Eddie Caffrey
SUBJECT/ ASIGNATURA / Humanities / Grade/ grado / 9
STUDENT/ ESTUDIANTE / Date/Fecha / September 2014
Task: Write an essay in response to the following question:
“Who is to blame for the demise of the Taino civilization on the island of Hispaniola in the years immediately following the arrival of Colombus and his men? “
You should make reference to the arguments put forth in the trial we performed in class.
You will be evaluated on criteria A and D. Your knowledge should reflect the depth of argument achieved in the trial and your critical thinking will be evidenced in how you justify apportioning blame and the connections you make to other periods and universal problems. Questions that may guide the latter include the following:
Was it inevitable that the Taino would suffer this fate?
Is it fair to apportion blame at all?
Did it remind you of other arguments or issues you have encountered?
How important are individuals in how siutaions develop and what forces constrict the decisions we are faced with on the ground?
Criterios de éxito (indicadores de desempeño)/ Success criteria
Date / Student reflection / Teacher’s commentsNiveles de desempeño / levels of performance
CRITERION A: KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING Maximum 8The task will assess your knowledge of a monarch from the 16th to 18th century. / Assessment
AL / Descriptor
1-2 / i. uses limited relevant terminology
ii. demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content and concepts with minimal descriptions and/or examples.
3-4 / i. uses some terminology accurately and appropriately
ii. demonstrates adequate knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through satisfactory descriptions, explanations and examples.
5-6 / i. uses a range of terminology accurately and appropriately
ii. demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through accurate descriptions, explanations and examples.
7-8 / i. consistently uses a wide range of terminology effectively
ii. demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through thorough, accurate descriptions, explanations and examples.
CRITERION D: Critical Thinking Maximum 8
This task will assess your ability to work in a pair and to present your work for a specific audience. / Assessment
AL / Descriptor. The Student:
1-2 / i. analyses concepts, issues, models, visual representation and theories to a limited extent
ii. summarizes information to a limited extent to make arguments
iii. describes a limited number of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose and recognizes few values and limitation
iv. identifies different perspectives and minimal implications.
3-4 / i. analyses concepts, issues, models, visual representation and theories
ii. summarizes information to make arguments
iii. analyses and/or evaluates sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing some values and limitations
iv. interprets different perspectives and some of their implications.
5-6 / i. discusses concepts, issues, models, visual representation and theories
ii. synthesizes information to make valid arguments
iii. effectively analyses and evaluates a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations
iv. interprets different perspectives and their implications.
7-8 / i. completes a detailed discussion of concepts, issues, models, visual representation and theories
ii. synthesizes information to make valid, well-supported arguments
iii. effectively analyses and evaluates a wide range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations
iv. thoroughly interprets rangeof different perspectives and their implications.
CE-GE-FT-96 Versión 4 Edición Octubre 2011