March 6, 2017
Mayor Rick Boschee called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with those present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The following members were present: Gary Frankfurth, Rex Gab, Ashley Haar, DJ Hardison, Amy Kappenman and Tim Thomas. Also present: Finance Officer Marjean Gab and Tara Beitelspacher from the Pride and for a portion of the meeting, Rodney Schlecht, Wayne Washenberger, Sandra Schlechter, Brooke Heilman, and Steve Mohr.
Motion by Hardison, seconded by Thomas, to approve the agenda. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Hardison, seconded by Thomas to appoint Gary Frankfurth as council member in Ward III. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
The Finance Officer administered the Oath of Office to Gary Frankfurth, appointment for 11 months as Council Member in Ward III. The Oath of Office is on file at the City Office. Welcome Gary!!!
Motion by Thomas, seconded by Gab to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 6, 2017 with a correction under the section regarding changing Bowdle’s form of Government from Wards to Trustees to be noted that under the Trustee form of Government there would be 3-5 trustees and no Mayor. Due to wrong information given the minutes stated 3-5 Trustees plus a Mayor. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Receipts for the month of January: CorTrust Bank, Interest, $.55; First State Bank, Interest, $490.02; Airport Interest, $6.90; Library Donations, $689.21; Midcontinent Communications, Franchise Fee, $252.46; Venture Communications, Franchise Fee, $169.53; State of SD, Sales Tax, $15358.59; Edmunds County, Taxes, $328.77; County Road & Bridge Tax, $3763.77; County Wheel Tax, $206.75; Liquor Tax Revision, $803.71; Rentals, $8320.00; Penalties and Interest, $12.15; State Shared Revenue, County Shared Revenue, $364.93;CJ’s, Lease, $650.00; CJ’s Inventory, $1000.00; Rubble Site Fees/Tax, $682.80; Misc. Revenue, $792.00; Cemetery, $0.00; Pet Licenses, $0; Water/Sys Maint/Late Fees/ Reconnects/Meter Deposit, $8621.19; Sewer/Late Fees, $5530.00; Hospital/Nursing Home, $823013.00.
The following claims were presented:
Hospital/Nursing Home/Clinic Wages 278925.15
City Financial Administration Wages 1755.00
Library Wages 1178.75
Streets Department Wages 1594.94
Water Department Wages 797.47
Sewer Department Wages 797.47
IRS/CorTrust Bank, N.A. Payroll Taxes 66098.06
Accounts Management Employee Payroll Deductions 272.18
AFLAC Employee Payroll Deductions 2069.26
Ameriprise Financial Employee Payroll Deductions 595.00
BHC Foundation Employee Payroll Deductions 356.14
Credico Inc Employee Payroll Deductions 93.44
Delta Dental Plan Employee Payroll Deductions 4647.94
Department of Justice Employee Payroll Deductions 115.38
Midwest Credits Inc Employee Payroll Deductions 193.44
Office of Child Support Enforcement Employee Payroll Deductions 401.54
Royal Neighbors Of America Employee Payroll Deductions 500.00
South Dakota Retirement Employee Payroll Deductions 1716.37
Secure Benefits Systems Employee Payroll Deductions 2705.58
VSP Employee Payroll Deductions 260.10
Washington National Health Insurance (Conseco) Employee Payroll Deductions 73.06
Wellmark Health Plans Employee Payroll Deductions 70046.92
A & B Business Equipment City-Office Supplies 19.95
ARC City-Shop 1442.08
Bowdle Building & Hardware City-Shop 154.25
Bowdle Healthcare City-February Payroll 13129.05
CNA Surety City- Surety Bond R.Gab 100.00
CorTrust Bank City-Safety Deposit Box Rent 15.00
Dakota Radio Group City-Bowdle Show 200.00
FEM City-Airport Utilities 58.00
Gab, Marjean City-1st Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00
