Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services of the ACT Inc. (MARSS)

Humanitarian Settlement Services (HSS) Local Area Coordination (LAC) Meeting

Minutes – 17 September 2014


Goulburn and Yass Campus,

Illawarra Institute, TAFE NSW.

Meeting start: 10:40am


PRESENT: Chris Taylor (DSS), Chad Ryan (DSS), Vaughan Cubitt (AFP), Lina Webber (AFP), Angela Ljubic (IMEC), Leon Williamson (TAFE), Janelle Lawson (TAFE), Janelle Brown (Hume Employment Services), Chrissy Lambert (Mission Australia), Miranda Robertson (VERTO), Carmel Eustice (Centrelink), Mananne Leonard (Centrelink), Daniel Coase (ACT Health), John Gunn (GMC), Todd Bourne (ACT Fire & Rescue), Rob Post (NSW Police), Christie Wallis (ACT No Waste), Karl Canty (St. Vincent de Paul Society), Megan Andrews (St. Vincent de Paul Society), Paul Fleming (TAFE HTP), Heni Jones (TAFE), Jeanie Vwineza (TAFE), Blen Mitku (TAFE), Gamze Gul Ekinci (TAFE), Ramuana (TAFE), Chhuanawma Lal (TAFE), Warren Jansen (MARSS), Skye Stranger (MARSS), Kaitlin Saunders (MARSS).

APOLOGIES: Angeles Gomez (DSS), Dewani Bakkum (MARSS), Vicki Wood (Care Financial), Luke Swaddling (APM), Laurel Rodrigues (ACT Education & Training Directorate), Sarah Wagener (Housing ACT), Michelle Byrant-Smith (Legal Aid), Jim Styles (Goulburn Malwaree Council).


·  None.


·  Previous minutes reviewed. Moved by Carmel Eustice - Multicultural/Prison Services Program Support Manager, Centrelink. Seconded by Chad Ryan - Multicultural Community Liaison Officer, DSS.


Janelle Lawson - TAFE Campus Manager & Leon Williamson - Head Teacher, General Education, TAFE.


Warren Jansen - HSS Program Manager, Skye Stranger - Senior HSS Case Manager & Kaitlin Saunders - HSS Case Manager.

·  Provided overview of MARSS programs. These include HSS, Settlement Grants Program, Migrant Support Services, Program for After School Studies, Employment & Training, Emergency Relief Fund, Community Development Program which encompasses English classes, computer classes, MARSS Learn to Drive and MARSS sports.

·  Explained the HSS program and current statistics - 32 active cases including 84 individuals. Some of these cases comprise large families. Three families are pending arrival. Many current clients are proposed by family members/links in Australia. Majority of clients are either Karen, Burmese, Syrian or Iraqi.

·  HSS Case Managers provide new arrivals with intensive settlement support. Services range from picking clients up from the airport to helping them settle in their new home.

·  An HSS client recently received a scholarship to participate in an outward bound training program aimed at enhancing leadership and life skills.

·  Housing remains a challenge although MARSS clients have been able to access accommodation options through the MARSS Investors Can Help project. New and improved accommodation options are constantly being sourced through HSS.

·  HSS client orientation continues to be successful with many clients attending more than one session in order to increase knowledge about key mainstream services. Orientation also includes regular excursions to key attractions to enable clients to better integrate into mainstream society. Excursions included a recent trip to Tidbinbilla. An afternoon at Floriade has been planned.

·  MARSS training programs - funded RTO’s are providing training to HSS clients for free in areas such as Disability Services, Certificate 2 in Community Services and Certificate 3 in Children's Services. Stakeholders invited to make client referrals.

·  MARSS Learn to Drive initiative is in high demand. A MARSS staff member has now been trained to carry out the Road Ready Course free of charge for MARSS clients.

·  MARSS celebrated World Refugee Day and the Eid festival with special functions in Canberra.

·  Other key MARSS functions for the year include the Diwali Festival and the MARSS Christmas Party.


