Mr. Louchheim


World History II is the second part of a two-year study of world history. Major units of study include the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Imperialism, the World Wars, the Cold War, and the World Today. The course emphasizes the non-western world and global interdependence. Through this study we will continue to build research, writing, and critical-thinking skills, as well as an appreciation of diverse cultures.

CLASS MATERIALS – Every day you will bring to class:

1.  Three-ring binder dedicated only to World History.

2.  Lined paper in your binder.

3.  Pen/pencil.

4.  Any homework and/or assignments due that day.

RULES OF THE ROOM – Almost every class will begin with a Warm-up Activity. You will need to enter the room on time and begin working on it right away. It may be helpful to look at the corner of your desk as a friendly cue of what to do. Overall, my classroom policies are the same as those outlined in your Student Handbook and the Hingham Public Schools Rules of the Road. No exceptions! In addition, here are some important classroom “DOs” and “DON’Ts”:


1.  Treat others with respect, especially when you have a different opinion. This is a classroom of openness.

2.  Raise your hand when you want to speak. But be forewarned that I will frequently call on students at random.

3.  Participate in class and offer your opinions about what we are discussing.

4.  Ask questions during class and/or come for extra help if you don’t understand something. I’m here to help and want you to succeed.

5.  Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.


1.  Be late to class. Remember, 3 tardies = 1 unexcused absence. I will be strict about enforcing this.

2.  Cut class. Any work that is due or assigned that day will be an automatic zero.

3.  Ask to go to your locker. Bring what you need to class!

4.  Interrupt class to ask to go to the bathroom unless it is an emergency. The best time to go is between classes or once the class is working on the Warm-up Activity. If I find you are frequently visiting the bathroom, we can schedule a meeting after school to make up for lost class time.

5.  Place limits on yourself or conform to other people’s false opinions of you. This class is a place of absolute acceptance.

HOMEWORK – Homework is important to create a foundation for the next day’s class, as well as to preview and/or review concepts and information. To receive a perfect score on a homework assignment, it must be neat, complete, thorough, and thoughtful. Homework can be turned in one day late for half credit; after one day, it will be recorded as a zero.

ASSIGNMENTS – All assignments, including homework, must be completed and ready to pass in at the beginning of class. Late assignments are marked down 10% per day.

MAKE-UP WORK – If you miss class due to absence, it is your responsibility to find out what you need to make up. Check with a classmate and/or the class website. Look at the lesson plan and complete any sheets that match up that day. For each day absent, you are granted one day’s extension, except for major papers/projects/tests, which are to be turned in/taken upon your return. In the case of an extended absence, please see me for arrangements.

ASSESSMENT – I grade on a cumulative point system. For example, a student who earned 550 points out of a possible 650 during the term would earn 550/650 = 85 = B. Listed below are the areas in which students are assessed, including approximate point totals:

1.  Homework/Quizzes: Homework is generally 10 points per assignment. I will also regularly give quizzes on homework readings, etc. that will usually be between 5-10 points.

2.  Warm-ups: I will randomly collect your open responses, class questions, notes, etc. Anywhere from 15-50 points.

3.  Tests/Papers/Projects: Range anywhere from 20-200 points.

My Availability – If you have a question, need help on any assignment, or would like to discuss your opinion of The Hunger Games book vs. the movie, my “office” door is almost always open to you before/after school in Room 294. While it is best to make an appointment in advance, feel free to drop by after 7:30am or before 3:00pm. If you miss me during the day, please feel free to e-mail me or write a note to me on EDMODO. Don’t wait until the last minute; open and honest communication with your teachers is a key to success.



Voicemail: 781-741-1560 ext. 2940

E-Note: www.edmodo.com find your class code on the website below:

Class website: http://mrlouchheim.yolasite.com/

I encourage you to share these Course Guidelines with your parent(s)/guardian(s). If either of you has any problems or concerns, please let me know. I look forward to working with all of you!