Welcome to Math Lab
with Ms. Andrews
Class Description: In math lab we will be working together to strengthen your understanding of the topics that are being taught in your daily math class. In addition to the lesson I have planned for the day, I will take time to answer your individual questions. I strongly encourage you to come to class with questions! It’s also a good idea to bring your math notebook from your regular math class in case you want to show me specific questions that you are having trouble with. This will enable me to help you much better! This class was created to benefit you, so come prepared, be a participant, and ask lots of questions!
Class Rules:
· Come to class on time.
· Be prepared with all necessary materials.
· Be respectful to your classmates and your teacher.
· Follow directions the first time they are given.
· Always try your best and don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
· Be a participant.
o Marble notebook
o A two pocket folder
o 2 pencils with erasers
Grading: You will be graded on a pass/fail basis. Since there will be no homework or tests in this class, it’s important that you show your enthusiasm and willingness to learn. I expect you to try your best and participate in the daily activities of the class. You will learn best by being involved.
In order to pass this class you will:
ü Come prepared to class.
ü Participate on a daily basis
ü Complete all class work assignments to the best of your ability
Extra Help: Mondays at 3:14 PM and Thursdays at 7:45 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I welcome your calls and messages. If you have anything you would like to discuss with me, please call the school office at 644-4200 and I will return your call as quickly as possible. I look forward to working together to make this a wonderful and exciting year!
Ms. Andrews Turn Over à
I have read and understand my responsibilities as a student in this class.
Student’s Name (print your name): ______
Student’s Signature:______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature:______