for the position of Legally qualified

Chairs to preside over

Police Misconduct Hearings

Information for Candidates – Please read these instructions carefully

If you would like this application form in any other format, call 0151 777 5155 and ask for format of your choice.

The form should be completed in black ink or word-processed (of not less than 10 p)

You are strongly advised to read the job description, the competencies in the person specification and the eligibility criteria.

Please note the various grounds which would disqualify applicants from becoming a legally qualified Chair to preside over Police Misconduct Hearings. Please refer to the information for candidates – standard eligibility clauses section

Successful applicants will be required to complete the Police vetting process prior to appointment.

Applicants are required to complete all sections of the application form.

Be as succinct and concise as possible although not to the point of omitting critical information. Answers must be restricted to the number of words specified on the form; if there is insufficient space please continue on a separate sheet making clear which question is being answered. Any words in excess of the specified number will be disregarded.

All information you want to convey MUST be contained within the application form (or on the supplementary sheets as specified). In deciding who to call for interview no additional information will be taken into account. You are asked not to submit a Curriculum Vitae.

It is your responsibility to ensure the application form and Equal Opportunities monitoring form are completed and are returned to the specified address and by the date given.

It is imperative that you are open and honest with your answers. Evidence needs to be specified and focussed on your personal involvement/experience and actions. The evaluation of your application will be determined by the extent that your evidence relates to the requirements of the role, how thoroughly you answer the questions and how appropriate your examples are in relation to the role of legally qualified Chairs on police misconduct panels.

Please also complete the equalities monitoring form.

1.  Personal details

Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr, etc)
Name in full (please also give any other names by which you have been known)
Permanent home address
How long have you lived at this address?
If less than five years at this address, give details of previous address(es)
Daytime telephone number / Evening telephone number
Mobile telephone number / E-mail address
Date of birth / Nationality

2 Personal History

Recent Occupations

Please provide details of your career history and other relevant experience. Please detail current appointments held. Please feel free to continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Name and address of employer/appointing body / Dates position held (from/to) / Position held and nature of responsibility

Please provide details of any voluntary work you have done and experience you may have of working within the local community

Name of body, interest group or community and address (if applicable) / Dates of your involvement
(from / to) / Nature of your involvement including any positions of responsibility

Please provide details of any relevant academic, professional and/or vocational qualifications (in particular please list qualifications required for this post as set out in section 50 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007).

Qualification / Date obtained

3 Personal qualities, relevant skills and experience

Please describe how your experience and skills meet the essential and desirable criteria set out in the job description:

Essential Criteria

• Experience of chairing formal meetings and/or Hearings and ability to exercise control over proceedings

• Experience of evaluating evidence, or information, applying regulations and making objective, unbiased, thoughtful decisions

• Experience of report writing, writing deliberations or case notes

• Excellent communication skills

Desirable Criteria

• Able to demonstrate previous committee or judicial work or service on a Board or Council.

(Please do not exceed 500 words. Please continue on an additional sheet if required)

Please give examples to demonstrate the extent to which you possess the following personal skills and qualities – please refer to examples from voluntary and community work, as well as paid employment and other relevant experience.

(Please use no more than 100 words per point)

Personal Qualities
· Integrity and independence of mind.
· Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
· Learns and develops professionally.
· Maintains up to date knowledge of issues relevant to the role.
An ability to understand and deal fairly
· Shows awareness of equality and diversity issues that may arise in policing
. Committed to public interest, impartiality, and fair treatment.
· Works at speed, including when under pressure.
· Manages time effectively and produces clear reasoned decisions expeditiously.
· Makes effective use of technology, including computers, video- and telephone-conferencing.
Effective Chairing
· Explains the procedure and any decisions reached clearly and succinctly to all those involved.

4. Why do you want to be a legally qualified Chair?

Please state why you are interested in becoming a legally qualified Chair to preside over Police Misconduct Hearings.

(Please use no more than 125 words in completing this section)

5. References

Please give details of two people, not related to you, who have agreed to be contacted by us about your application. It would be helpful if one referee was familiar with your professional activities.
Name / Name
Address / Address
Tel No: / Tel No:
Email: / Email:
Position: / Position:

6. Other information

Do you have a disability you wish to disclose? (please delete as appropriate)
Yes / No
If yes, please say whether there is any special provision, equipment, or other assistance we can provide to help you attend an interview:
Is there any other relevant information about yourself you would like the selection panel to know in considering your application?
If so, please give details:

7. Identification

Proof of your identity is required. Please provide a form of written identity (eg Passport, birth certificate, driving licence) for verification, plus one other document showing your address (eg utility bill). Photocopies of the relevant pages must be sent with this application. Do not send the original documents as they will not be returned.

Enclosed? Yes No

8. Please sign and date this form.

I declare that the information I have given is true and complete. (if submitted electronically you will be asked to sign the form if selected for interview)
Signed …………………………………………….. Date ……………

9. What to do now

Please send your completed application form and monitoring questionnaire by email to:
Or by mail to:
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside,
Allerton Police Station,
Rose Lane,
L18 6JE
Applications should arrive no later than 8am Wednesday 30th September 2015

If you have any questions regarding this application form please contact Sue Foster on 0151 777 5195