need.
For a student to be dismissed from intervention, the student should be able to:
- Read the following book levels using a cold reading of the text. (Accuracy should be at 90% or better, with adequate comprehension.)
March Kindergarten Level 3
Ending KindergartenLevel 5
October of First GradeLevels 7
Middle of First Grade Level 12
End of First GradeLevel 18
Middle of Second Grade Level 20
End of Second Grade Level 23
Middle of Third Grade Level 24
End of Third GradeLevel 25
Middle Fourth Grade Level 26
End of Fourth GradeLevel 27
Middle Fifth Grade Level 29
- Score 80% or better on the Tyner Word Study Assessment. Benchmark assessments for each grade level are listed below.
- Kindergartenmid-yearStage 2A
- Kindergartenend of yearPassed Stage 2A and working in Stage 3A
*An exception for kindergarten students October through December
If a kindergarten student has received intervention for 4 weeks or more and is showing extreme acceleration with their reading skills, the student can be dismissed from the EI program. Consult with the classroom teacher before the final decision is made.
- First Grademid-yearStage 3B Assessment
- First Gradeend of yearStage 4AAssessment
- Second Grademid-yearStage 4B Assessment
- Second Gradeend of yearStage 5A Assessment
*Third through fifth grade students: If the student can read at the reading level listed above and they are performing on grade level in the classroom, then they may be considered for dismissal.
- Third Grademid-yearEvolving Reader Year 1 Cycle 1
- Third Gradeend of yearEvolving Reader Year 1 Cycle 3
- Fourth Grademid-yearEvolving Reading Year 2 Cycle 1
- FourthGradeend of yearEvolving Reading Year 2 Cycle 3
- Fifth Grade mid-yearMaturing Reader Year 1 Cycle 1
- Fifth Grade end of yearMaturing Reader Year 1 Cycle 3
- Satisfactory classroom performance as indicated on Report Card or other data source.
*Retained Students
Students who have been retained in a grade need to be performing where their peers are performing to be dismissed from the EI Program. If you have a first grade retained student, he or she needs to be performing where his or her second grade peers are performing to be dismissed from the EI Program.
Sarah is a retained first grader. She needs to be able to read a level 20 and pass Stage 4 before she can be dismissed from her group in January.