Friends of the Westbrook and Stonebridge Pond

Draft Minutes, Annual General Meeting, 19th September 2017, 7.30pm at The Guildhall, Faversham

Attending: David Grzywacz (Chair), Anna Stonor (Secretary), Peter Ehmann, Louise Lees, Jenny Pimlott, Jenny Davis, Chris Oswald-Jones, Nigel Sherratt, John Clarkstone, Bob Gomes, Maureen Wale, Fern Alder, Tim Stonor, Barrie Parkhouse, Jacob Finch, Beth Holness

Apologies:Fiona Crossfield, Kate Silver, Sarah King, Simon Stevens, Sue Akhurst, Jean Foreman, Clive Foreman, Pat Poynter, Jerry Poynter, Mike Henderson, Tiffany Henderson, Simon Henderson, Mike Cosgrove, Tracey Harris

  1. David welcomed all to the meeting in the Guildhall.
  2. Anna read out apologies as set out above.
  3. Minutes of the AGM 2016 were agreed with corrections from Chris Oswald-Jones (spelling of Simon Algar’s name andTourist Information Centre is the Visitors Information Centre).
  4. Chair’s Report:
  5. Continued to have monthly stream clears and people in the town are appreciating what we do. Theamount of litter is much reduced but we are struggling with bankside and instream vegetation. The top end of the stream is dry at the moment, which may be an opportunity to get on top of vegetation.
  6. The major new project in the last year has been to organise the consents, funding and implementing the installation of stakes and faggot bundles at the footbridge near the Knole and Beech Close. All thanks to those involved. The aim is to narrow the stream to create and more dynamic and biodiverse habitat – recreating more stretches of chalk stream flow combined with islands and banks of native water plants. At the moment the low summer flows have prevented us seeing the full impact of this work but with winter rains and higher flows this should become more evident. We hope to continue this is other locations along the stream in the year to come.
  7. We have currently 32 paid up members and support from around 110 friends. This is a fall from last year’s 42 members and it would be good to turn this around and build up membership again. In particular, we would like more support for the committee posts – most importantly for fundraising as well as to help move forward the capital works project.
  8. We do hope that members will renew their membership this year – there is a minimum fee of £1 but we happily accept donations of up to £5 each or more if you feel so inclined!
  9. The website is progressing with more information plus updates and details of future events.
  10. We continue to promote the leaflet ‘A WALK ALONG THE WESTBROOK AND STONEBRIDGE POND’ at such events as Open Gardens and the leaflet is sold at the Fleur de Lis visitor information centre for 30p
  11. Income this year has included money from the Rotary Club (£500), Localism Funds (Cllr Cosgrove, £136), funds raised at Open Gardens (tea and cake sale and donations £252), membership fees (£166) and donations. Thanks to Cllr Cosgrove for contribution to insurance which needs to be funded each year and to Rotary Club for their donation. We have been asked to speak about the work of the Friends group to the Rotary in December.
  12. The 2 swans on the pond have successfully raised 6 signets this year – a very positive sign.
  13. We continue to work positively with Swale Borough Council and it is important that we continue to do this and ensure Swale and others fulfil their commitments. We have also received much support from the Medway Swale Estuary Partnership and Anna sits on their Catchment Improvement Group.
  14. Japanese Knotweed continues to be treated by Swale. [Jenny Davis concerned that treatment isn’t working as well as it should. Fern asked if they were using injection method. Jenny is happy to meet with Graeme Tuff/the contractors on 16th October to show them where JK is located.]
  15. David, Anna and Mark Loos attended the Funding Forum (organised by Helen Whately MP) about heritage lottery funds for groups such as ours. This could be useful for complex packages of work. A sub group would be needed to organise application as there are lots of hoops. Projects could include signage, information and water flow.
  16. Anna and Jean Foreman attended Invertebrate Training run by the EA and the Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership. David is keen to do more survey work and to present results in innovative ways.
  17. David thanked Paul Fowler for the use of his image of the stream on the Wander round the Westbrook leaflet and for the use of the image of Stonebridge Pond for the cards he recently produced for sale especially for us, with all profits going to the Friends of the Westbrook & Stonebridge Pond.
  18. Stream clears continue to be once a month – regularity seems appropriate and manageable.
  19. This year we have taken part again in the RHS scheme Faversham In Bloom. Judging results are awaited.
  20. Finally, David thanked everyone involved in the Westbrook, all volunteers and committee, as well as Mark Loos and Louise Smith.
  21. Post meeting notes to add to Chair’s Report:
  22. Some new equipment has been purchased including waders, gloves and larger size buoyancy aids.
  23. A small section of wildflower meadow (Emorsgate Cornflower mix) was sown near Chart Mills. It was successful, attractive and popular. We can monitor it to see how it reseeds next year. It could easily be extended in future years.
  1. Future projects and open discussion:
  2. Tim Stonor mentioned that Mike Cosgrove has some funds to clear rubble under West Street bridge. David to remind Mike of this. Jenny Davis thanked Mike Cosgrove for his help organising the JK’s clear last year.
  3. A discussion about the dry stream took place. Peter Ehmann, who works for the EA, explained that this area is still below normal water levels, despite a wet August. He explained that summer rain gets soaked up by trees and evaporates so does not recharge aquifers. We had a dry winter and spring this year, but recharge should happen around November. John Clarkstone explained that the stream had been dry for 6 years (continually?) before. Chris Oswald-Jones suggested a kids’s party in the dry bed to drum up support, although Jenny D and Fern thought this might be quite muddy. Tim saw the dry stream as an opportunity to clear the area around the footbridge of unsightly bricks (move to side) etc, leaving flints etc in the central, exposed area. David suggested that this should be tackled at next stream clear with 2 parties, one at Flood Lane and one at the footbridge.
  4. Jenny Pimlott offered to push leaflets through letterboxes promoting stream clears.
  5. Louise asked if evening meetings to be at 8pm instead of 7.30pm and stream clears to start at 11am or afternoons instead of 10am. Group agreed 8pm evening starts but quite like 10am Sunday starts but agreed that some Saturday and afternoon starts (eg for capital works) should be used to attract a different (and maybe younger!) crowd.
  6. Jenny P asked if she would be covered by insurance if she did a litter pick outside of an organised meeting and Anna confirmed she would be.
  7. We need to organise a date for next capital works day as we have funds for a new section– a Saturday agreed as best. Equipment and tools include: mels, fencing pliers, saws, long-handled saw and loppers would be needed. Fern has a potential source for faggot bundles. Mark Loos also has some of these which we could use.
  8. Jenny P mentioned the enormous maple on the stream near her house and asked what we can do with this as it is heavily shading the stream. Chris Oswald-Jones said he would speak to Kevyn at KCC about this as he is due to meet her soon to discuss the willow tree.
  9. Tim stressed need for help to get ready beforehand and put away after stream clears.
  10. Help with fundraising still an issue. Kate Silver had formerly expressed an interest in fundraising – Anna to ask her about this with regards the Westbrook.
  11. Anna to promote sale of Paul Fowler’s cards.
  12. Bankside vegetation – controlling this has become a problem. It was therefore suggested that we continue to work with Swale and their contractors on this. Anna to ask Graeme if one autumn and one early spring clearance by Blenwood could be accommodated by Swale, with summer and winter growth to be left to management by the group. The Friends of the Westbrook to continue to manage the in-stream vegetation.
  13. Signage – Anna is due to meet with Laurence and Mark about a funding application to Queenborough Fisheries Trust about this. Chris Oswald-Jones mentioned that he is doing a survey of interpretation boards and who owns which ones. He suggested that Faversham Town Council may take on responsibility for co-ordinating and maintaining signs
  14. Fish & Eel passes. Eel have been seen in Stonebridge Pond. Peter Ehmann informed the group about the eel regulations and the technical requirement for Swale to provide eel passes. Bob has spoken to the EA about this and thinks passes should be easy to install. A survey should be undertaken next April/May and installation could take place after this.
  15. Continue to carry out Risk Assessments for stream clear activities and arrange insurance for group activities through Tennyson Insurance (Zurich policy).
  1. Treasurer’s Report (In Simon’s absence this was given by Anna. It was agreed that 2 people from the committee should check/audit accounts)

