1. The Prayer Chain that travelled through the Institute from East to West
    Opening of the Year of Spirituality

WEB PAGE 12/10/2007

In the entire Marist world, the 7th of October marked the opening of the Year of Spirituality that will continue until October of 2008. Among the initiatives developed on that day it’s important to point out the prayer chain that traveled from east to west throughout the Institute. There were 48 communities chosen to assure the sequence for the 24 hours (Greenwich time). The community that began the chain was the novitiate in Lomeri (Fiji Islands) and the closing was done by the novitiate in Morelia (Mexico). The texts of those prayers can be accessed on the Institute’s web page. Apart from the great creativity that is noted in many of them, is the use of the recently published document Water from the Rock. In this is a small treasure that can serve as a source of prayer throughout these months. We have heard echoes of enthusiasm over what was done in the opening of the Year of Spirituality, and we want this enthusiasm to spread among the brothers and lay Marists. All are called to live this spirituality and to spread it.

The prayers found on the web page can be useful instruments of animation. Other materials will appear periodically. That space will stay open so that anyone who wishes to collaborate can send information and references to Marist spirituality. In this way we will enrich one another, the Church and the world with our spirituality. It’s our duty to share this gift with the whole Marist family and also with the world beyond our boarders. Let’s do it then, and let’s do it creatively.
Brother Teófilo Minga

Secretary of the Religious Life Commission

2. Habay-la-Vieille:

Launching the year of Marist Spirituality
Water from the Rock

WEB PAGE 16/10/2007

What a beautiful day we have just spent at our house in Habay, Sunday 30 September! In fact, at the initiative of the Belgian Fraternities 25 lay people (teachers, principals, young Marist animators, members and friends of the Fraternities…) and a dozen Brothers gathered at our house. Our guest, Brother Jean-Pierre Destombes, had come all the way from Notre-Dame- de l'Hermitage to animate this meeting.

During the morning he galvanized the assembly in a very rich exchange around the notions of charism, spirituality, each one's special vocation, vitality… The picnic spent together in simplicity allowed many people to form new bonds.

During the afternoon, beginning with a lively power point presentation, Brother Jean-Pierre presented the recent document, "Water from the Rock" by inducing us to deepen its contents personally or sharing in groups.

This first part of the meeting ended in a celebration: the year of Marist Spirituality was thus launched!

After a short snack the members of the Fraternities as well as others interested prolonged the day with the Brothers of the General Council visiting our Province (Emili Turú and Peter Rodney), in a spirit of mutual listening and encouragement.

Evening was falling on our region when we all left, a new enthusiasm in our heart and a strong desire to live intensely that year of spirituality which had just begun.

Bro. Albert ANDRE

  1. A Year for Discovering and for Sharing with the Entire Marist Family
    Portugal Initiates Marist Spirituality Year

WEB PAGE 26/10/2007

Brother Teófilo Minga, Secretary of the Religious Life Commission, travelled from Rome to Portugal at the end of September and stayed in Portugal through the beginning of October. His goal was to introduce the booklet, Water from the Rock, to all the Brothers’ communities as well as to two schools located near Lisbon (Benfica and Carcavelos). The booklet will be a guide throughout the Year of Spirituality and even during the years that follow. Spirituality is a topic and reality that could never be treated in a single year. The fact is that we are now being given the chance to share with the Marist family and with the Church at large the treasure of spirituality which has been granted us.

In the school setting, the presentations were aimed at helping the lay staff as well as the relatively small number of Brothers who are either teaching or in charge of the schools. All together about a hundred teachers are present in each of the schools. The evaluations conducted at the end of the presentation indicate that the experience was something necessary for the teachers, a formation that they accepted openly. A key element which appeared in the evaluation was that, in the future, the enthusiasm presently generated must not be permitted to die out; that committees of a pastoral nature and the teachers themselves must keep alive the flame of Marcellin’s spirituality.
One could also imagine other possibilities for spreading the message of the Spirituality Year. For example, a Church Network exists as a multimedia centre of the Church in Portugal. Brother Teófilo took advantage of his Portugal trip to give a brief interview on the television station of Church Network. In addition he gave an interview with the magazine Nouvelles de Chaves. In the interview he explained various particulars regarding the booklet Water from the Rock and about the Spirituality Year. In the same context, a Sunday Mass will probably be shown on nationwide television on June 8, shortly after the feast day of Saint Marcellin. Our spirituality is a spirituality for the Church and for the world.

