Grampian Health PlanConsultation Document And Supporting Consultation And Engagement Plan


In January 2009, the Grampian NHS Board agreed that the first three year Grampian Health Plan (GHP) to be produced, would focus on the period 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2013. The Service Strategy and Redesign Committee (SSRC) agreed the timescales for the development of the three year GHP, whereby a consultation document would be submitted to the Board in October 2009, with the final version of the GHP being submitted to the Board for approval in February 2010. These timescales wereendorsed by the Grampian NHS Board on the 7th April 2009.

TheGHP Consultation Documententitled,“What are your views on NHS Grampian’s proposed key priorities for the next three years?”and the supporting Consultation and Engagement Plan, have been developed with key stakeholders to the agreed timescales.


This paper accompanies the draft GHPConsultation Document and contains the supporting Consultation and Engagement Plan. These have been submitted to the Grampian NHS Board for approval.


1.0 Background

The Grampian NHS Board continues to endorse the GHP as the organisations overarching strategic plan. The purpose of the GHP is two-fold:

  • to support the organisation in the consistent management of complexity in relation to decision making and the growing expectations from those we serve. This function is even more critical with the current/future financially challenging climate.
  • to communicate to staff, the public and our partners, the organisations vision, the challenges we face and our key priorities.

At the Board Seminar on the 13th January 2009, it was agreed to defer the three year GHP by one year and to produce a one year GHP for 2009/10. Timescales for the development and agreement of the three year GHP, (focussing on 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2013) was agreed by the SSRC in March 2009, and then endorsed by the Board on the 7th April 2009.

Appendix 1, outlines the agreed timetable for the development of the GHP which is currently being worked to. It was agreed that the three year GHP would be developed and agreed in February 2010, whilst ensuring other key plans and strategies being developed/refreshed, are aligned to the agreed organisational direction and strategic themes.

2.0 Development of the GHP Consultation Document

The GHP Consultation Document has been:

  • developed with staff and members of the public, in addition to those members of the Executive Team who are leading on the organisations five strategic themes.
  • developed in relation to the staff and public pre-engagement sessions and the Public Health, ‘Health Needs Assessment for the Grampian Population’.
  • aligned to the agreed strategic objectives developed by the Executive Team, which also reflects the Health, Efficiency, Access and Treatment (HEAT) targets.
  • impact assessed and deemed equality and diversity sensitive.
  • tested and key messages refined through internal circulation and also via two web conferences.
  • read by some members of the Public Forum, to ensure it is fit for public circulation.
  • recommended by the Strategic Management Team (23rd September 2009) and the SSRC (24thSeptember 2009), for submission to the Board for final approval.

The content of the GHP Consultation Document is broken-down into six main sections, these are outlined below.

  • Advising the reader why NHS Grampian requires a health plan and the importance for people to advise what is important to them. Particular emphasis has been given to the challenges ahead and what this will mean to staff and the public.
  • Setting out what NHS Grampian does. This was highlighted several times during the public pre-engagement meetings as a gap in communication.
  • Explaining the vision and purpose of NHS Grampian.
  • Summarising what people said their concerns are (based on the pre-engagement meetings), the complaints/compliments received over the last year and also the current and future needsof the Grampian population, based on the recent population health needs assessment undertaken by the Public Health Directorate.
  • The proposed priorities for the next three years broken-down into the five strategic themes.
  • Advising public, staff and partners how they can have their say on the priorities outlined in the document.

A questionnaire has also been produced to complement the consultation document byproviding a means for structured feedback. This is one of the mechanisms for seeking feedback, the others are outlined on page 23 of the GHP Consultation Document.

The draft GHP Consultation Document has been circulated to key stakeholders internally on several occasions and revised accordingly. The version submitted to the Board will undergo further amendments based on the following:

  • commentsfrom Board members.
  • inclusion of finalised information for example, patient stories, e-mail addresses and dates for public consultation meetings.
  • proofreading.

3.0 Process For The Development of The GHP Consultation And Engagement Plan

Supporting the proposedGHP ConsultationDocumentis theGHP Consultationand EngagementPlan, whichhas been developed with the Corporate Communications Team and representatives from the four sectors. This plan is contained within appendix 2 and sets out the key actions to be taken to increase awareness of the GHP Consultation Document and the various mechanisms for staff, the public and partners to provide their views on the proposed priorities. Confirmation of some dates and venues for the staff and public consultation meetings were outstanding at the time of submitting this plan to the Board.

A key feature of the GHP Consultation and Engagement Plan, is the number of consultation meetings arranged for both staff and the public. All staff GHP consultation sessions are to be integrated with other key pieces of work which individual sectors wish to engage staff on. In addition to the staff sessions, the Face2Face events being held over the next few months will also contribute to the consultation process.

With regards to the public sessions, there are at least six sessions planned across Grampian. Like the staff sessions, the Community Health Partnerships are planning to incorporate other pieces of local workin which they specifically wish to engage the public.

Supporting both the staff and public consultation meetings will be a generic presentation. This will include examples of local developments, challenges and good practicein order to set a meaningful context, but also to ensure the GHP is not seen as a separate entity.

