Zhenzhen ZHENG is currently a professor at Institute of Population and Labor Economics, ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences. Before that she was associate professor at PekingUniversity.She served as a consultant in the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group of Department of Reproductive health and Research, WHO, during 2006-2011. She is currently a member of IUSSP and council member of China Population Association.
Zhenzhen ZHENG received her Ph.D. in demography from PekingUniversity, and she also holds MS in medical informatics and MS in statistics. Her research interests including statistical demography, population and gender studies, and social science research in reproductive health.Her current research focuses on fertility intention and childbearing behaviour, migration and rural women’s development, migration and health vulnerability, as well as youth reproductive health programmes.
Major publication in English:
Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2011). Women’s Empowerment in Reproductive Health in China. In: Zhang, Kaining edt. Sexual and Reproductive Health in China. Brill.
Zheng Zhenzhen, et al. (2009) Below-Replacement Fertility and Childbearing Intention in Jiangsu Province, China. Asian Population Studies, 5: 3, 329-347.
Liao, Shaohong and Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2009). The Impact of Demographic Change to Labor Supply in China. In: Cai Fang edt. Population and Labor Economics Yearbook. Brill.
Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2007). Interventions to Balance Sex Ratio at Birth in Rural China. In: Isabelle Attane and Christophe Z. Guilmoto edt. Watering the Neighbour’s Garden: The Growing Demographic Female Deficit in Asia. CICRED.
Connelly, Rachel and Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2007). School Enrollment and Graduation Rates in Western China Based on the 2000 Census. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 5(2), 147-61.
Zheng Zhenzhen and Lian Pengling. (2005). Health Vulnerability among Temporary Migrants in Urban China. Paper presented at XXV International Population Conference, 18-23 July 2005, Tours, France.
Zheng Zhenzhen. (2005). Reform of Evaluation Indicator System and RH/FP Services. China Population Today, (2): 4-5.
Lou, Binbin, Zheng, Zhenzhen, Connelly, Rachel and Roberts, Kenneth, (2004). The Migration Experience of Young Women from Four Counties in Sichuan and Anhui. In: On the Move: Women and Rural to Urban Migration in Contemporary China, Ed. Arianne M. Gaetano and Tamara Jacka, ColumbiaUniversity Press.
Connelly, Rachel and Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2003). Determinants of School Enrollment and Completion of 10 to 18 Year Olds in China. Economics of Education Review, 22, pp.379-388.
Zheng Zhenzhen, Zhou Yun, et al. (2001). Sexual behavior and contraception use among unmarried young female migratory workers in 5 cities of China. Reproductive Health Matters, (17-May):118-127.
Major publication in Chinese:
Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2013). The changes of temporary migrants in China and policy implication. Chinese Journal of Population Science, (1): 88-97.
Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2011). Studies of Fertility Desire and Implication. Academia Bimestrie, (1): 10-18.
Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2010). Family Planning and Reproductive Health: a Review of 60 Years’ Experience of China and 15 Years since ICPD. Almanac of China’s Population, 2010.
Zheng, Zhenzhen, et al. (2009). A Study on the Cost and Benefit of Childbearing in the Context of Low Fertility: Findings from Jiangsu Survey. Chinese Journal of Population Science, (2): 93-102.
Zheng, Zhenzhen, et al. (2008). A Study of the Childbearing Desire with a Low Fertility Rate. Jiangsu Social Sciences, (2): 170-177.
Translation from English to Chinese:
Preston, Heuveline, and Guillot. (2001). Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population processes. Chinese translation published by Social Sciences Academic Press, 2012.
N. Keyfitz. (1985). Applied mathematical Demography. Chinese translation published by Huaxia Publishing House, 2000.