About Our School:
Anne Mason Elementary, proudly named for the late school board chairperson and respected Scott County citizen Anne Mason, welcomed students beginning in August of 2003. From the design of our building to the programs underway, we have made it our mission to impress upon our students the meaning and value of community, and we are dedicated to creating an atmosphere where all who enter our doors, both children and adults, will know they are valued and welcome. Though we are a diverse staff, we are united in our passion for children, teaching, and learning. We believe children are unlimited in what they can do and learn when appropriate supports are in place and expectations are held high and made clear. Our students will hold high standards for themselves and will gain a sense of internal accountability, enabling them to become valuable contributors to society and responsible community members.

With over 700 students enrolled in grades K – 5, we are one of the largest schools in Scott County. Our students are exposed to a variety of educational programs from Music, Art, and Physical Education, to Technology, Library and Drama. In addition to these classes, we also offer our students a menu of clubs to choose from each year. We have had Robotics, Academic Team, STLP, Performing Morgans, Drama, and Scrapbooking, to name a few.

Anne Mason celebrates its diverse population and has a free and reduced lunch percentage of 38% and a special education percentage of 23%. We have 30 homerooms and 5 AHPL (Arts and Humanities, Practical Living) teachers, 8 special education teachers, 2 speech pathologists, and are serviced by 2 occupational therapists, 1 physical therapist, 3 gifted and talented teachers, 1 ESL teacher, and an ESS daytime waiver teacher. We have extended day kindergarten and an afterschool program to provide childcare and enrichment to over 60 students.

How Our School Ensures Educational Equity:
In our school, we define community as a place where people live, work, and play together with each person contributing unique talents and important abilities that help others needs’ to be met. This concept is the central focus of our school. An individual reading assessment is administered to each primary student three times each year. In addition, each student in grades 2-5 takes a formative assessment three times each year in the areas of language arts and math. Students in kindergarten and first grades will take a formative assessment twice a year in language arts and math. These results are analyzed and used to update teaching practices in order to reach every child. Teachers work closely together, both in horizontal and vertical teams, to help one another design the best educational program possible for each student.

Procedures in Place in Our School for Drug and Weapons Detection:
Visitors coming into our school cannot access any part of the building until they have been checked in by the office staff. Visitors unfamiliar to the staff are required to show a photo id. Only visitors who are listed a contact persons for our students or who are here for a prearranged tour or other official business are permitted to enter our school building beyond the front office.

How We Use Technology to Teach:
Teachers use technology to enhance student learning on a regular, on-going basis. Our school has developed a technology plan to ensure our students meet national technology standards established by the International Society for Technology in Education. Our students are exposed to technology in many ways, from the use of educational technology resources such as Brainpop, Encyclomedia, Atomic Learning, United Streaming, and software programs such as Science Court. In addition, students learn to use Excel, Microsoft Word, Moviemaker, and Power Point using our wireless, mobile Dell labs.

What We Are Doing to Improve:
Our focus is on Educating the Whole Child with Winning Teams. We are committed to improving academic achievement, the physical well being, and the citizenship of all students. We continue to involve our students in the analysis of assessment results and other data representing their individual and class performance, as we have seen that students are most motivated when they take part in the improvement plan. We place responsibility for learning and behavior management on the students’ shoulders, with the teachers serving as conveyors of learning to all students. This is what has made Anne Mason Elementary continue to grow and be successful.