Geier, Joe City-1st Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00
G & O Electric City- Fire Dept 1701.10
Kate’s Floral City-Administrative Misc 35.00
McLeod’s Printing City-Election Kit 36.80
Oxner, Jeff City-1st Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00
Montana-Dakota Utilities City-Utilities 2989.54
NCFE City-Supplies 56.67
Premier Equipment City-Shop 191.83
Pride of the Prairie City-Publishing 195.85
Runnings City-Shop Supplies 215.37
SD Dept of Revenue City-Water Sample Fee 15.00
Venture Communications City-Utilities 91.82
Visa City-Golf Cart Stickers/Library/District 6 Mtg 601.92
Web Water City-Water 4319.95
Weiszhaar, Scott City-1st Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00
A&B Business Solutions Admin-Maint/Svc Agreements/Supplies 1149.37
Ability Network Inc. Maint Info Tech 2118.00
ACTC Book & Subscription 90.00
American News Advertising 486.65
Amur Equipment Finance Inc Loan/Interest payable 3006.00
ARJO Supplies 184.43
Automatic Building Controls, Inc. Supplies 31.86
Avera Health ER/Pharmacy Main Contracts 5458.33
Avera Queen of Peace Admin Consultant Fees 81.90
Avera St. Lukes Professional Fees 34775.08
Baxter Healthcare Med Surg Svc Agreements/Supplies 1243.18
Beck Law Office Professional Fees 262.50
Beckman Coulter Lab Supplies 935.96
Bimbo Bakeries, Inc Nutrition 162.78
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc Lab Supplies 834.55
Bird & Cronin Inc. Patient Supplies 201.22
Bowdle Building & Hardware Maint Supplies/fixed equipment 7171.51
Bowdle, City of Water 999.40
Cardinal Health Rx Pharmacy-Drugs 39667.61
Cardinal Health Med Surg/Lab Supplies 2490.25
Carefusion 2200 Inc Pharmacy Supplies 363.52
Carefusion Solutions Pharmacy Supplies 492.00
Collaborative Operandi Architecture Construction in Progress 16480.60
Conlon, Joan Transcriptionist 1234.50
Conn, Shannon OT Mileage 92.40
CorTrust Bank Safety Deposit Box Fee 12.00
Dakota Broadcasting Admin Advertising 80.00
Dakota Radio Group Admin Advertising 570.00
Dakota Supply Group Maint Supplies 549.32
Department of Health Dues 300.00
Department of Revenue Lab Fees 42.00
Direct Supply Inc. Nursing Supplies 949.95
Division of Criminal Admin Recruiting 24.00
DMS Imaging Rad Pro Fees 2501.78
Drake’s Place Fuel/Supplies 581.89
Dr, John Ottenbacher Purchased Coverage 3600.00
E. Provider Solutions, LLC Subscriptions 665.62
Eberhart, Kristi L. Nutrition Food 112.50
Ecolab Dietary Maint Contract 361.44
Edmunds County Hope Brigade Advertising 50.00
Eide Bailly LLP Professional Fees 5550.00
Eisenbeisz, Miles Construction in Progress 4000.00
Emergency Medical Products Minor Equipment/Supplies 443.35
Erv’s Furniture Supplies 156.00
Fanning, Dana Radiology Prof Fees 500.00
Federal Express Corp Administration Postage 874.39
FFF Enterprises, Inc Pharmacy Supplies 3042.37
Fire Safety First Repairs/Maint 187.44
GE Healthcare Radiology Maint Contracts 263.50
G & O Electric Supplies 7.95
Grainger Plant Operations General Supply 422.26
Grau, Sharon Home Health Mileage 14.84
Hase Plumbing and Heating Plant Operations Repairs/Maint 4090.99
Jacobs, Karen Home Health Mileage 12.60
Jensen Rock & Sand Supplies 1350.52
Johnson Controls Maint Supplies 1938.00
Kaiser, Barb Lab Mileage 60.48
Kaiser, Lori Com Health Mileage 11.00
Kaiser, Melanie HH/PH Travel Reimb 454.76
Kates Floral Supplies 105.00
KCI USA Inc Surgical Supplies 1244.79
Ken’s Food Fair Nutrition Food 51.43
Kreisers, Inc Supplies 1115.38
Langs TV & Appliance Minor Equipment 819.98
McFee, Phillip Administration Purchase IT 534.70
Medibadge Radiology Supplies 27.92
Medical Information Technology Inc. Software 2531.00
Medical Review Consultant Med Surg Consultant Fees 89.00
Medical Waste Transport Maint-Garbage 536.61
