First Christian Reformed Church, De Motte, Indiana
March 6, 2007
Article 1 President of the day, Rev. Joel Sheeres, calls classis to order.
Article 2. Amy Ooms, Classical Prayer Coordinator, leads with meditation on Psalm 40
prayer, and singing.
Article 3. The credentials are presented and the roll call indicates the following have been
delegated to attend this session of Classis by their respective councils.
Churches Minister Elder Elder
Crown Point Joel Sheeres Kirk Maatman
De Motte, Bethel Rick Vanderwal Larm Owenga
De Motte, First Laryn Zoerhof Bob Jonkman
Gary, Beacon Light Harold Scheeringa* Kenn Hill
Hammond John Kostelyk Owen Bouma*
New Com. Fellowship
Highland, First Randall Bergsma Pat Vasser
Highland, Second Sam Kooistra* Bob Wadkins*
Indianapolis Gary Schipper Kyle Boot*
Lafayette Douglas Pruim John Wither*
Lafayette, Sunrise Mark De Yonge
Lansing, Bethel Cal Aardsma Carl Vander Molen
Lansing, First Bruce Hoekema Milton Van Drunen Jr.
Monee, Fam.of Faith Henry Reyenga
Munster Herman Schutt Bill Bultema
Nashville Gerald Hoek Tom Hoffman*
Roselawn Joel Zuidema Ron Van Dyke*
Sauk Village Tim Koster Milt Mulder*
Schererville Drew Brown* James Van Zyl*
So. Holland, Cot. Gr. Ed Van Drunen Jim McCune
So. Holland, First Bernard Tol Sid De Boer*
South Holland, Peace Heino Blauw John Staggs*
*First time delegate
Article 4. The first time delegates, having read and signed the Form of Subscription prior to the convening of Classis, are welcomed along with Rev. Ted Gray, Cornelius Franzen, and
Michael Bentley, student at Mid America Seminary. Also welcomed through the day
were Peter Kelder, Regional Team Leader, Home Missions. and Paul Assink, World Missions Regional Mission Mobilizer
Article 5. Classis is constituted and following serve as officers of the day:
President: Joel Sheeres Vice President Heino Blaauw
Stated Clerk Robert Jipping Ass’t Clerk Donald Dykstra
Article 6. Chairman makes the following appointments:
A. Prayers: Closing Prayer (Morning Session) - Robert Knol; Opening Prayer
(Afternoon Session) - Thomas Hoffman
B. Credentials/Article 41 Committee: Delegates from Beacons Light CRC (Gary
C. Overture Pre-Advice Committees
From Monee CRC re, SMCC – Cal Aardsma, Rob Knol, Randy Bergsma
From Cottage Grove CRC re. C.O. Art. 3 – Henry Reyenga, Doug Pruim, Herm
From Cottage Grove CRC re. C.O. Art. 59 – Joel Zuidema, Rick Vanderwal,
Robert Lyzenga
From Cottage Grove CRC re. Contemporary Testimony – Joel Zuidema, Rick
Vanderwal, Robert Lyzenga
D. Advisory Committees as needed.
1. Balloting: Visitors from Host Church
2. Financial Requests Screening Com. For Sept. 2007 –Andy Balkema, Jim
Schoon, Doug Pruim
3. Nominating Com. For Sept. 2007 – Rob Knol, Harley Ver Beek, Rick
E. Church Visitors for Oct. 1, 2007 – Sept. 30, 2008
Team One: Cottage Grove S.H., First S.H., Peace S.H., Emmanuel, Sauk Village; Crossroads,
Schererville - Rick Vanderwal & Randy Bergsma, Alt. Don Dykstra
Team Two: Bethel, Lansing; First, Lansing; First Highland; Second Highland; Munster; Hammond -
John Kostelyk & Henry Reyenga: Alt. Laryn Zoerhof
Team Three: Beacon Light, First De Motte, Bethel De Motte, Community Roselawn, Crown Point -
Robert Lyzenga & Doug Pruim; Alt. Gary Schipper
Team Four: Faith, Nashville; Lafayette, Sunrise; Lafayette; Hope Community, Indy;-
Family of Faith, Monee - James McCune & Rob Knol; Alt. Cal Aardsma
Article 7. Jim McCune, president of September 2006 Classis, states that the published minutes of the September meeting of classis were properly transcribed. A motion carries to approve the transcribed minutes.
Article 8. Treasurer, Andy Balkema, distributes his report. A motion was made and carried to approve the work of the classical treasurer. Distributed
Article 9. The Nomination Committee presents their report and ballot. Opportunity for additional
nominees is given. Elections completed by acclamation.