4. Marist Spirituality Year gets underway in the Canada Province
Opening moments at Château Richer and Pavillon Saint Joseph

WEB PAGE 30/10/2007

The start of the Spirituality Year in the FMS Canada Province takes place at two different times, in two different venues.
On October 27, the venue was Château Richer. The presentation was made for the benefit of the nearby Marist communities of Québec and Saguenay as well as for the Marist fraternities.

The day’s schedule was as follows: Mass, a presentation of the document of the Spirituality Year, a half hour of prayer, a community meal. In all, fifty two Brothers were present along with thirty three lay people.

A notable family atmosphere prevailed, and all those present were pleased with the manner in which, given its importance, the Spirituality Year has gotten under way
Several of those in attendance spoke warmly about the document Water from the Rock and about the booklet, “Prayers of Refreshment”, which the Province published for the occasion.

The second meeting took place on October 20, at Pavillon Saint Joseph, Laval. An invitation had been extended to Brothers and laity. One could judge that the invitation was appreciated, because about one hundred people came to the meeting. Councilors General, Brother Antonio Ramalho and Brother Pedro Herrero were also present. The meeting began with an excellent audio-visual serving to introduce the Spirituality Year document. Afterwards there was time for quiet prayer aided by a booklet whose themes are drawn from the document. The last part of the program was the official presentation of the book, Water from the Rock, a copy of which was given personally to each participant. To sum up: a wonderful meeting, well prepared and well directed by our Canadian and Generalate Superiors.
Our compliments and our thanks to the community of Pavillon Saint Joseph for their exemplary preparation of the event and for their warm hospitality.

Gabriel Bolduc, fms

5. The 2nd year Novices’ retreat
Benefiting from the year of Marist spirituality

WEB PAGE 22/11/2007

A month after the launched year of the Marist Spirituality, the Novitiate Community at Matola, Maçambique, has received already its due noble benefit.

We have felt enormously enriched and humbled to rank among the first to whom the Marist Spirituality Document, Water from the Rock has been introduced shared and prayed with. Bro. Teófilo Minga, Secretary of the Religious Life Commission availed himself to facilitate the 2nd year Novices’ retreat prior to their profession on November 17th.
The venue was the Consolata Missionary Sisters’ Retreat House where the 10 Novices and I were on Retreat between the 2nd and 8th of November. A timely period to have a feel and taste of the Document aimed at helping us and the Lay Marists to deepen, make known better and live out more vibrantly the “Marcellinian Spirituality”.

Thanks Teófilo for being such a generous Minister and Apostle to bring right to our door step the message of the Marist Spirituality Document. The nature of presentation was down to earth and coupled with enriching insights and prayers composed from each chapter. It leaves us behind with very rich material to share out with one another along the way.

A special word of gratitude as well goes to Bro. Peter Rodney, Chairperson of the Religious Life Commission who encouraged and supported Bro. Teófilo to come down and above all Bro. Séan, Superior General in whose delegation Teófilo made it.
“Muito obrigado e parabéns Irmão Teófilo”.

Bro. Norbert Mwila - Master of Novices

6. The "official" presentation of the book Water from the Rock to the Brothers
Water from the Rock

WEB PAGE 23/11/2007

On October 15th the book Water from the Rock was officially presented to the General House, in the course of a Marial prayer session based on the prayer which was prepared for the Year of Spirituality. Is there, then, a special prayer contained in this framework? Yes, although it was not written with this in mind. (See the prayer – Italian – 1,2 MB)

When the question was raised in the Commission about preparing a motivational prayer for the Year, it was felt that there already existed a very beautiful one at the end of the document, in number 156, which demonstrates the prophetic vision of Mary’s Magnificat. It was decided, therefore, to continue using this prayer in the course of these months, and also later. Therefore it is the official prayer for the Year of spirituality.

The books were distributed by Brother Seán and Brother Luis Sobrado. The prayer session consisted in four different sections, following the various chapters of the document along the lines of the Magnificat. Everything was presented in power point accompanied by short poems.

In the first section we gave thanks to God, and to Mary, for our brotherhood, which prompts us to offer our spirituality to the world, a gift offered to the People of God, to the Brothers and laity, to everyone.
In the second section we asked God, together with Mary, to help us to look after the young people, especially the most neglected, feeling ourselves called to drink from the springs of a devoted apostle who traversed mountains and valleys to make Jesus Christ known and loved.
In the third session we prayed using the familiar invocation to "Mary, our ordinary resource", asking her to accompany us so that we can be brothers and sisters filled with audacity, passionate about life, with a heart inflamed with love.

In the fourth session we also asked Mary to help us to make ourselves available to everyone, as She had done, with an attentive and compassionate heart, in accomplishing the mission that has been entrusted to us.

