3rd Grade Monthly Language Arts/Social Studies Plans

February – African American History

February 1-5

Social Studies:3.1 The student understands how individuals, events, and ideas have influenced the history of various communities. 3.14 The student understands the role of heroes in shaping the culture of communities, the state, and the nation.

Reading Genre:Nonfiction/Biographies

Reading Skill:Visualizing & Inferring

Books:Literary nonfiction, Biographies

Writing Genre:Expository

Writing Skill:3.20 C 3.20 A Students are expected to create brief compositions that: (i) establish a central idea in a topic sentence; (ii) include supporting sentences with simple facts, details, and explanations; and (iii) contain a concluding statement.

Spelling/Phonics:prefixes (re-, un-, pre-, mis-)


February 8-12

B. Social Studies: 3.1 The student understands how individuals, events, and ideas have influenced the history of various communities. 3.14 The student understands the role of heroes in shaping the culture of communities, the state, and the nation.

Reading Genre:Nonfiction/Biographies

Reading Skill:Visualizing & Inferring

Books:Literary nonfiction, Biographies

Writing Genre:Expository

Writing Skill:3.20 A Students are expected to create brief compositions that: (i) establish a central idea in a topic sentence; (ii) include supporting sentences with simple facts, details, and explanations; and (iii) contain a concluding statement.


Grammar: subject & predicate

February 15-19

Social Studies: 3.1 The student understands how individuals, events, and ideas have influenced the history of various communities. 3.14 The student understands the role of heroes in shaping the culture of communities, the state, and the nation.

Reading Genre:Nonfiction/Biographies

Reading Skill: Author’s Purpose

Books/Text: Biographies, Text to Entertain, Text to Persuade

Writing Genre: Persuasive; letter writing

Writing Skill: Students will write a letter to advocate for change using persuasive language and details; letter writing

Spelling/Phonics: suffixes

Grammar: subject & predicate

February 22-26

Social Studies: 3.1 The student understands how individuals, events, and ideas have influenced the history of various communities. 3.14 The student understands the role of heroes in shaping the culture of communities, the state, and the nation.

Reading Genre:Nonfiction/Biographies

Reading Skill: Author’s Purpose

Books/Text: Biographies, Text to Entertain, Text to Persuade

Writing Genre: Persuasive; letter writing

Writing Skill: Students will write a letter to advocate for change using persuasive language and details; letter writing

Spelling/Phonics: oi, oy

Grammar: Knowing when sentences begin and end