Regional Alternate CRC Board of Trustees
CRWRC (CIC asked to check into available persons)
Alternate CRC World Missions – John Kostelyk
Synodical Deputy – Gerrit Veenstra
Alternate Synodical Deputy -
Alternate Classical Home Missions Committee – Cal Aardsma
Article 10. Election for Delegates for CRC Synod 2007
1st Ministerial Delegate – Joel Nederhood; 2nd Ministerial Delegate – Gerrit Veenstra; Alt. 1st Ministerial Delegate – John Kostelyk; Alt. 2nd Ministerial Delegate – Laryn Zoerhof; 1st Elder Delegate – Glenn Smits; 2nd Elder Delegate - James Van Zyl; 1st Alt. Elder Delegate – Harley Ver Beek; 2nd Alt. Elder Delegate – Henry J. Ryenga
Article 11. Stated Clerk - Robert Jipping Agenda p. 4
1. Report received for information.
2. A motion carried to approve the work of Stated Clerk.
Article 12. Classical Interim Committee Agenda p 6
A. Classical Interim Committee presents its report.
B. A motion carries to grant a honorable release to Rev. Stephan Van Eck
according to Article 14b from ministry in the CRC in order for him to affiliate with
the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL. This request was
presented to CIC from II Highland CRC. All appropriate documents were presented.
(Synodical Deputes concur in this decision: Hendrik De Vries (Classis Kalamazoo),
Dick Stravers (Classis Holland), Dan Roeda (Classis Wisconsin)
C. A motion carries to accept an invitation from Trinity Christian College to
host the September, 2007 meeting of Classis. Classes Chicago South and Chicago
North will also be on the campus for their fall meetings.
D A motion carries to examine Thomas Hoffman, a member of Faith CRC of
Nashville, Tennessee for licensure to exhort in Classis. Mr.Hoffman preaches a short
sermon and was then is examined by Herman Schutt. Mr. Hoffman sustains the
examination and is unanimously accepted and welcomed to exhort in the churches of
E. The pulpit supply appointments are presented for April 15, 2007 to October 21,
Beacon Light, Gary: April 15- Doug Pruim; May 6*- Joel Sheeres; May 20 –
Laryn Zoerhof; June 3* – Joel Zuidema; June 17 – Bob Jipping; July 1* - Tim
Koster; July 15 – Randall Bergsma; August 5* - Henry Reyenga; August 19 – Heino
Blaauw; September 2* - Herm Schutt; September 16 – John Kostelyk; October 7* -
Robert Lyzenga; October 21 – Bernard Tol * Celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
First CRC, Lansing: April 15 – John Kostelyk; May 20 - Robert Lyzenga; June 17 –
Jim McCune; July 15 – Kris Vos; August 19 – Jesse Powell; September 16 – Cal
Aardsma; October 21 – Ildefonso Torres
Second CRC, Highland: April 22 – Ildefonso Torres; May 20 – Bernard Tol; June
17 Gerrit Veenstra; July 15 – Robert Knol; August 19 – Richard Vanderwal;
September 16 – Joel Sheeres; October 21 – Doug Pruim
F. A motion is presented to approve the work and report of the Classical Interim Committee.
Article 13. Classical Home Missions Committee Agenda p. 7
A. CHMC presents its report.
B. A motion is carried that Classes endorse the following statement of trust and hope.
A Collective Statement of Trust and Hope
With Classis Illiana of the Reformed Church of America
Classis Illiana rejoices in the Lord’s work in the Classis Illiana of the RCA as
evidenced by a new church plant in Mokena, Illinois and a new multi-site in Cedar
Lake, Indiana. Classis Illiana of the CRC lends support to these efforts through our
prayers and communication. We ask the Illiana Classis of the RCA to keep us
informed of their church multiplication work. We covenant to do the same with them.
We also long for a day that the Illiana classes of both CRC and RCA may partner
together in joint ventures that will build the kingdom and will lead to increasing joint
ventures across both denominations.
Rationale: The CRC and RCA denominations have recently agreed to a more
open relationship for sharing pastors. At the classis level, we should begin the
work of cooperation with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
B. Stated Clerk instructed to send letter of thanks to Phil Stel for his services in Classis.
Rev. Stel has accepted a call as Minister of the Word from the Ebenezer Reformed
Church of Morrison, Illinois.
C. A motion is carried to approve the work and report of the committee.
Article 14. Peter Kelder, Chicagoland Home Missions Regional Leader, gives a written and oral report. Agenda p. 8
Article 15. Classical missionary, Robert Knol of Daybreak Community Church presents an oral report on the work in Valparaiso and answers questions.
Article 16. Classical missionary, Jesse Powell presents a oral report on the work at Family of Faith in Peoria, IL and answers questions.
Article 17. Student Fund Committee
1. The committee presents their requests for fund distribution.
2. A motion is carried to approve the following distributions: Henry J. Reyenga –
$7,500; Steve Van Noort- $4,000.
3. Motion is carried to approve the work and report of the committee..
Article 18. Church Visitors Reports:
A. Team One – Laryn Zoerhof & Cal Aardsma – Report on visited to Peace CRC
B. Team Two – John Kostelyk & Tim Koster – No Report
C. Team Three – Gary Schipper & Doug Pruim – No Report
D. Team Four – James McCune & Gerrit Veenstra – No Report
Article 19. Church Counselors Reports
A. 1st Lansing – Gerrit Veenstra - Report received.
B. Beacon Light, Gary – John Kostelyk – Report received.
Article 20. Regional Pastor, Herman Schutt reports. Agenda p. 11
Article 21. The Christian Service Committee distributes a written report.