Mehlhaff, Heather Home Health Mileage 57.68
Midcontinent Communication Maint-Utilities 205.00
Mobridge Tribune Advertising 64.40
Montana-Dakota Utilities Utilities – NH/Hosp 8006.24
Network Services Co NH/Housekeeping/Admin/Lab Supplies 2895.65
Northwest Blade Admin Adv Reimb 64.00
Northwest Blade Advertising 213.76
Olympus America, Inc Surgery Maint Contracts 556.27
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Lab Supplies 375.74
Owens & Minor Med Surg Supplies 5963.94
Oxner, Jeffrey Plant Operations repair/maint 2550.00
Patterson Medical PT General Supply 212.14
Peacock Imaging Radiology 1767.30
Petty Cash Supplies 123.89
Postmaster Bowdle Postage 56.00
Praxair Oxygen-Supplies 4274.99
Pride of the Prairie Admin Advert 448.56
Premier Equipment, Inc Supplies 12.45
Reuer Sanitation Garbage 556.00
Schlecht, Lora Nutrition Supplies 24.04
Schlechter, Sandra Administration Travel 50.40
Schnaible, Lydia HH Mileage 29.48
Selby Record Supplies 24.00
Servall Housekeeping Supplies 280.10
Siemens Healthcare Lab Supplies/Svc Agreements 2423.53
Titan Medical Holdings, Inc Purchase Lab Prof 8815.74
Town, Doris Refund 42.00
Turner Drug Drugs/Pharmacy Consultant 8650.63
Turner, Mary Travel 50.40
Ulrich, Melody Radiology Travel 141.12
Universal Hospital Services Inc Maint Contracts/Lease & Rental 1780.50
US Foodservice Dietary Food 5700.46
Venture Communications Telephone 2148.37
Vilas Nutrition Svcs Food 202.14
Visa Supplies/Equip/Seminarl 1282.98
Walz Carpet Cleaning Services 200.00
Wasenberger, Wayne Physician CME 523.50
Web Water Bottling Co Supplies 52.00
Zimmer, Mary Med Surg Travel Reimb 40.32
Zimmer, Myron Repairs & Maint 575.00
Motion by Kappenman, seconded by Thomas, to approve the payment of claims. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
CFO Brooke Heilman presented the January financial statements and statistics. They were reviewed by the council.
Motion by Thomas, seconded by Frankfurth to enter into Executive Session at 6:40 pm for Healthcare personnel matters. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Mayor Boschee declared Executive Session ended at 8:36 pm.
The CAH Annual Review was reviewed and a motion to approve by Thomas, seconded by Frankfurth. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Two bids were submitted for moving of the Community Health Clinic building. A bid from Herman House Moving from Aberdeen SD was for $16,250 and a bid from Milbank House Movers from Milbank SD was for 12,500. A motion by Thomas, seconded by Hardison to accept the bid for $12,500 from Milbank House Movers. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
CEO Sandy Schlechter informed the council that she is getting bids for the work in preparing the lot where the Community Health Nurse building will be relocated and she asked that these bids be opened and awarded at our March 20th special council meeting.
Motion by Thomas, seconded by Haar, to approve the following new hires: Julie Wolf, PT CNA, $12.49/hr.; Connie Goldade, PT Clinic LPN, $17.74/hr. All present voted yes. Motion carried. Mayor Boschee welcomes them to the facility.
A motion was made by Gab, seconded by Thomas to accept Resolution No. 2017-01 for clinic project. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
A resolution of the City Council of the City of Bowdle agreeing to apply for financial assistance with the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development to finance a Bowdle Healthcare Center remodel and new construction project. Be it further resolved that the City Council of the City of Bowdle authorizes the Mayor, or Hospital CEO to sign all documents relating to the USDA Rural Development loan and/or grant.
