CSU-Channel Islands
Center for Integrative Studies
Call for Proposals (CFP): Summer Stipend for Interdisciplinary Grant Writing
Due Date: January 20, 2009 (5:00 PM)
Overview / Purpose of Award:
In support of the efforts of the Center for Integrative Studies (CIS) to encourage interdisciplinary teaching, scholarship, and creative activities, CIS will make available up to four (4) summer stipends of $2000 each to support interdisciplinary grant writing.
Faculty who receive stipends will be expected to work with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs as appropriate to the project: to identify appropriate sources of funding for interdisciplinary work, to consult with ORSP in understanding the application process, designing budgets, retrieving institutional data, and pre-proposal editing. Faculty members would also be expected to contribute their grant application to the ORSP library of applications for the benefit of future faculty grant writers. If the faculty member so wishes, CIS will support attendance at grant writing workshops held by the Ventura County Community Foundation. For more information about grant writing workshops please go to:
Applications are due January 20, 2009.
Awards will be announced by February 20, 2009.
Pre-tenured and tenured faculty are the primary audience for these stipends, though lecturer faculty will be accepted pending room or as part of teams. Faculty may apply for the grant as individuals or as members of a research team. Teams will split the award evenly between team members.
Expectations / Submission Procedures:
Applicants will be required to submit a cover sheet (see attached) and a brief (750 words or less) narrative. In your proposal narrative, please address the following items:
I) Grant Writing Experience: An account of your interest and/or experience with grant writing. What grant writing courses have you taken? What grants have you received? What grants have you applied for, but not received?
II) Grant Identification Methods: Your anticipated methods of finding current grants that will support integrative scholarship, research, creative activities, or teaching.
III) Goals and Anticipated Outcomes: Describe the interdisciplinary character of the work the grant is intended to support. Describe how grant funding would benefit both the researcher(s) and the university.
Awarded Grantees will be expected to present a copy of their grant proposal and/or acceptance letter along with a brief presentation of their work to the CIS Faculty Advisory Committee at the time the grant is submitted to the funding source.
Please submit 2 hard copies of proposals by 5:00 PM, January 20th, 2009 to Brad Monsma For questions, please contact Brad Monsma at 437-8948 or .
Evaluation standards:
Members of the CIS Faculty Advisory Committee will review proposals according to the following criteria:
How well does the applicant articulate his or her interest and/or experience in grant writing?
How well does the applicant articulate a plan to locate funding sources?
How well does the applicant articulate the appropriateness and fit of the funding source with their work?
How well does the candidate explain the character and benefits of their interdisciplinary work?
CSU-Channel Islands
Center for Integrative Studies
Summer Stipend for Interdisciplinary Grant Writing
Cover Page
Applicant Name:Applicant Program/Discipline:
Applicant Phone:
Applicant Email:
Brief Application Abstract (75 words):
Required Signatures:Faculty: / Date:
Chair: / Date:
Members of the CIS Faculty Committee who apply for this grant will recuse themselves from the evaluation process.