B. Optom. II (Second) Year Annual Examination 2013-14

Course Code: BCO202 Paper ID: 0112143


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (4x5=20)

a) What are the different types of contact lenses? Discuss their uses.

b) Why accommodation decreases after the age of 40 years and what is the treatment for that?

c) Discuss uses of prism for the diagnosis and treatment.

d) What are the types of astigmatism and its management?

e) Describe refractive surfaces of eye and their refractive index.

f) Describe progressive lens and its utility.

g) Describe photopic and scotopic vision

h) What are the components of visual pathway. Describe them.

2. Answer the following: (2x5=10)

a) What are the various modalities of treatment of aphakia? Discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

b) What measurements are required for IOL power calculation and what is the significance?

c) What is spherical aberration? How it is controlled and corrected?

d) What is friends test and what is it’s significance?

e) Define anisometropia and its significance.

3. Four options of each question are given. Only one option is correct. Choose and write only correct option after writing question no: (1x10=10)

i) Blurring of vision for near work occurs in:

a) hypermetropia b) presbyopia

c) both of above d) none of above

ii) Optical condition of aphakia include all EXCEPT:

a)  loss of accommodation

b)  astigmatism against the rule

c)  enlargement of retinal image

d)  myopia

iii) Standard power of posterior chamber intra ocular lens is:

a) +20 D b) +10 D

c) +5 D d) +15 D

iv) Cylindrical lenses are prescribed in:

a) presbyopia b) astigmatism

c) myopia d) squint

v) A new born is invariably:

a) hypermetropic b) myopic

c) astigmatic d) aphakic

vi) Astigmatism is a type of:

a) axial ametropia b) index ametropia

c) curvature ametropia d) spherical aberration

vii) Optical condition of eye in which the refraction of two eyes differs is:

a) mixed astigmatism b) irregular astigmatism

c) anisometropia d) compound astigmatism

viii) Latent hypermetropia is detected when following mydriatic is used:

a) adrenalin b) phenyl ephedrine

c) cyclopentolate d) atropine

ix) Incident parallel rays come to a focus posterior to the light sensitive layer of retina in:

a) aphakia b) hypermetropia

c) both of above d) none of above

x) Type of lens used for correction of regular astigmatism includes:

a) biconvex lens b) biconcave lens

c) cylindrical lens d) none of above

4. Write down the answer of following: (2x5=10)

a) What is retinoscopy and its significance?

b) Define myopia and describe clinical features of myopia.

c) Draw labeled diagrame of optical system of normal eye.

d) Discuss various factors responsible for refractive status of eye.

e) Define anisokonia.What is its significance in refraction?

5. Write down the answer of following: (2x5=10)

a) What are the methods of measuring visual acuity?

b) What are the uses of cycloplegis in refraction?

c) What is the role of fogging in refraction?

d) What is objective and subjective refraction?

e) Draw ray diagrame of various refractive errors.

6. Write short notes on: (5+5)

a) Keratoconus

b) Types of Hypermetropia

7. Write in brief: (2x5=10)

a) Anisometropia b) Anisokonia

c) IOL power calculation d) Retinoscopy

e) Principal of snell’ls chart

8. Four options of each question are given. Only one option is correct. Choose and write only correct option after writing question no- (2x5=10)

i) Prisms are used to measure and to treat:

a) hetrophoria b) hetrtropia

c) both d) none

ii) Biconvex lens is used in all EXCEPT:

a) aphakia b) presbyopia

c) astigmatism d) hypermetropia

iii) Determination of refraction is done by all EXCEPT:

a) retinoscopy b) refractometer

c) keratometer d) perimeter

iv) Accomodation is maximum in:

a) childhood b) adulthood

c) middle age d) old age

v) Treatment of choice in aphakia:

a) spectacles b) contact lens

c) anterior chamber IOL d) Posterior chamber IOL