The Laurelton School
PS/ MS 156 Q
The Eagle Leadership Academy
229-02 137th Avenue
Laurelton, New York 11413
718 528-9173 fax 718 723-7720
Noreen Little Sheila Jackson Principal Assistant Principal
September 7, 2011
Dear Eighth Grade students and Parents/Guardians,
My name is Ms. Ross-Roden and I am the eighth grade science teacher for this 2011-2012 academic year. Please read through this letter thoroughly and return the attached acknowledgement signed by you and the student by Monday, September 12, 2011. (This is the first homework assignment).
Please have the following supplies by Monday, September 12, 2011:
· 1 marble composition notebook for notes ONLY and (4) folders with prongs (in class portfolio)
· 1 Marble notebook for in-class science journal
· Black and blue ink pens (4 each)
· #2 sharpened lead pencils (4 each)
· 1 pack colored pencils (or crayons)
· Loose leaf paper (20 sheets to remain in portfolio)
· (1) 2 pocket folder for communication between teacher and parent/guardian
· (1) 12” ruler with both centimeter and inch markings
Homework will be given EVERY night, including Fridays, weekends and holidays. ALL homework must be handed in the next day, UNLESS otherwise indicated or absent. Homework is simply practice of what is done in the classroom. Should you not understand the homework, the parent/guardian must provide a SIGNED note indicating so. ALL homework must be signed by the parent/guardian to receive full credit. Each assignment without a parent signature will result in a loss of 10 points. If you are absent, you have 24 hours to hand in all missing homework. Failure to do so will result in the grade of “0”.
There will be assigned at least 1 major project per quarter. It will consist of either a typed report or a display of a topic relating to science. Every student is required to complete the assigned project. If you do not complete any of the projects, labs, etc., you will receive a grade of “0” as well as fail for the quarter.
Exams will be given regularly. For the most part, they will be announced in advance, however, there will be times that they will not be announced. These exams will also be graded and averaged into the grade for the quarter.
Textbooks are the property of the New York City Department of Education and are merely on loan to the student. If the textbook is lost or damaged beyond future use, a fee is required to be paid before another text book is given out. The funds collected will be used to purchase replacement books.
The grading policy that will be used to calculate the grades are as follows:
* Homework Assignments 15%
* Exams 35%
* Projects/Labs 20%
* Class Work, Attendance, Participation, Notebook, Behavior 30%
Cheating is not allowed for any reason in the class. Cheating is defined as requesting assistance on an exam, homework assignment, etc., from another source, i.e. another student, notes “cheat sheets” or any of the kind. It is also defined as GIVING assistance by way of sign language, whispering or talking or use of any type of communication. If you are caught cheating, either giving information or receiving information, your paper will be confiscated. Parent/Guardian contact will be made AS WELL AS the citywide Standard of conduct will determine the action to be taken.
As a prerequisite for graduating, it is mandatory that each student in the eighth grade complete an ‘exit project’ for Science as well as take the Science Performance exam that will be administered sometime around April 2012. More information regarding both will be provided over the course of the year. Please note that the Exit Project for Science is MANDATORY and if it is not submitted in or the students does not produce a good grade, it will result in failure in Science and they MUST attend summer school before moving on to high school.
OPEN COMMUNICATION – STAYING INFORMED!Last year, we had a website through Scholastic. However, Scholastic no longer offers the class website. I have been able to create website for the 8th Grade Science students. To login, please visit: Here you will be able to view the calendar, see assignments and deadlines for everything in Science. I want to keep you informed of what is taking place in Science. Also, please be sure to provide an email address for the PARENT ONLY for communication from me.
I am looking forward to a very productive academic year. Should you need to contact me, please do so via a note through the student or you can email me at: .
Professionally Yours,
Ms. Francine Ross-Roden
Eighth Grade Science Teacher Room 327
The Laurelton School
PS/ MS 156 Q
The Eagle Leadership Academy
229-03 137th Avenue
Laurelton, New York 11413
718 528-9173 fax 718 723-7720
Noreen Little Sheila Jackson Principal Assistant Principal
September 7, 2011
Please complete the following form and return it with the student tomorrow:
OFFICIAL CLASS: ______Official Teacher: ______
Student’s email address (if applicable): ______
Relationship to student: ______
Home Phone #: ______Cell #______
Parent email address: ______
Relationship to student: ______
Home Phone #: ______Cell #______
Parent email address: ______
We acknowledge that we have read thoroughly the rules/regulations for Ms. Ross-Roden’s class.
Signature of student______Date: ______
Signature or Parent/Guardian ______Date: ______
Signature of Parent/Guardian ______Date: ______
2011-2012 Anecdotals per student: Ms. Ross-Roden (Science)
Name of Student:______Class______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______Tel. #:______
DATE / INFRACTION / Parent Response