Classroom Newsletter Week of May 2-6, 2016

Ms. Ballinger Gr. 2

Ketterlinus Elementary School

67 Orange Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084

PH 904.547.8540

Accelerated Reader (AR)
Hobbs now has over 200 AR points. His accomplishment is evidence of what is possible with perseverance and a commitment to set goals and take action to reach them.
May Birthdays
Annabelle and Jacob will celebrate their special days this month. Hope each day is filled with fun!
Summer Birthday Wishes
We have two summer birthdays: Olivia M.’s in July and Ashton’s in August. Early greetings go to both of these students as they turn another year older and wiser.

Upcoming Testing

May 3-18 (includes make-up days), our grade level will participate in DE testing for reading and math, as well as exams for special-area classes. You will be notified in Class Dojo of specific dates and times. Attendance and punctuality are important every day. Some tests are scheduled at 8:40. Students must be seated in the lab and ready to begin at that time. Tardy students will not be admitted into the lab after the testing starts. We want the children to be calm, confident, nourished, and well-rested. They’ve worked all year, and this is their chance to show what they have learned. Thank you for encouraging your child to have a positive mindset, and approach testing with enthusiasm.

Author’s Corner: More Poetry Inspired by Photos of Animals


by Emilia

I’m a lion.

Look at my mane.

Hear me roar!

You’ll see me in the


And I’d love to meet you!


by Rebecca

I am a koala.

I have gray fur.

I have a stubby tail.


I meditate

By the shores.

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