Chris Taylor - Departmental Officer, HSS (ACT), SGP (ACT and Regions), Settlement and Multicultural Affairs, Department of Social Services.

·  MOG changes included transfer from DIAC to DSS.

·  Highlighted two programs including second action plan to reduce violence against women and children, and the stronger relationships trial.

Chad Ryan - Multicultural Community Liaison Officer, Settlement and Multicultural Affairs, Department of Social Services.

·  Explained role within DSS – to develop productive and collaborative relationships with multicultural communities, both established and emerging.

·  Meetings are being held in areas such as Griffith and Albury with stakeholders and clients.

·  Feedback provided to policy teams within DSS.

·  Happy to facilitate meetings with interested community groups.

Leon Williamson - Head Teacher, General Education, TAFE.

·  English classes accessed by variety of visa holders from almost 13 – 14 different countries.

·  Provided information about Home Tutor Program (HTP) run through TAFE.

·  HTP volunteers are provided extensive training including cultural orientation.

·  HTP volunteers mainly focus on conversation and providing information to students on basic life skills.

·  HTP through TAFE is very popular as it helps break down many social barriers experienced by students when integrating into mainstream society.

·  Assists students by creating pathways into vocational training in order to prepare for employment.

Paul Fleming - HTP Volunteer with TAFE.

·  Explained his role as a home tutor and detailed experience with students.

·  Assists students with conversation and the provision of information regarding basic life skills.

·  Has assisted HSS clients practice their English language skills outside a classroom setting.

·  Former HSS client and HTP client Ramuana spoke about his settlement journey and the progress he has made.

·  TAFE students Jeanie Vwineza, Blen Mitku and Gamze Gul Ekinci spoke about their progress at TAFE.

·  Jeanie Vwineza completed Certificate 3 in Employment and Training and is now doing Certificate 4 in Welfare.

·  Blen Mitku spoke of her experience learning English at TAFE and her plan to enter University.

·  Gamze Gul Ekinci also spoke of her experience learning English at TAFE and her plan to study psychology at University.

Angela Ljubic - Institute Multicultural Education Coordinator, NSW Department of Education and Communities.

·  Provided overview of role and spoke of her experience as a counsellor for TAFE.

·  Helps students navigate through employment pathways after they complete English classes. Also provides career advice.

·  Works on community projects and helps non-English speaking clients to apply for funding for various projects.

·  Provides cultural orientation training to TAFE staff.

·  Assists clients with process of obtaining recognition for their overseas qualifications when they arrive in Australia.

Chrissy Lambert - Sales Representative, Mission Australia.

·  Assists clients with long term employment solutions by sourcing suitable jobs.

·  Provides job prep services to clients and helps them gain access to potential employers.

·  Matches clients’ prior experience and educational background with suitable jobs.

·  Helps clients source employment in hospitality, aged care, disability sector and retails sector etc.

·  Provides extensive cultural orientation training for clients when entering the job market.

·  Can assist clients complete Working with Vulnerable People check for free.

·  Detailed unpaid work experience trial which helps prepare clients for work and gain a reference.

·  Case study on Congolese client who previously worked in aged care in her home country and is now working in a local aged care facility.


John Gunn - Director, Queanbeyan Multilingual Centre Inc. & Goulburn Multicultural Centre.

·  Assists around 100 SGP clients in Goulburn.

·  Many clients are currently looking for suitable employment.

·  Implementing four week job program for clients including cultural orientation and work place experience.

·  Spoke about career expo held together with TAFE, Mums and Bubs group, Zumba classes and youth-focussed programs for clients in Goulburn.

·  Provided brief on upcoming events planned through QMC in Goulburn.

Daniel Coase - Senior Manager, Multicultural Health Policy Unit, ACT Health.

·  Provided information on increased use of interpreters in health sector.

·  Informed of work being done to improve communications between all parties accessing health services including staff.

·  Developing resources aimed at helping refugee clients navigate the health system better.


·  Next LAC Meeting to be held in December in the ACT.

·  Meeting concluded at 12.40pm.