A summary of receipts and payments for the year is provided below. Our closing balance has increased on last year again, due primarily to continued support from the Localism Fund (for insurance), donation from the Rotary Club and fundraising.

As our plans to develop the Westbrook Stream and Stonebridge Pond progress, we would benefit from an expanded effort on (targeted) fundraising. Members interested in supporting this are encouraged to volunteer.

Minimum membership fee for the coming year remains £1.00, with a suggested donation of £5.00 per member. For those so inclined, we are happy to receive additional membership contributions beyond that also and have benefited from this in the past year! Please pay your membership fees either at the AGM or pop them in an envelope and post them into 46 Tanners Street (Anna’s house).

Receipts and Payments: Year ended 31 August 2017


Balance carried forward from 2015-16 572.72


Membership fees 166.00


Localism Fund 135.85

Faversham Rotary Club 500.00

Open Gardens teas and donations252.30

Net interest on account 0.77



Insurance 135.85


Donation to Allotments 30.00

Printing leaflets 78.90

Capital works 375.00



£125.00 (Capital works) + £37.50 (Paul Fowler cards) bills due but not yet received and will go into next year’s accounts.

  1. Election of the Committee. The committee stood down and the following appointments were made:
  2. Chair – David Grzywacz
  3. Vice Chair – vacant
  4. Secretary – Anna Stonor
  5. Treasurer – Simon Henderson
  6. Communications/Press – vacant
  7. Fundraising – Tiffany Henderson (to be confirmed as Tiffany was not able to attend the meeting and see note in 5i above)
  8. Mapping – Tim Stonor and Nigel Sherratt
  9. Capital Works Sub-Committee – Peter Ehmann, Nigel Sherratt, John Clarkstone, Tiffany Henderson (to be confirmed as Tiffany was not able to attend the meeting)
  1. AOB
  2. Louise suggested we could raise funds by doing a sponsored event
  3. Fern told the group that Ospreys are around at the moment along the stream
  4. Barry asked if the group could lobby to have a new dog bin installed by the footbridge
  5. Bob spoke about the problem of siltation on the pond. With the assistance of Mike Cosgrove, a survey had been done which revealed 3m of silt and 20cm of water in some places. Swale Borough Council have taken this on board and are testing silt. This is a difficult problem as even if the silt was removed it is difficult to dispose of it. This problem does not have a straightforward solution.
  6. Nigel mentioned swans and whether they should be fed over winter. The group agree to leave them alone.
  7. Chris OJ reminded group of the bread v. grain as duck food issue. Anna to discuss this with Mark and Laurence as item for signage and will put Chris’s links on the website.
  8. Outstanding items from AGM 2016:
  9. Formally writing to MSEP to thank them for all their help – logo, leaflet, support
  10. During stream clears the Hendersons have noticed many people with stories to tell of the stream and how it used to be and it was considered a good idea to collect these as a ‘Memories of the Stream’ project.
  11. Date of next meeting – to be arranged as needed.