The GHP Consultation and Engagement Plan has been recommended by both SMT and SSRC, prior to being submittedto the Grampian NHS Board for approval.

Key Risks

Key risks associated with failing to appropriately consult with staff, the public and partners on the key priorities for the three year GHP commencing 1st April 2010 are:

  • a failure to communicate, involve and provide opportunities for staff, the public and partners to shape the forthcoming GHP.
  • staff and the public may be unaware of the challenges facing NHS Grampian and the proposed strategic priorities to manage such challenges. This may result in a lack of common purpose and direction, and create potential dissonance between NHS Grampian’s objectives and priorities, and public expectations.
  • that the public form a disproportionate view of the impact of the financial challenges facing NHS Grampian and fail to recognise the range of quality services provided on a daily basis.

In addition to the above specific risks, the impact of a pandemic flu outbreak would be expected to substantially limit the impact of the GHP consultation process.


The GHP remains critical in setting out the direction, challenges and priorities to staff, the public and partners. At the Grampian NHS Board meeting held in April 2009, it was agreed that the first three year GHP would focus on the period 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2013. As per the agreed timescales, a GHP Consultation Document has been produced, along with a supporting consultation plan which sets out the various mechanisms in order to seek feedback from staff, the public and partner organisations on the key messages contained within the consultation document.

Ensuring appropriate consultation and engagement of the key messages and prioritiesfor the health plan is critical in order to ensure that a robust Grampian Health Plan for 2010-2013, is submitted to the Board in February 2010 for final approval. The GHP Consultation Document and the GHP Consultation and Engagement Plan, have been recommended by both SMT and SSRC for submission to the Grampian NHS Board meeting for final approval.


Members of the Board are asked to approve the:

  1. GHP Consultation Document, noting this is subject to minor changes.
  2. supporting Consultation and Engagement Plan, noting that some meeting dates/venues require to be confirmed.


David Sullivan, Director of Planning and Lorraine Scott, Service Planning Lead for Public Health and Planning

Date Produced

29thSeptember 2009

Contact Person

Lorraine Scott, Service Planning Lead for Public Health and Planning

or 01224 558431 (extension 58431)

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Appendix 1

Agreed Development Plan For the Grampian Health Plan For 2010/11 to 2012/13

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Appendix 2

Consultation and Engagement Plan For The Grampian Health Plan

Consultation Document


This plan sets out a consultation and engagement process for the Grampian Health Plan (GHP) Consultation document. The next GHP will be a three year plan focussing on the period 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2013 which will set out the challenges, priorities and key actions that NHS Grampian will take to:

  • improve the health of people in the North East of Scotland and beyond
  • provide high quality services for our patients
  • help people choose the best ways to look after their health

In April 2009, the Grampian NHS Board agreed that the three year GHP would be developed to specific timescales, which were:

  • submission of GHP Consultation document to the Board for approval in October 2009
  • consultation from Mid-October to Mid-December 2009
  • submission of the final draft GHP to the Board for approval in February 2010.

A series of pre-consultation meetings with public representatives and staff took place during the period September 2008 to September 2009, in order to inform the development of the GHP Consultation document.

Aims of the Consultation and Engagement Plan

The aim of this plan is to engage widely with staff, patients, carers, the public and partner organisations, to communicate and seek feedback on thekey messages outlined in the GHP Consultation document.

During Mid-October to Mid-December 2009, members of the Executive Team (supported by others) will commence a programme of meetings with staff, public and partners to discuss and seek feedback on the key messages within the GHP. This will shape the final GHP which aims to be approved in February 2010.


  • To raise awareness of the vision and values, challenges and the key priorities for NHS Grampian for the period 2010 to 2013,by widely circulating the GHP Consultation document to staff, public and partners.
  • To gain feedback from staff, public and partners on the key messages outlined in the GHP Consultation document by making available a variety of feedback methods and mechanisms.
  • To ensure the GHP for 2010 to 2013 agreed by the Board in February 2010, reflects the views and priorities expressed as appropriate.
  • To reduce the barriers to anyone participating in the discussions about the GHP Consultation document, and that all views expressed are given equal consideration.

Methods/Mechanisms For Raising Awareness And Seeking Feedback

We will use a range of methods to gather views and help shape and inform the key messages communicated in the final GHP. We will ensure there are minimal barriers to people contributing to the discussions and will use alternative formats where required and ensure venues used are accessible.

The principle methods will be:

  • Production and distribution for comment a GHP Consultation document, accompanied by a feedback questionnaire. Distribution methods are outlined in appendix A.
  • A series of presentations and discussions with communities across NHS Grampian area, staff groups and services. (please see appendices B and C)
  • Various mechanisms in place to facilitate feedback such as feedback questionnaire (paper-based and electronic), e-mail, text, open sessions etc.
  • Ensuring other engagement/consultation meetings such as the Face2Face staff sessions, feed into the GHP consultation process, as appropriate.

A generic GHP consultation presentation for both the public and staff sessions will be produced. This will include examples of local developments, challenges and good practice in order to set a meaningful context, but also to ensure the GHP is not seen as a separate entity.

