The present day building was refurbished, between 2011-2013. It is situated on Bank St Cupar in the Adamson Hospital Healthcare Campus site. There are two GP surgeries (Edenvilla & Banks St) a 23 bedded ward including 4 hospice beds, a treatment room centre which includes a variety of out-patient clinics, treatment centre, minor injuries and Podiatry. The Community Wing includes the Community Nurses, Health Visitors, Integrated Care and Support Services (ICASS) Hospital at Home, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Children’s Speech and language Therapists.

The practice population stands around 8000-10000 in both practices.

Both GP practices are recognised as a teaching practice taking medical students and physician assistants. The GP practices operate a paper-light system.

The District Nurses hold caseload notes which provide a more in-depth analysis of the health & nursing needs of patients. They also have computers which you can access while on placement.

There is a wealth of information available via the intranet system and which you are welcome to use, including a Resource Centre based at Cameron Hospital.

Edenvilla Practice has, 4 GP’s, 2 Practitioner Nurses, 2 Practice Nurses and 1 Health Care Support Worker.

Bank St Practice has 6 GP’s & 2 Practice Nurses.

The Locality name for the Community Nursing teams is either Edenvilla Practice or Bank St Practice.

The Community Nursing Team for Edenvilla & Bank St Practice includes, I District Charge Nurse, 3 Community Staff Nurses and 1 HCSW within each team. You will be allocated and introduced to your mentor on arrival.



The Community Nursing Teams are committed to providing a positive learning environment in which we aim to support students to deliver safe and effective person centred care.

We acknowledge the quality standards for practice placements and continually strive to meet them.

Our overall goal is that you achieve your practice learning outcome in a supportive environment appropriate to your stage of training and that you gain insight into the Primary Health Care Team and its objectives.

Above all, we hope you enjoy the experience but should you have any concerns, we actively encourage open discussion.


The Philosophy of Community nursing believes that:

Patients/Carers are unique individuals with physical, emotional, spiritual, social and cultural needs living in their own complex environments. Patients/Carers will be enabled to be nursed and supported within their own homes from Community Based Nursing Services.

Those individuals who temporarily or permanently require skilled professional nursing care and advice within the community will be offered a wide range of care. A holistic approach to care is given.Assessment will be given to all new patients by the District Charge Nurse within 24 hours of referral,

Every patient will be given the name of a District Charge Nurse responsible for his/her nursing care.

The influence of socio-economic, political and demographic factors on the planning care will be recognised and taken in to account.

Potential patients and carers will have legitimate right to refer themselves to the Community Nursing Service out with the formal structure, for assessment of nursing need. Any relevant information will be made available by the Community Nurse of the Primary Health Care Team.

Patient/Carer participation in planning of the delivery of care will be encouraged. Health promotion and education of patient/Carer will be the responsibility of the Community Nurse. Patients/Carers will then be enabled to make informed choices and maximise their own health potential.

Community Nurses draw upon a research based theoretical knowledge and experience to provide and advanced level of clinical nursing. They are proficient in the complex skills of the personal relationships, management and teaching.

Each member of the Community Nursing Team is accountable for his/her own practice and will work in a collaborative and co-operative manner with other Health Professionals recognising their contributions (reference NMC Code of Conduct)

The Code of Confidentiality is of a paramount importance in Community Nursing and must be observed by all members of the team (NMC Confidentiality)

Cupar Health Centre January 2017