Article 22. Christian Counseling Center
Article 23. Herman Schutt gives an oral and written report for Roseland Christian Ministries.
Agenda p.12
Article 24. New Leaf Resources submits a written report. Agenda p.14
Article 25. The combined report of CRCNA denominational ministries is received. Agenda p.15
A. Calvin College
B. Calvin Seminary
C. Back to God Hour
D. Board of Home Missions
E. Board of World Missions
F. Board of Publications
G. Christian Reformed World Relief
Article 26. Paul Assink, Regional World Missions Mobilize, gives an oral and written report.
Article 27. Article 41 Committee
A. Pulpit Supply requests are made from Beacon Light, Gary; First Lansing, and II
B. From Bethel, Lansing: Joshua Benton requests licensure to exhort in Classis.
(Mr. Benton, an enrolled student at Calvin Seminary, already has license from
Calvin Seminary.) Licensure granted.
C. From Crown Point Jamie Boogard requests extension of the license to exhort
Extension granted.
D. From Monee Family of Faith – Overture re. Ordination and the SMCC-
Agenda (Appendix)
E. From Peace, South Holland – Requests “some assistance with sponsorship of our
Church plant namely Pathway Church which is now meeting at Lincoln School,
Dyer, IN.”
F. From Peace, South Holland – We…alert the classis treasurer that Peace Church will
not be able to fulfill its share of ministry shares for classical or denominational
G. From Peace, South Holland- “We would like to share what we are doing with our
WYLDLIFE and YOUNG LIFE programs reaching our African American friends in
the South Holland Community.” Referred to CIC
H. From Faith, Nashville – Requests discussion at class on “theological training and
qualifications for office-holders. Referred to CIC
… I. From Bethel, De Motte-Requests discussion at classis on “stewardship – promoting
more effective [use]of time, talents, treasures.” Referred to CIC
J. From Bethel, Lansing: Requests discussion at classis on the following: “The Sunday
Evening service: how well are they attended? Are there alternate formats that work for
congregations? Are there insights into churches combining efforts for Sunday evening
services? Etc.” Referred to CIC
K. From Family of Faith, Monee – Process and endorse our refinance with the CRC
Loan Fund Referred to CIC
L. From Cottage Grove, South Holland – Requests concurrence from classis on 2 matters
of discipline. Concurrence granted.
M. From First, South Holland – Requests “[permission] on proceeding to the third step of
Discipline with a male member.” [Permission] given.
N. From First, South Holland - Requests “[permission] on proceeding to the second step
of discipline with a male member.” [permission given].
Article 28. Overture Against the Exclusive Avenue of the SMCC Committee and for Inclusive
Avenue for Article 7’s and 8’s.
Motion carried to refer the following overture to Synod 2007
Synod 2006 approved a new structure for the ordination of ministers of the Word via Articles 7 and 8. This new structure made the SMCC the exclusive path for candidates to enter the ministry of the Word. This committee is made up with representatives of some of our colleges, Calvin Seminary and some appointed leaders. The appointment to this committee was done by the Board of Trustees. This committee is the most powerful committee for ministerial leadership in the CRC.
A History of the Discussion
Issues involved in Synod 2004’s creation of and Synod 2006’s extension of the SMCC.
1. Prior to 2004 Calvin Seminary’s Board of Trustees recommended candidacy to the synod for all Article 6 candidates.
2. Prior to 2006 the Classes, with the concurrence of synodical deputies, declared Article 7s and 8s special candidates and approved people from these Articles for ordination by local churches within their classes.
3. After 2004 the Synodical Ministerial Candidacy Committee (SMCC) has approved all candidates through Article 6. This removed the board of trustees of Calvin Seminary from the responsibility of evaluating candidates that they did not know from seminaries other than Calvin Seminary.
4. In 2006 Synod extended the mandate of the SMCC to have authority over Article 7s and 8s candidates. Both of these articles were historically handled by the classes with the concurrence of synodical deputies. Now all people seeking to be candidates for minister of the Word regardless of article must be approved by the SMCC. Now all candidates for ministry from Article 7s and Article 8s, except those educated at Calvin Seminary must take a quarter at Calvin Seminary. (Note: Ministers in the RCA are not considered Article 8 any longer.)
5. There was discussion at Synod 2006 of the SMCC being entrusted with authority for evaluating people seeking to become Ministry Associates.
The Problem with these Changes:
While Article 7 candidates do tend to vary more widely in abilities than ministers who were educated at seminary, they have played a vital part of having leadership in the CRCNA. The recent changes can potentially deprive the CRCNA of gifted pastors and church leaders. These changes also do not fully recognize and deal with the unique issues of local church and classical context. There are a number of issues that the SMCC does not address and needs that the SMCC can not meet.