Potential risks

It is important to agree a consultation and engagement plan which is deliverable within the agreed timescales and in view of possible constraints; for example the need to keep costs proportionate and the impact of a pandemic flu outbreak which may impact on delivering aspects of this plan.


Costs of supporting the consultation and engagement process will be kept to a minimum by:

  • raising awareness via existing mechanisms e.g. newsletters, websites, NHS News etc.
  • wide electronic circulation and appropriate circulation of hard copies of the consultation document through a targeted approach.
  • ensuring public sessions, where possible are linked to Public Partnership Forum meetings.
  • ensuring staff sessions regarding the GHP consultation document are integrated with involvement/updates in relation to other local developments, this will ensure the meetings are meaningful and staff time is maximised.
  • using NHS or public sector venues, and where this is not possible (availability/access etc) costs are kept to a minimum.


A GHP consultation document has been produced and various mechanisms have been agreed in order to raise awareness and provide a variety of mechanisms for staff, the public and partner organisations to provide feedback on the key messages contained within the document.

Ensuring appropriate consultation and engagement of the key messages (vision, challenges and priorities) of NHS Grampian’s health plan is critical in ensuring that a robust Grampian Health Plan for 2010-2013 is submitted to the Board in February 2010 for final approval.

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Appendix A

High Level Consultation and Engagement Action Plan For The GHP Consultation Document

Ref. No. / Stakeholders / Topic or Details of Actions
(What are you planning to do) / Desired Outcome/Risk Management / Achieved By: / Responsible Lead/s / Achieved?
1. / Patients/
Public /
  1. Circulate to PFPI Groups/CHP Forums.
  2. Ensure Document is available to the public via the NHS Grampian Website.
  3. Raise awareness of Documentand public events via NHSG Public Newspaper.
  4. Hold open public events in locations across Grampian
/ To raise awareness of the Consultation Document and the key messages from NHS Grampian.
To provide patients/public with various opportunities for engagement and to provide their views on the key priorities. /
  1. Mid Oct 09
  2. Mid Oct 09
  3. Next Edition
  4. Mid Dec 09
  1. L Dodds
  2. K McKinnon
  3. L Scott/L Middleton
  4. Sector Leads/L Scott/PFPI Officers
/ a.
2. / Staff Groups /
  1. Raise awareness via e-mail bulletin.
  2. Raise awareness via Team Brief.
  3. Raise awareness via Upfront Newspaper.
  4. Ensure the Document is accessible via the NHSG Intranet and Hi-net.
  5. Circulation of Document electronically via sectors and directorate leads.
  6. Hold various open staff sessions in locations across NHS Grampian
  7. Circulate Document electronically to various Committees and Groups asking for their views.
/ To raise awareness of the Consultation Document and to ensure the Document is accessible to frontline staff across NHS Grampian.
To provide staff with various opportunities for engagement and to provide their views on the key priorities. /
  1. Mid Oct 09
  2. End Oct 09
  3. End Oct 09
  4. Mid Oct 09
  5. Mid Oct 09
  6. Mid Dec 09
  7. End Oct 09
  1. L Scott/E MacDonald
  2. L Scott/ E MacDonald
  3. L Scott/L Middleton
  4. L Scott
  5. GM/Directors
  6. Sector Leads/L Scott
  7. L Scott/Exec Team/SPLs
/ a.
3. / External/
Partner Organisations /
  1. Circulation of electronic and hard copies and accompanying letter to Local Authorities, Voluntary Organisations and other partner organisations.
  2. Attend meetings of partners as requested in order to provide opportunities for feedback on the proposed priorities.
/ To raise awareness of the Consultation Document and to ensure the Document is accessible to partners.
To provide partners with various opportunities for engagement and to provide their views on the key priorities. /
  1. End Oct 09
  2. Mid Dec 09
  1. L Dodds
  2. Exec Team/ Board Members
/ b.

Appendix B

Plan For Public Consultation Meetings Re Grampian Health Plan

Location / Date & Time / Venue / CHP Staff / Exec Staff
(Civic Forum/Open Meeting) / TBC – First Week In November 2009
Evening / Summerfield House / Heather Kelman / TBC
AberdeenCity – Young People / TBC – Second Week In November 2009
Evening / Summerfield House / TBC / TBC
AberdeenCity – HealthVillage Open Day / TBC / TBC / Jackie Bremner / TBC
North Aberdeenshire / 19th November 2009
Afternoon / TBC, Peterhead / Agnes Taylor
Robin Gatenby
Jack Stuart
Mark McEwan / TBC
Central Aberdeenshire
(link with PPF meeting) / 13th November 2009
Afternoon / Hopeville Social Club, Inverurie / Lorna Watt
Jack Stuart
Mark McEwan / TBC
South Aberdeenshire
(link with PPF meeting) / 24th November 2009
Morning / Crathes Hall, Banchory / Norma Buschmann
Mark McEwan / TBC
(link with PPF meeting) / ?17th November 2009
Evening / TBC, Elgin / Andrew Fowlie
Elaine Brown
Anne Griffin / TBC

Appendix C