Report from Planning for Real exercise in –Cadbury HeathSafer Stronger Community Group
The large scale 3D map showing the ward ofParkwall was taken to a range of venues in Cadbury Heath
Parkwall School 1st and 8th May 08
Cadbury Heath Library 29th May and21st June
Cadbury Heath Health Centre 15th, May 08
Oldland Parish Festival 5th July 08
Sure Start Childrens Centre 10th July 08
We recorded over 500comments as a result of these events, from engagement with over 300people. Participants picked a “flag” with a written comment that highlighted a particular issue (e.g. “more street lighting ”, “more activities for young people”) and placed it on the appropriate location on the map (or participants took a blank card to complete and place). We had the support of community members and partners so that we could talk to as many people as possible whilst they were making their comments.
List of partners:
Members of the community from the Parkwall Ward Safer and Stronger Community Group
Oldland Parish Council
NHS South Gloucestershire (formerly Primary Care Trust)
South Gloucestershire Council Children and Young People Participation team South Gloucestershire Council Community Learning Service
Suburbs Church
Avon and Somerset Police
Avon and Somerset Fire and Rescue
Local Schools
Cadbury Heath Health Centre
Juice Community Project
Sure Start- Childrens Cente
What did local people say?
All the comments were collated under eight headings. A snapshot of the results is given below.
Traffic and Transport
Many safety issues were raised about dangerous parking, traffic congestion, speeding, unsafe junctions and road crossings. There were comments on the need for improving the road surfaces and the need for improved public transport links.
Local Environment
Interest was expressed in brightening the area,improving the local park and a general overhaul of overgrown vegetation,especially in gardens. Other issues raised included the need for pavement improvements, better ways to ensure no dog fouling and litter picking “operations.” The need for allotments in the area was also highlighted.
Crime and Safety
There were several comments about the wish for increased lighting and more security cameras in public areas to encourage people to feel safer. possible developments was highlighted.Many comments highlighted the need for developiong the work already ongoing with children young people.
Work Training and the Local Economy
Comments were placed showing interest in the establishment of projects to encourage social enterprise. The need for strengthened links between the local community and local businesses was also proposed.
Comments were made about the need for improved security measures in some areas and the preference for restricted development.
There were requests for more information on health and support services, such as health screening, relationship support and the effects of drugs and alcohol.There was a desire expressed for drugs and alocohol education tragetted at young people..
Community Facilities
Initiatives to bring young and older people together were seen as a good idea, as were new ways to encourage more community activity.More facilities and activities for the under 10s especially in the summer holidays.
Leisure and Recreation
There were many comments on the need for more sporting provision for young people. More facilities and development of “waste land space”. For better development of the existing facilities e.g. local park.
What happens now?
Specific issues that residents raised were forwarded to the appropriate agency or service. Particular longer term themes could also be extracted from an analysis of all the comments. These included:
Issues around young people
The local environment and Street Care
Social enterprise and the local economy
More information to the public on crime and safety issues
These themes are being taken to the Parkwall Heath Safer Stronger Community Group to inform what action the group needs to co-ordinate in the area. The group meets regularly to hear local concerns and liaise with all agencies to work towards improving the quality of life for local residents.
For more information on the Planning for Real exercise, or to find out details of future meetings of the Parkwall Safer Stronger Community Group- members of the public welcome, please contact