
The Institute for Comparative and International Studies (ICIS)

Call for ICIS Graduate Fellow Applications, 2007-08

(Deadline March 12, 2007)

During the 2007-08 academic year, the ICIS Seminar Series will includetwointerdisciplinary and inter-world area graduate seminar courses:

Fall 2007

“Politics, Governance, and Development”

Seminar leaders: Professor Richard Doner (Political Science) & Bruce Knauft (Anthropology & ICIS)

Spring 2008

“The Wrathful God: Discourses of Extremism in the Abrahamic Traditions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity)”

Seminar leader: Professor Vincent Cornell (Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies)

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A core group of graduate applicants will be admitted to these courses as ICIS Graduate Fellows and will receive supplemental funding in this capacity. Other graduate students cantake these seminars as regular graduate courses without supplementary funding.

Graduate Supplementary Fellowships: The ICIS Seminar series will award ICIS supplementary graduate fellowship awards, up to $3,500 apiece, to existing Emory graduate students who are in their first or second year of graduate schoolat Emory at the time of application. Each fellow will bea core member of an ICIS seminar and take this seminar as a regular 4-credit hour course duringthe fall 2007 or spring 2008 semester. Seminar meetings will be held as three-hour sessions once a week and will be complemented by student interaction with visiting speakers as part of the seminar conference or lecture series. Fellowship award funds augment students’ regular stipends and should be used for special research activities or related professional development during the 2007-08 academic year (especiallysummer 2008). During the seminar course, students will write a research paper that applies insights gained from the seminar to their area of geographic, historical, and/or comparative interest.

Commitments: ICIS graduate fellows are expected to:

(a)enroll in and complete for course credit one of the above ICIS seminars

(b)follow the general contours of the course of study and budget proposed in their applications – including field research, language training, methods training, empirical analysis or archival research

(c)participate in activities associated with the seminar initiative, including informal sessions with visiting scholars

(d)submit for posting on the ICIS web site an abstract of their proposed project and, no later than August 31, 2008, a two-page report concerning the results of their research.

(e)keep ICIS and the GSAS informed of professional development, including external grants applied for and received, on an annual basis for three years following the conclusion of the fellowship period.

Eligibility: Applicants should be students in good standing in their first or second year of doctoral work or equivalentat Emory. Note: Fellows must resolve all course incompletes before the beginning of their fellowship period.

Application is by e-mail as described further below.

Applications should include:

(1)Completed cover sheet (see attached)


(3)500 word statement (e.g., 1 page, single-spaced) describing the intellectual, analytic, and/or theoretical significance of one of the 2007-08ICIS seminars to your anticipated doctoral research plan. This may include the application of theoretical, methodological, or analytic insights to your specific area of geographic, historical, comparative or empirical concentration.

(4)500 word statement (e.g., 1 page, single spaced) describingtheresearch activities (e.g., field research, archival projects, or other international training) anticipated using ICIS fellowship funds during the summer of 2008 and/or during the 2007-08 academic year. Describe the relationship of this training to the course of study anticipated during 2007-08 and to your professional development.

(5)Using estimated dollar amounts in major budget categories, delineate and enumerate the anticipated use of ICIS research and professional development funds during the fellowship period September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2008.

(6)Supply a brief statement of specialized methodological, language, archival, and/or area studies training to date, including courses taken and professors studied with.

(7)Provide graduate transcripts (file-attached to an e-mail). Unofficial copies are acceptable. Note: an applicant who has one or more course incompletes at the time of application must attach a brief addendum outlining his/her plan for resolving all incompletes before the beginning of the fellowship term.

(8)One e-mailed letter of recommendation from an Emory faculty member. In most but not all cases, the recommender will be the student’s advisor.

(9)E-mail certification submitted by the DGS of the applicant’s home department that the graduate student’s proposed program plan is approved and that the student is in good standing. If the student’s academic faculty advisor is not also the faculty recommender (#8 above), the faculty advisor should similarly submit a short statement verifying approval of the proposed program plan.

Final deadline for receipt of all materials, including letters of reference, is 12:00 noon, Monday, March 12, 2007. All application materialsshould be e-mailed in a single message in standard MS-Word format with the subject line “ICIS Grad Fellow Application.” References should be sent as message text or as file attachments with the subject line “ICIS Grad Fellow Reference.” All applicant-authored materials should be submitted in one single message. Applications and references should be e-mailed to Arthur Linton; ICIS Inter-areal Program Coordinator @ (phone, 404-727-5352). Questions should be directed to Mr. Linton. Fellowship awards will be announced in late March / early April.

ICIS Graduate Fellowship Application, 2007-08

Cover Sheet

Contact information:
(E-mail, phone)
Title of ICIS 2007-08 seminar applied for
Title of Project:
Semesters enrolled in GraduateSchool at Emory as of May, 2007