Assessment Processes and Evaluation Milestones for the “Fully Prepared to Engage” Certificate (initially adopted Fall 2010, revisions of July 2011 highlighted)
Level 1: Achievement of basic skills and knowledge expectations in at least 3 of the 7 identified competency areas (‘clusters’)[[1]]
- Use Learning Contract (LC) to articulate desired outcomes and anticipate ways they will be demonstrated in context. Use checklist to identify ‘clusters’ of competencies on which the student is focused.
- Strongly consider use of narrative as a means by which to more fully convey expectations, goals, hesitations as one enters the FP2E program, then add to the story (using video or other means) periodically throughout the learning experience.
- Successful completion requires completion of the online course, “The Fully Engaged Employee,” and either (a) attendance at 5 out of 6 sessions at “Intro to Public Participation”, (b) completing the two-session course, “Developing Innovation through Collaboration, Creativity, & Communication,” or (c) completing the four-session course, “Social Artistry,” As well, one is expected to demonstrate leadership in an engagement process in context, and offer a concise reporting of how these experiences tie together
- Document in a Level 1 Progress Report, creatively using a variety of modalities to convey the meaning of the experience.[[2]] Award an Achievement Certificate, duly recorded in the UW OHRD Professional Development Portfolio.
Level 2: Achievement of a more complete level of knowledge and skill in at least 3 of the cluster areas, coupled with a sustained application of such competencies over time
- LC articulates goals at this level and anticipated activities to achieve them.
- Work occurs primarily in context, though CoP’s offer space for collaboration, advising, support, and further skills development.
- Required attendance in at least one approved CoP[[3]] (or similar group) for at least 12 hours of group meetings, including leadership of a tool/process-sharing activity around engagement competencies within the LC.
- Final report/ assessment with Harry W-B, Katherine Loving or proxy in which Level 2 requirements have been met, including a 2-3 page self-assessment by the learner, peer assessment from 2-3 stakeholders in the process/ project, and a 1 page review from HWB
- The learner may substitute video for written reports conversations, when at all possible documentation of the program Level 2 Certificate
Level 3: Achievement of a higher order level of knowledge and skill in at least 3 cluster areas, sustained over time, and demonstrated in at least one engagement situation and application
- Take one of the approved Level 3 classes or identify a comparable experience for approval, using the LC to document learning. Successful completion through attendance, participation in class.
- Document experience in the evolving FP2E Portfolio, using a variety of modes to communicate the meaning of the learning and its applications in work.
- Follow-up report speaks to how the learning is being applied to the design, facilitation, and evaluation of a significant engagement process that is approved for Level 3 by Harry W-B.
Level 4: Providing sustained leadership in a demonstrated mastery of skills and knowledge of a given competency area, including effective modeling and teaching to staff subordinates and colleagues
- “Capstone” experiences… run similarly to the Level 4 Leadership Seminar…each participant identifies a specific challenge to address, is partnered with a second year member of the Seminar to serve as peer mentor. Seminar meets four times for a total of 15 hours, plus peer mentor/mentee pairs meet an additional 6-8 hours, over a four-month time period.
- Document creatively and appropriately, in terms of the work context to which the learning has been applied.
- Identify a specific ‘next step’ in which FP2E skills and knowledge will be provided as a leadership resource to the UW or other appropriate context.
- We will initiate this program in Fall 2011 or 2012, when there are participants ready to do so.
Awarding Certificates
We will offer a certificate to recognize and celebrate achievements at each level of completion, and take note within our registration system of this achievement so it is reflected in the professional development portfolio. Upon completion of Level 4, there will be a more visible and noteworthy celebration (and communication of appreciation from top UW leadership, if at all possible!).
For additional information, please contact Harry Webne-Behrman, OHRD Training Officer, at 262-9934 or
[[1]] These are Systems Thinking, Innovative Problem-Solving, Participant Engagement, Convening and Facilitating Groups, Conflict Management, Change Management, and Organizational Development, as applied to Self, Community, and Society.
[[2]] This may include videos, computer presentations/ websites, 3D representations, or more traditional types of reports. At every level of assessment, we will evaluate learning through an Integral lens, applying our knowledge of Integral Facilitation to the challenges at hand. In this way, participants are encouraged to be reflective regarding the various dimensions of their learning and the impacts of such learning on the broader institution and community.
[[3]] Approved CoP’s include UW-MANIAC, Community Partnership & Outreach Network, Focus on Facilitation, Quilters Group, Public Participation Learning Community, COMETS, PSM Alumni LC… more are expected to be added to this list, in consultation with the FP2E Coordinator.