The symbolism of different representations of Mary helped to enhance this act of dedication:

1. The image of a pregnant Mary in the foyer of the General House. We wish to give Christ to the world through our spirituality.

2. The image of Mary in the Formation Centre in Nairobi. We wish the Year of spirituality to recognise those who feel the call to live as brothers and sisters the spirituality of Marcellin

3. The image of Mary, Nuestra Señora de las Gracias, worshipped in Carção, Portugal, the birth place of Brother Teófilo. We wish our Marist spirituality, which is Marian, to contribute to the popular devotion to Mary in the Church.

4. The image of the Virgen del Cantaro (the Pitcher), going to the spring with Jesus in her arms. We wish with Mary and like Mary to serve God and man, to be contemplative in action and active in contemplation.

5. The image of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, in the basilica of Issoudun. We wish to be instruments of the compassion of God in today's world, being thirsty for mercy and pardon.
6. The image of Mary in the church of Saint Matilde, Geneva, showing the way to the sacrarium. We wish to be guided by Mary to the first three places of our Marist tradition: the crib, the altar and the cross.

7. The image of Our Lady of Africa. We wish our spirituality to be developed in this continent, creating deep roots in the brothers and laity who work there.

8. The image of Our Lady of the Rosary, Fatima. We wish, in this month of the rosary and always, to remember as Marists the great calls of Mary in Fatima: peace in the world and the conversion of sinners, that is to say, each one of us.

9. The image of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit. We wish the Spirit to come into our lives, just as he came into Mary’s, continuing to listen to the Word (contemplation) and feeling the missionary concern (action).

10. The image of Mary, Mother of Korea. We wish to think about the spirituality of Marcellin which is missionary and which invites us, today, just as then, to go out to all the dioceses of the world, especially through the great apostolic adventure.


7. Canada Province
«Water from the Rock» flowing to the heart

WEB PAGE 09/01/2008

Since the start of the Year of Spirituality last October, the Marist Brothers of Canada and their Marist lay groups have had the opportunity of drinking abundantly of the “water from the rock.” The Province has desired to offer several occasions for spiritual renewal and refreshment in harmony with the seasons of the year. Brothers and laity have already signed up for these special opportunities at which they can drink from the springs of Marcellin’s spirituality.

At the start of December, the missionaries working in Haiti had such an important opportunity under the guidance of Brother Teofilo Minga. Here we may observe that the Haiti mission, founded in 1985, now involves a perpetually professed Haitian Brother, four Canadian Brothers and four Ad Gentes Brothers. The twelve younger men in formation are following their stage of formation: some in the novitiate (either that of Medellin, Colombia or that of Morelia, Mexico); some at the scholasticate in Guadalajara, Mexico; and some at the postulancy in Jérémie, Haiti. The experience under Brother Teofilo concluded with the first profession of three young Haitian Brothers who had returned to their country a few days before. They had just finished their two years at the novitiate named Lavalla located in Medellin. Around the Marist world, there are still many young people whose thirst for God is quenched at the “Water from the Rock”.

Afterwards, December 14 to 18, the second autumn retreat took place, this one at Maison Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs, located in Drummondville. There, about forty participants had the chance to absorb, one chapter at a time, the leading ideas of the same document Water from the Rock. A Sister from the Congregation of Notre Dame, sibling of one of our Marist Brothers, summed up well the feelings of all who were present. She said that she was deeply touched by our spirituality and felt a kind of bond with it, according to the way the spirituality had been reflectively presented by Brother Teofilo who had led the session in such a dynamic way. We may observe here that one of the meditations, entitled “The Eucharistic Person,” affected the retreatants with special force, in view of the important celebrations to be held in Quebec in June 2008: the 49th International Eucharistic Congress.

Bernard Beaudin, FMS

8. Mid-Life Spirituality Course. Manziana 2008
Marist Spirituality and the “Water from the Rock”

WEB PAGE25/02/2008

Br. Teofilo came to Manziana on February 8-9, 2008 and shared with us his insights about Marist Spirituality as presented in the book “Water from the Rock.” The book is a milestone for the institute in that this resource will help to articulate and bring out multiple of aspects of Marist Spirituality.

He was brimming with fire and enthusiasm as he presented Champagnat’s charism as a gift for the church and Lay Partners. Br. Teofilo suggested the importance of “Water from the Rock” as a foundational resource and living document that may be contextualized and adapted into the many cultures that form the international Marist community and family. He also suggested that the Brothers needed to work on a better understanding and knowledge of scriptures as a source for developing a ‘Marcellinian Spirituality’, which is a rather innovative expression.

Down below are some of the reflections of the Brothers who attended Br. Teofilo’s sharing on Marist Spirituality