PASSED and APPROVED this 6th day of March, 2017
Attest: ______
Finance Officer
Steve Mohr, Corporate Construction Project Manager for Midcontinent presented to the council pictures of the new 16 X 30ft building they are going to construct due to outgrowing there current building. The white brick building will be tore down and the new building will be constructed and equipment switched over. This will cause no downtime of services for Bowdle. The current building will then be removed. Landscaping will be done so little or no maintenance will be needed. A motion was made by Gab, seconded by Kappenman to allow construction of new Midco 16 X 30ft building. All present voted yes. Motion carried. F/O informed Steve that a building permit needs to be completed and that she has the 1st quarter zoning board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 8th. A building permit was given to Steve to complete with plans to e-mail back so it can be approved at Wednesday’s Zoning Board meeting.
F/O informed the Council that she has not received the agreement from Clark Engineering to go forward with the 10th street project; however a motion was made by Kappenman, seconded by Gab to give permission to Mayor Boschee that when it comes that he can sign the agreement without calling a special meeting. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Bids were opened for the ceiling painting project at City Liquor Store. A bid from Jeff Oxner from Done Right Siding came in at $4,957 for labor and materials, Daren Fischer Painting for Labor and Materials of $3,270 and a bid from Curt’s Quality Carpentry for labor and materials of $4,875. Motion by Thomas, seconded by Haar to award the bid to Daren Fischer Painting of Eureka, SD. All present voted yes. Motion carried. Council asked F/O to get a proof of liability insurance from Daren to be kept on file.
F/O informed the council that due to the lack of certifications by their city employee the town of Tolstoy is looking for a Water/Wastewater system operator. Tolstoy’s F/O had called to ask if the city of Bowdle would be willing to sign an agreement to use Rodney’s certifications as their contract operator. This would involve Rodney traveling to Tolstoy to do their monthly water sampling and monitoring any problems and issues on a weekly basis. Tolstoy’s F/O did say that Tolstoy paid the previous contractor $50 a month. The Council decided not to go into agreement with Tolstoy at this time. F/O will call the town of Tolstoy and let her know of their decision.
Council made note of the following committee appointment changes – Airport, Building, Streets: Gary Frankfurth was added, Shane Hanson removed. Library & Museum: Marjean Gab was added, Ashley Schaefer removed. Zoning Board: Shane Hanson removed, a motion by Kappenman, seconded by Frankfurth to add R.Gab, motion by Hardison to add Thomas, and due to lack of a second, R. Gab was appointed to Zoning Committee. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Council member Kappenman gave a quick update of events at the library. In February Catherine Dominicak was hired as assistant librarian at $10/hr. Library board members are looking at doing a fundraiser and using our memorial/donation monies to replace the carpet. A fundraising thermometer was suggested to be placed in the window to show our progress in reaching our goal. The approximate cost to replace the carpet will be around $6,000 so we are looking at 4-5 years to reach our goal.
Leland Treichel was not available for the Elected Officials Briefing. F/O will contact him to see if he would want to come to our March 20, 2017 special meeting.
F/O presented the council with the January Statement of Accounts and Monthly Receipts, Year-To-Date Budget Worksheet and the water usage and loss report. They were reviewed by the council.
F/O presented and went over the 2016 Annual Report with the Council. Motion by Thomas, seconded by Frankfurth to approve the 2016 annual report as presented by the finance officer. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
F/O brought to the attention some delinquent water bill concerns. Both parties have moved away and rumors are that both residences are possibly being sold. The Council asked F/O to call Attorney Vaughn Beck for guidance in handling these concerns.
Equalization meeting will be held at 7:00pm on Monday, March 20th. Materials can be picked up next week Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday between 1:30pm-4:30pm at the equalization office in Ipswich. A special council meeting will be held following the equalization meeting.
The SDML District 6 meeting was discussed. A motion to approve 14 registrations was made by Thomas, seconded by Kappenman. All present voted yes. Motion carried. F/O will process a check for $364 and send to the SDML which is due by March 14th.